

Do sums before you bequeath shares to your children in your will

What are the tax implications of leaving shares in your will to your children – will they have to pay capital gains tax (CGT) on the transfer or will it be charged to the estate?

Death does not trigger CGT unless your heirs are a non-resident for tax purposes at the time you die – it simply transfers the liability to the beneficiaries who will pay no capital gains tax until they dispose of the asset.  When they do dispose of the asset, CGT will be payable on the difference between the selling price and the cost base.  If you bought the shares after September 19, 1985 they will inherit your base cost, if they were acquired pre-1985 their cost base will be market value on the day you die. For example, if you had shares that you bought in 1999 for $50,000 and they were worth $150,000 at the date of your death, the base cost for the beneficiaries would be $50,000.  If you had bought them in 1984, the cost base for the beneficiaries would be $150,000.

It is important to involve the family when making a will. In some cases, it may be better off for tax purposes for the estate, or even the will-maker while still alive, to cash in the shares and then leave cash to certain specified beneficiaries, but leave other shares to other beneficiaries. Ideally keep pre-1985 assets as long as you can, but it might be a good strategy to sell some post-1985 shares to offset any capital losses you have – your capital losses cannot be used by your estate.  However, the estate is entitled to the tax-free threshold for the first three tax returns after your death, so it might be in a lower tax bracket than you and better able to absorb the capital gain. It's a matter of doing the sums.   

We are both 68 and receive a Centrelink age pension of $542 each a fortnight. I also receive an income of $536 a fortnight from my super fund. Our combined assets per Centrelink assessment are $414,000.  We have $79,000 worth of CBA shares. Is selling the shares a good way to reduce our assets, so we can get more pension?  We will give some to our two adult children and the rest for our holidays.

 A couple can receive the full pension under the assets test if assessable assets are less than $575,000 so it would appear you are assessed under the income test. It would be worthwhile talking to your adviser or Centrelink to work out how your income is assessed for pension purposes. Certainly, disposing of $79,000 worth of shares would reduce the deemed income, but I wonder if the relatively small amount of pension you may gain is worth the effort.

If you sell the shares you will be depriving yourself of future dividends and capital gain, and any gifts to your children in excess of $10,000 will be treated as a deprived asset. Of course, if you spend the money on holidays and renovations it will cease to be counted.


I am saving to buy a home on my own and would like to use the new First Home Super Saver Scheme in the financial year ending June 2018. My salary will be $112,000 a year. My employer pays 15.4 per cent in super. To calculate the amount that I can pay in concessional contributions in 2017/18, do I need to subtract the additional 5.9 per cent super paid by my employer from the $25,000 cap? 

Contributions made to this scheme will be subject to the $25,000 cap per annum. Therefore the most you can contribute will be the difference between the employer contribution and $25,000. You might well conclude it is not worth the effort.

I don't fully understand the $1.6 million rules and how the accumulation account balance fits. Can people with higher balances transfer money from pension to accumulation or must they take the excess money out of super? If my total super balance is below $1.6m on June 30, am I still able to add further non-concessional contributions next year?

You could hold the excess in accumulation mode, or withdraw it and invest it outside the system. The best option would depend on what other assets and income you had in your own name.

You can make non-concessional contributions, provided you are eligible to do so, if your total superannuation balance was less than $1.6 million at June 30 in the financial year preceding the financial year in which the contribution is made.

Noel Whittaker is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. His advice is general in nature and readers should seek their own professional advice before making any financial decisions. Email: