Children attending ENERGEL Summer Camp build wind turbines and solar collectors out of used materials

children from different parts of the Republic of Moldova discover renewable energy at ENERGEL Summer School, during 25 June – 5 July. Participants come from those communities which benefitted from the EU-funded Energy and Biomass Project and installed biomass heating systems.

[BLOG POST] How do we curb corruption in Moldova after the “theft of the century”

After the "theft of the century", when one billion USD – the equivalent of 12% of Moldova’s GDP, has vanished without any trace, corruption became an emergency condition in the former soviet republic. According to the Corruption Perception Index for 2016, the Republic of Moldova is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, and two-thirds of Moldovans think that corruption is one of the biggest problems in the country.

SUN DA-I FEST brought clean energy to the heart of Chisinau

Thousands of people gathered in the Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Public Garden to see, touch and test renewable energy technologies and enjoy music powered by solar panels. The SUN Dă-I Fest is organized by the Energy and Biomass Project - funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme - the Energy Efficiency Agency and POT Music.

4,000 inhabitants from Scoreni benefit from street lighting

Around 4,000 inhabitants from Scoreni, Straseni district, will benefit from street lighting, due to villagers’ and migrants’ engagement in local development.

23 localities will enjoy better communal services as result of migrants’ involvement

Over 200 thousand persons from 23 localities will benefit from projects aiming to improve local infrastructure and bring better living conditions, initiative that became possible thanks to migrants’ engagement. So, over 792 thousand USD are invested by 18 villages and 5 cities. Out of this amount, approx. 118.6 thousand USD represent migrants’ donations, collected via Guvern24 crowdfunding platform.

Moldova maps its way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with at least 64% by 2030

Moldova maps its way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with 64-67 per cent below its 1990 level by 2030.This is the country’s unconditional target committed as part of Paris Agreement, signed in 2015 and ratified by the country in May 2017.

A public-private partnership brings green energy to 7 schools and kindergartens from Ungheni

7 schools and kindergartens from Ungheni district switched from gas & coal to green energy supplied by a private company. The Ungheni District Council signed a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract with the Green Energo company, which provides green energy to the beneficiary institution at the price of 750 lei Gcal.

[BLOG POST] Climate change policy from the ground up

When governments do not properly consider the link between policymaking and how the policy would be practically implemented on the ground, there is a distinct risk the gap between concept and reality will be too much to overcome. In the field of climate change policy, I was recently reminded of one such disconnect that was turned into deft political solution-finding during a visit to Orhei, a farming town in rural Moldova.

Achim Steiner takes office as Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) today welcomed Achim Steiner as he begins a four-year term as Administrator of the Organization.

Bike-sharing platforms or public transportation stations supplied with solar energy? This can become real in Chisinau!

UNDP Moldova will organize a summer school “Chisinau Loading” during 24 July -  07 August 2017, for 20 persons passionate of urbanism and innovations. The participants will be involved in innovative experiments to promote urban sustainable development.

With EU support, people from Bugeac village enjoy access to safe drinking water and those from Cealic – to a renovated kindergarten

Over 1700 persons from Bugeac village, Comrat rayon will enjoy access to safe drinking water, as a water supply system was inaugurated in their community. The water supply network and a new water tower were built with financial assistance provided by the European Union and contribution of local and regional public authorities.

Time for a more effective citizenry: Every third Moldovan does not know a single citizen’s right or duty

Every third Moldovan could not mention a single citizen’s right or duty. 34% of Moldovans have difficulties in responding to the question on who is the sole source of the state power and the bearer of sovereignty. Only one third of Moldovans know the answer – the people.

Rural poverty in Moldova is 4 times higher than urban one, UNDP report

The gap between absolute urban and rural poverty is significant – 19% of population living at poverty line in rural areas vs. 5% in urban areas. The poorest spend most on food and utilities, which makes them vulnerable to economic shocks. Besides financial inequalities, the most vulnerable groups – women, persons with disabilities, elderly and young people – are exposed to social inequalities in education, health, access to quality services, and participation.

UNDP Moldova was awarded the Golden Gender Equality Seal

UNDP Moldova was awarded the Golden Gender Equality Seal, for substantial contribution to national gender equality goals.