New NBER Research

30 June 2017

Acquiring Banking Networks

Greater pre-deal network overlap increases the likelihood that two banks will merge as well as the gain in the acquirer and acquired bank’s combined market value at the announcement of the merger. Overlap is also associated with larger labor cost reductions and loan quality improvements, a study by Ross Levine, Chen Lin, and Zigan Wang finds.

29 June 2017

Quantifying the Life-cycle Benefits
of an Early Childhood Program

Quantifying experimentally evaluated life-cycle benefits of a widely implemented early childhood program targeting disadvantaged families, Jorge Luis García, James J. Heckman, Duncan Ermini Leaf, and María José Prados calculate an internal rate of return (benefit/cost ratio) of 13.7 percent (7.3).

28 June 2017

The Long-Run Dynamics of Electricity Demand

Exploiting price variation arising from introduction of an Illinois policy that enabled communities to select electricity suppliers on behalf of their residents,Tatyana Deryugina, Alexander MacKay, and Julian Reif calculate a three-year price elasticity of demand of -0.29, and find evidence that consumer electricity use increased in anticipation of price reductions.
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New in the NBER Reporter

Macroeconomic Policy in a Liquidity Trap

What are the effects on macroeconomic policy during periods when a country's central bank cuts the short-term nominal interest rate to zero? A report on research into the Great Depression, the deterioration of the Japanese economy in the 1990s, and the 2008 financial crisis is featured in the current edition of The NBER Reporter. Also in this issue of the quarterly Reporter, leading economists summarize their work developments in corporate finance, applications of behavioral economics in the field of education, the dynamics of innovation, and the impacts of contracting out Medicare and Medicaid.

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What Effects Do Options Grants Have
on Risk-Taking by CEOs? It Depends...

Risk-taking by CEOs increases when options increase as a fraction of total pay, according to research summarized in the latest edition of The NBER Digest. In this context, the difference between fixed-number and fixed-value plans may be significant. Also featured in the latest issue of the monthly Digest are studies of the impact of high government debt on corporate borrowing, the long-term benefits of immigration, new evidence on infant mortality rates in the early 20th Century, the effect of providing healthier school lunches, and consumption growth among low- and median-income families.

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New in the NBER Bulletin on Aging and Health

When Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
Reduce Opioid Misuse, and When They Do Not

In reaction to rising rates of opioid addiction and mortality, almost every state in the U.S. has created a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to help identify patients who may be misusing prescription drugs. Research summarized in the latest edition of the NBER's Bulletin on Aging and Health finds that when prescribers are required to access patient histories before writing prescriptions in certain circumstances, there is a noticeable decline in abuse. When prescribers have access to patient histories, but are not required to access them before prescribing, there is little effect on opioid use or health outcomes.

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