Talks and Music


A selection of interviews, plays, broadcasts and music on protest, anarchism and anarchists
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Witness by Stuart Christie (BBC World Service/Radio 4 broadcast)

WHY AM I AN ANARCHIST? by Norman Nawrocki

THE ESKIMOS and the Mushroom Cloud — Leslie Riddoch tells the story of anti-Polaris demonstrations of the early 1960s

GOD AND THE STATE by Mikhael Bakunin: Introduction; Chapter 1; Chapter 2 – Part 1; Chapter 2 – Part 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4

USA TODAY – Matt Frei interviews Noam Chomsky for ‘Americana’ 19 o8. 10


VOL. 1: Of Gods,Of Gods -2, Ghosts – 1, Ghosts – 2, Hell – 1. Hell – 2, Individuality, Humboldt, Which Way?, The Great Infidels, Talmagian Theology, At the Graveside, Mistakes of Moses, Skulls – 1, Skulls – 2, Response to his Critics, New Departure – 1, New Departure 2

VOL. 2: Thomas Paine, Thomas Paine — 2, Liberty of Man, Woman and Child, Liberty of Man, Woman and Child – 2,Orthodoxy – 1,Orthodoxy – 2, Blasphemy, Some Reasons Why, Intellectual Development, Intellectual Development – 2, Human Rights, Talmagian Theology 2 – 3, Religious Intolerance, Hereafter, Review of His Reviewers, How the Gods Grow, Religion of our Day, Heretics and Heresies – 1, Heretics and Heresies – 2, The Bible, Voltaire, Voltaire – 2, Myth & Miracles, The Chinese God, Is Suicide a Sin?, The Right To One’s Life



BBC Radio 4 – Stoke Newington Eight Trial
(No. 1 Court, Old Bailey 30 May – 7 Dec 1972)
Click here
Noam Chomsky on anarchism 1(BBC – 1974)Noam Chomsky on anarchism 2 (BBC – 1974)
Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda: Closer to Blood than Ink
Click here to listen
Nick Rankin reassesses the life and work of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, focusing in particular on his role in getting refugees out of Franco’s Spain, and what this unknown but highly significant story reveals about him.
In 1938, Neruda was a diplomat, representing Chile in Paris. He chartered a ship, the SS Winnipeg, to convey 2,000 Spanish Republicans to Chile. He was there on the quay, in a white hat, waving them off. And he wrote the poem ‘Let Me Explain a Few Things’ in which he disowned his previous romantic and lyrical self and committed himself to exposing the world’s injustices.
But it has been alleged that Neruda was a kind of reverse Schindler, with a list of people who were not going to get on the Winnipeg. As a diplomat, he had access to passports and it is said he made sure these went only to those of his particular left-wing Stalinist beliefs. According to Neruda’s critics, the anarchists and more moderate socialists were rejected and were therefore interned in France. Many were executed soon after when the Nazis moved in
Granado y Delgado 40+ years on from the judicial murder of Granado y Delgado.
An interview with Antonio Martin of Defensa Interior (DI)
Juan Busquets Verges 1970 Spanish internet radio interview (Radio ondaexpansiva) with Juan Busquets Verges –
’20 Years in Franco’s jails’ –
George Orwell – Homage to Catalonia
DID Desert Island Dissidents – Stuart Christie
DID Desert Island Dissidents – John Barker
Anarchism in the 1960s – George Woodcock
RA Resistencia Antifeixista
Recording of recent fascist telephone threat to a Spanish ‘historical memory’ activist
Stuart Christie - Franco me hizo terrorista Spanish internet radio interview with Stuart Christie (about ‘Franco me hizo terrorista’) on the Burgos-based radio-blog, Radio Onda Expansiva
Talks and Drama
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Talks and Drama
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Diccionario Anarquista de Emergencia
Marx and Bakunin – debate
Hari Kunzru – the First War on Terror
Dave Douglas on Radio Sheffield
Anarchism Online – with Melvyn Bragg
John Taylor Caldwell – Early Anarchism in Glasgow
John Taylor Caldwell – More on Early Anarchism in Glasgow
Christabelle’s Anarchist – Radio 4 play
Noam Chomsky – Cooperation without Restraint
Osvaldo Bayer – Tiene la Palabra
Osvaldo Bayer – short
Ted Harrison – 1981 Radio 4 Profile of Stuart Christie
Anarchism in the UK – September 14th 2008
Dave Douglas interview
The Motherwell Bank Robber
Two Tribes(Dave Douglass, Arthur Scargill and Margaret Thatcher)The Red Flag (1926 – ‘Rufus John’ – John Goss)England Arise (1926 – ‘Rufus John’ – John Goss)The Internationale (1926-27 – ‘Rufus John’ – John Goss)Whirlwinds of Danger (‘Rufus John’ – John Goss – written 1879 by Waclaw Swiecicki)No Master, High or Low (Norman Williams)1 Exiles – The Ballad of Accounting

2 Exiles – The Moving on song

3 Exiles – We’re only over here for exploration

4 Exiles – Thank Christ for Christmas

5 Exiles – The Pigeon

6 Exiles – The Pound-a-week rise

7 Exiles – Freedom come all ye

8 Exiles – For A’ That and A’ That

9 Exiles – Arthur MacBride

10 Exiles – Willie Brennan

11 Exiles – Wae’s me for Prince Charlie

12 Exiles – La Pique

13 Exiles – Van Diemen’s Land

14 Exiles – Two Recruiting Sergeant

La Historia del Angry Brigade
Historical Education
Finding Anarchism
Make Some Connection
Cigar Strikes and the Gilded Age
Manhattan Cafes
Direct Action
I’ll Talk When I Damn Please
In Love with the King of the Hobos
On Trial
In Prison and the USSR
Alternative History
Justice is Always Alive
A Bomb and the Palmer Raids
Are You an Anarchist?
They’re Italians
They Ran Like Foreigners
Three Important Citizens

Christie Radio – music playlists – click the links to listen

Los Anarquistas (Argentina 1904 – 1936) A Contratiempo (Chicho Sanchez Ferlosio) Wobbly Songs
Hijos del Pueblo
Milonga Socialdel
Milonga Anarquista
La Verbena Anarquista
Guajiras Rojas
Marsellesa Anarquista
Semana Tragica
Maldita Burgesia
Maldicion de un Maldito
Guitarra Roja
Guerra a la Burguesia
El Deportado
El Heroe
Sacco y Vanzetti
Marcha A Las Barricadas
Si Las Cosas no Fueran
Gallo Rojo Gallo Negro
La Paloma de la Paz
La Gracia Nevando
Canto III de el Infierno
El Ser
Hoy no me levanto yo
Balada de las Prisiones
Ni Aguantar ni Escapar
Afro Tambu
Romance del Prisionero
Carmen Arvale
A Contratiempo
Llegaras por los Calveros
50000 Lumberjacks (instr)
50000 Lumberjacks (song)
Bisbee Mine Disaster
Clickety Click
Hallelujah I’m a Bum
Harp Solo
Hold the Fort
Hold the Fort 2
Hold the Fort 3
In this good old Picket Line
IWW preamble
Joe Hill’s Will
Little Red Hen
Long-Haired Preachers
Mr Block
Praise Him
Rebel Girl
Shall We Be Slaves?
Spread It All Around
The Banks are Made of Marble
The Bum on the Road
The Job I Left Behind Me
The Union Organiser
The Union Organiser 2
There is Power in a Union
There is Power in a Union 2
They Go Wild over Me
We Have Fed You All
Which Side Are You On?
You Ain’t Done Nuthin
Ding Dong Dollar Mexican Revolution Canticos y Testimonios (Jose de Molina)
I Shall Not Be Moved
Ye’ll No Sit Here
Ban Polaris Hallelujah
Camp In The Country
Yankees Oot The Clyde
Ding Dong Dollar
NAB for Royalty
Freedom Come-All-Ye
The Glesca Eskimos
The Misguided Missile
The Polis o’Argyll
We’ve Never Had It Sae Guid
We Dinna Want Polaris
Scottish Republican Songs
A Salvador Puig Antich
Corridoa Pancho Villa
Corridode Cananea
El Abandonado
El Adios del Soldado
El Milagro Espanol
La Adelita
La Cucaracha
La Joaquinita
La Pajarero
La Valentina
Malditos Generales
Mantenga Limpiala
Valente Quintero
Valentin de la Sierra
10 De Corpus
19 De Corpus
Asesinato de Copreros
Ay Hermano Mexicano
Corrido de Ruben Jaramillo
En Esta Plaza
Lamento Coprero
Levantamiento Obrero
Los Versos del Caracol
Marcha Companero
Masacre de Tlatelolco
Movimiento del Magisterio
Movimiento Medico
Ya es hora
Extra Track 1
Extra Track 2
Extra Track 3

Bandiera Rossa

El Himno de Riego

A Las Barricadas

The Captains and the Kings

Take it down from the mast, Irish traitors

Father dear, I’m over here . . .

Johnstone’s Motor Car

Sergeant William Bailey

September Song


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