Showing posts with label oklahoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oklahoma. Show all posts

18 June 2017


I was talking to Clayton last week about '90s pop punk and '90s hardcore, and how that line was sometimes more than a little blurry, to the benefit of both genres. GRIMPLE's Up Your Ass LP is so perfect (an make no mistake, it IS perfect) because it is super pissed, lightning fast and catchy as hell. Before pop punk was universally revered as a bad word/s, bands like 9 IRON loved getting schwasted on shitty malt liquor and playing fast and loud...and they loved GREEN DAY too. And that was OK. In fact, it resulted in some really great recordings. Dated, but still great. This band popped up just when I left Oklahoma, and I don't honestly remember if I ever saw them or not (I want to think they played one of the two Mission PunkFest gigs at 17th & Capp, but I might be confusing them with BOB OF TRIBES, who were on tour with BROTHER INFERIOR at the time....), but I know I played the shit out of this rough and snotty demo for a few years before it found its way into a box. Fortunately, it also found its way back out.

14 June 2017


I wish that this tape could actually capture the fire that this trio started one afternoon back in March when I saw them lay waste to a glorified storage unit in Oklahoma City, but for the geographically challenged....this tape will have to suffice. Volume helps. CRUTCH capture the late '90s hc/blast/pv vibe perfectly - face melting hardcore tunes with brutally simplistic mid paced stomps trading off with grinding blurs and the things Max would always call "jerk off riffs" when WHN? were writing songs (you know, the hand just goes up and down the the neck...back and forth...sorry kids, I know this is a family friendly music blog - except for all the talk about drugs and stuff - but seriously....that is the motion, and that's what the riffs are called, and actually I'm not sorry at all). These dudes absolutely slayed in the flesh, and I was almost hesitant to press PLAY when I got home because sometimes it's just not as good, you know? But this collection rrrrrips right out of the gate, and CRUTCH have fully mastered that CROSSED OUT style 'hardcore into blast into slow DBeat back into blast' thing (and if you know what I mean then you totally fukkn know exactly what I mean) so perfectly that you feel like you know what's coming before they even do the damn thing but then they still manage to surprise you ("Exempt Employee" is a perfect example). I confess that I am not always (or even often) in the mood to listen to this brand of destruction (though I am always down to see it live), but when I am.....? This is the fukkn shit I want. 23 tracks (in just under 22 minutes) culled from comps and demos and shit, and every one of them is a banger. 

11 November 2016


Melancholic, but calm and reserved. Not depressed....but perhaps resigned. 

28 October 2016


I've written in passing about this band and this demo previously, but here's the damn thing in the flesh. After our summer tour in 1993, ANCIENT CHINESE PENIS kicked out our vocalist Dave - he was a bit of a boner, and definitely a bummer to be in a band with....and Dan from ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O had recently moved from Tulsa to Norman and expressed interest in joining us on second guitar, so the timing seemed right. Dan added a sincere freak vibe, something we had not been able to properly harness as a band, and we felt like we were starting to come into our own a bit - playing faster, writing better songs, the whole package. We had toured, we had shared stages with actual famous people...we were ready. We probably didn't play more than a dozen shows with Dan, that freak vibe was too fukkn much and I think most of those shows were actually a mess....but this was still my favorite era of the band.  I hadn't heard Al Fresca since I left Oklahoma in 1994, until I visited Tulsa last month and met Dan for the first time in years....(he's still a mutant, but with more grey hair - kinda like me), and I still don't have a copy of the damned cassette (I'm definitely looking - hint, hint). Take a listen...we were trying, man. We failed, in my honest opinion, but we were trying. Dan's leads on the instrumental "Chronic Halitosis" serve as a window into the weirdness that might have ensued if we had stayed active, and Drummer Dan (different Dan entirely) was so fukkn good at super busy freak beats. We re-recorded "4 in 1 Penis Combo" (the title came when we realized that we had written a track that had - gasp - FOUR PARTS) and it sounds kinda cool, "Grafenberg" is a weird and lazy by the numbers hardcore track with mutant vocals and "PMS" stands for "Penis Metal Syndrome"....I mean, we don't sound like anything normal at all, and while that might not have been the point, I am completely happy with the result. 

NOTE: I'm pretty sure that a few of the song titles are mixed up, but I can't imagine that will negatively affect most of you. And the final track, "Never Trust A Girl On Acid" is with Matt on vocals  and is a good window into the version of MULTIPLE CHOICE/FUCKFACE that relocated to San Francisco in '94, even though here it's a mostly different band delivering the goods. You know, in case that is something that you are interested in....

30 August 2016


The importance of this band in my rock 'n roll upbringing is no secret to even the occasional Escape visitor. And as I've said before, in early '90s Norman, Oklahoma, there were two bands: the KITTENS and THE LIPS. That was it. And you probably loved 'em both. We all knew that one of them was gonna be huge. We knew it...not just because they were ours and we loved them, but because they were fukkn great. THE LIPS signed with Warner and did Hit To Death..., and then they got huge (that EP is still probably my favorite release of theirs, and yes I still pay attention, and yes I know that Wayne left Planet Earth many years ago). But you see, before that EP came out, CHAINSAW KITTENS had already dropped Violent Religion, which is as close to a perfect power pop/punk/alt rock record as I have ever had in my collection, and their live shows were straight fire. It's not a contest, and I know that THE LIPS had a decade long legacy before the turning point that I'm speaking of...but the point is that this was most of The Mainstream's introduction to both bands...and we were all paying attention. CHAINSAW KITTENS got swept up in the major label post-NIRVANA subculture mining when Mammoth made some arrangement with Atlantic...and the result was their second full length getting way more exposure than Violent Religion, including a closing spot on 120 Minutes for the debut of the video for "Connie, I've Found The Door" (will always remember the crew of people in my house watching that video roommate was older and had way cooler friends than me, I was blown away that all those people were in my living room). I don't remember if The Masses cared about this record, but I know that I was disappointed at the time - there are some tracks, to be sure, but it felt like there was too much filler. Maybe we had just seen and heard the tracks from Violent Religion too many times? Maybe the Butch Vig production was too slick? Who knows...but even though "Connie..." might be my overall favorite KITTENS' track, it opened the record (wisely) and I felt like things went downhill from there. "High In High School" was cheesy, "Shannon's Favorite Fellini Movie" seemed like an attempt to recreate the great ballads on the first record, plus they had snagged the bass player from FOR LOVE NOT LISA (wasn't he in BLEMISH too....? I might be wrong on this) and I had the probably irrational feeling that the dude was a butthole - irrational or not, he helped give the band a bro-ish vibe - a departure from Tyson's flamboyance that was a legitimate revela(u)tion in 1990s Oklahoma. In retrosepect, and I've listened hundreds of times over the years, Flipped Out In Singapore has some of the band's best material - "Hold," the burner "My Friend Delirium," the proto-grunge "She Gets" are all certified creamers...but a few years after their shot, CHAINSAW KITTENS seemed little more than a footnote to those outside of Oklahoma. Those of us who paid attention though, and especially those of us who were there...we got it. We still do. Now will someone reissue this thing on wax?!

22 July 2016


John sent me this one a while back, and upon an initial listen I decided that I needed to spend serious time with BITCHCRAFT. Some bands you can put on and blast a song or two and be all like "yeah, shit bangs, I'm into it." But sometimes you hear a band and it gives you pause - you think "this is going to require some effort." Now, in Thee Busy Lives Ov Millennial Humans there isn't always time for that effort and as a result some brilliance with be unavoidably overlooked. That was the case with BITCHCRAFT until a couple of weeks ago....better late than never. And I want to thank Thee Sounds Ov Bitchcraft for their patience...patience that was rewarded with my undivided attention. For thirty one glorious minutes, and then again for thirty one more, these sounds sunk into me, and now they are here for good, building a permanent foundation upon subsequent listens. Witchy, dark, determined - powerfully earnest, BITCHCRAFT crank out track after track of pure magic. There are few bands I would compare to Brazil's RAKTA, but these Tulsa, Oklahoma women are in that league. I thank you, were worth the wait. 

15 July 2016


Ruff and tumble hardcore punk with one clean ass K-Town guitar jangling up the joint. Remember how AMDI PETERSEN dropped and we were all like "this sounds like '80s USHC....but kinda different but I can't put my finger on exactly how." Well, these Oklahoma City freeks make me feel all like "this sounds like København circa '01and NYHC at the same time and I don't understand how that makes sense and understand even less how it works but it does. IT TOTALLY FUKKN WORKS!" So there you go...another bunch of words strung together by your host (me) that don't tell you anything more than this: Do The Thing. As always, you will thank me. The dream: LIFE AS ONE

13 April 2016


Snagged this on a total whim at a record store in Norman, Oklahoma a few weeks back, and my whimsy was rewarded. Exceptionally sparse sounds laying a foundation for a profoundly unique vocalist - this falls somewhere between PJ HARVEY, CAGES and BJÖRK....maybe? This copy is from the second pressing...mine is #5 of 10. That means it's limited. You probably don't have one, unless the first pressing was REALLY big and all you motherfukkrs scooped 'em up...

29 September 2015


Child prodigy banjo picker Jimmy Henley started dropping jaws before he was a teenager, winning picking contests all over the heartland. Spotted by Roy Clark at one of those competitions, he became a regular on Hee-Haw and in Clark's touring entourage through the '70s and '80s. 1982's Classical Country Bluegrass shows 18 year old Henley alternating between proficient rippers like "Bird's Eye" and "The Kingfisher" and innocent novelty tunes like "I Love My Truck" and "You've Got Me Runnin' Scared" that are made all the more entertaining by a voice that seems like it's not quite finished walking through the puberty tunnel. Perhaps there's a touch too much production on this release (especially on the re-worked medley "Classical Gas"), so for those who want things a little rawer I give you this live recording (or Henley's One For The Record from 1976, likely available at your local thrift store if you live in Oklahoma) but this is the shit that happened to country music in the '80s and fans will be able to listen through the excessive string arrangements. Worth noting that my Salvation Army copy is presented in its naturally degraded state, making "Memories Of Yesterday" a truly warped journey.

09 June 2015


I hadn't listened to these recordings in at least a decade, but for some reason "Bureaucratic Itch" has been stuck in my head intermittently for the last few months so I thought it was time to open up the closet. ANCIENT CHINESE PENIS started in summer 1991 - initially it was just Dave and me in his apartment living room, but by the time the fall semester got rolling we were jamming with Dan on drums and Matt playing guitar in a tiny room connected to my place in Norman. We hit the road shortly after we recorded the Fistful O Penis demo in '92 (I think we spent something insane like $700 on that session), playing a whopping six shows over two weeks (two of those we jumped on at Raji's in LA), met NAKED AGGRESSION in Albuquerque, got kicked out of DeDe Troit's apartment, and played what I remember being a brilliantly fun show at a teen center in Eureka. When we came back home, it was like we had legitimized ourselves simply by touring, and our shows were actually pretty good. Maybe it was the frequent nudity and lazily executed amateur antics (play your local college bar and shower the crowd with me, it's fun), or maybe it was....nah, I think people just came to laugh at us. We recorded ANCIENT CHINESE PENIS: Envy the following year and got the itch to tour again...this time we booked shows in towns where we didn't know anyone (which was most of the towns) by posting up at the college library, pulling out microfiche (remember that, kids?) for phone books from the towns we wanted to play. We would find the record store listings, call the stores and ask where punk bands played, then cold call clubs and see if they wanted to host some mutants from Oklahoma called ANCIENT CHINESE PENIS. And if that's not weird enough, some of them said yes. We sold shirts in grocery store parking lots on our days off to get gas money, we saw BORN AGAINST and AVAIL in Cudahay, Wisconsin (a show that's been written about at length in previous TE posts), we broke an axle outside of Bloomfield, Indiana and spent a weird weekend partying with local teenage dropouts waiting for the only garage in town to open up Monday morning, we got wooed by a bizarre promoter/pervert in the hills outside of Asheville who promised us main support on a festival with BUTTHOLE SURFERS and didn't we want to get in his sports car and check out his hot tub? We booted Dave shortly after that tour and enlisted Dan Riffe (oft mentioned on these pages, he was a then-recent Tulsa transplant and frontman for ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O) and cranked out our last demo, Al Fresca, but we were not long for the world. Matt had recruited me for MULTIPLE CHOICE, a band that seemed much more "legitimate" and that band relocated to California in early 1994, morphing into FUCKFACE the following  year. I'm pretty sure that Al Fresca is the most listenable of the three demos, but I don't have a copy...hell, I don't even have artwork for the first two (though I can assure you that the imagery is every bit as dated as the sound). Included in the download are the first two demos in their entirety, plus an alternate version of "Bible Belt Blues" from the first session, and never before released TWISTED SISTER and MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT covers from the second. Inexplicably, we did release the 5+ minute "Down Wit' A.C.P." on Envy...just one of many questions that will remain unanswered.

Terminal Escape turns six years old today. 2,000 posts and counting, and more than two million visits to the blog...hopefully some of you have found some killer tunes in the process.

20 February 2015


Hugely important band in my life, CHAINSAW KITTENS were one of the hundreds (thousands?) of almost famous bands that should have made it instead of hundreds (thousands?) of piece of shit schlock acts that crammed the airwaves and rock clubs in the '90s. Brilliant glam/pop delivered with a fiery and borderline psychedelic live energy. I saw the band countless times, and no doubt those live shows are part of the reason why this band (and this record, specifically) still blows me away. Violent Religion was released in 1990, and the band almost rocketed to superstardom (at least I like to think they were that close...) with their follow up. But they didn't, instead releasing three more quality full lengths on an assortment of indie labels before bowing out a decade after they started. Perhaps there are a few editorial critiques that could be made ("Feel Like A Drugstore" seems like filler or a JANE'S ADDICTION outtake, and it's followed by "Savior Boyfriend Collides," which is arguably the weakest song on the record), but I think this is one of the best collections of songs that I own , and few bands hold such a perfect time/place marker for me. And, while I know I've said it before in these pages, "I'm Waiting" is without a doubt my favorite punk love song ever. You're welcome.

I have also updated the link in the CHAINSAW KITTENS demo post from a few years back, in case you would like to hear slightly less awesome versions of some of these songs. 

13 February 2015


I've touched on my time in Oklahoma several times in the virtual pages of this e-publication, but it's really difficult to explain how formative those few years were for me. I lived in Norman (about 20 miles south of Oklahoma City) from mid 1990 to January 1994 and many of the bands I was introduced to during my time there are still favorites today. I pull out Violent Religion at least once a month (and tend to jam it a few times in a row when I do) nearly 25 years after its release, I still contend that CONCEPT OF NONSENSE are one of the more under appreciated hardcore bands of the era, and the SONS are no doubt one of the coolest and most unique sounding bands I've ever heard. Perhaps some of the bands don't really hold up to first time listeners who never saw them live but I saw every band I could, from TALL TALES to SUBSANITY and, to an 18 year old who had simply never had the opportunity to see live was fukkn incredible. This 1992 comp tape from Sound Noise Music concentrates on the weirder end of the punk spectrum...the freaks and mutants and casualties leftover from 1980s hardcore (yes, Oklahoma had that too) and the nasty skinhead explosion that dominated the final years of the decade, and this was the end of the spectrum that I wanted. I didn't yet know that I loved hardcore because, quite simply, I hadn't really heard it yet, so ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O were the fastest and most intense thing on the planet as far as I was concerned (three of their tracks appear on this comp, including a burner called "You're Ignorant" that might be my favorite track of theirs). SONS frontman Dan Riffe is also behind this tape's VAN GOGH'S EAR offerings, and I'm pretty sure he's playing guitar on this incarnation of UNSOCIETY (Chad's band between CONCEPT and BROTHER INFERIOR), who I don't remember sounding this Oi!, but that might be because I also didn't really know what Oi! sounded like. And speaking of Chad, we've got THE KIDS WHO NEVER LEARNED HOW TO COLOR INSIDE OF THE LINES (whose songs were always too long, but who were always a blast live) and THE SENSUAL UNDERGROUND BAND (Sensual Underground was Chad's house, Tulsa's coolest DIY venue, and his record label/propaganda machine). FACELESS UNITY are screaming US hardcore that could have come from anywhere...but should have existed ten years before this tape was released. The highlights of the comp for my ears are the weird shit - there were no rules in Oklahoma, and no one had to sound like anything to be cool (because, unless you were THE LIPS, essentially no one was cool except BLEMISH, but they just thought they were cool), so of course there were a lot of cool bands as a result. First time I was terrified at a show was GLUE in a basement, their pal was collecting money at the door and ran up to the mic wielding a knife screaming "motherfukkr if you don't give me a dollar I'm gonna fuckkn cut you!! one fukkn dollar you piece of shit!!" and the band just laughed, playing on at full volume while the audience crept outside. The GLUE tracks here might not match up to either of their proper releases, but "In The Basement/Party At Perry's" is a total killer and the drums on "Blue Cloud" are textbook awesome. Straight noise freakout from FOREHEAD DAWG, honest poetic weirdness from LONG PIG, and eleven minutes of psychedelic jamming from TATTERED REMNANTS. Think about how warped your adult tastes would be if your first exposures to live underground music were frat bar bands trying to hop on the grunge bandwagon and mutant rock like this...and then look at the virtual pages of this e-rag it will make a lot more sense.

30 October 2014


In early '90s Oklahoma, seeing bands like this were no different to me than seeing NAKED AGGRESSION in a living room. I grew up with no access to live music so I devoured it all with equal hunger. CLOVIS were from Oklahoma City and meandered through proto-grunge with a Dischord wisdom. The singer was the dude I mentioned in the ANGRY SON post a few years ago who may or may not have been ditched in California, and I'm pretty sure that LUNGFISH played in his house in 1992 or something and I didn't go with my roommate Todd because I had something else to do. So yeah, that was stupid.

07 July 2014


I clearly remember the first time I saw SUBSANITY, nothing short of a complete sensory overload at a club in Norman, Oklahoma. I almost identified with them in the broad context of metal, but there were so many more things going on that I did not understand. In retrospect, SUBSANITY were on the cusp of the heavy hardcore/metal/crust that was infiltrating DIY punk at the time, but of course I knew nothing about that...(I just came to the show because this dude I knew who was into ballet said the band he was in was playing a show). And my mind was blown. Two singers, a bassist who looked like a fucking monster, and an aural assault that was like nothing I had ever seen or heard before. Listening to these tracks years later, these dudes were way ahead of their time (especially considering their geographical handicap), and the shit sounds just as urgent in future decades as they intended at the time. They were always teetering between a trainwreck and total brilliance when I saw them live, and these songs in my ears today help me realize that my initial impression was pretty much spot on. I know that SUBSANITY changed lineups over the years more than a few times, and vocalist Mike can shed more light onto their history than I ever could (he was one of the earliest followers/comment leavers here, so mayhaps he will?), but even today there are songs on this informationless cassette that will melt your fukkn face. Nothing short of pure brutality, and the band was from a place called Pauls Valley. What the fuck were you doing in 1991?

04 July 2014


This might be the single most important mix tape anyone has ever made me. When Dan Riffe (much celebrated on this blog, ex-ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O, VAN GOGH'S EAR, BRUTAL GARDENERS and current frontman for Tulsa's DON'T CARE BEARS) gave me this tape in '91 or '92 the only bands I was familiar with were FEAR, N.O.T.A. and BLACK FLAG, and my introduction to searing Euro hardcore for the first time was like a kick in the gut. With educated hindsight, I can see that Dan primarily just put a couple of records on and let the tape run - but when they are the right records, that's maybe all you need.

30 May 2014


Disgusting raw grind from Oklahoma. This shit is at least a decade old but is every bit as filthy today as it was the day it was created. It truly takes a special person (or perhaps it takes a truly special person?) to really sink their teeth into shit like this, and those special people will be justly rewarded after they move their mouse over the download here icon on their screen. EAT SHIT AND DIE are ripping grindcore with crushing breakdowns and almost comically blown out vocals. VOMITOUS UPHEAVAL are sample laden churning mosh/grind akin to West Bay Coalition bands like DEADBODIESEVERYWHERE but way more raw. Once again, the "Noise Not Music" paradigm is put to the test...

In a search for background information beyond state of origin, I discovered that the band names VOMITOUS RECTUM, VOMITOUS DISCHARGE and VOMITOUS are already taken. Which means it's going to be that much harder for me to name my new band. Sometimes the internet hurts more than it helps, you know?

07 January 2014


Well over an hour of pure unadulterated weird. I feel like this could have been come conceptual free form rock record had it come from New York City in 1966...but it came from Oklahoma in 1993. From the brain of Dan Riffe (ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O, ANCIENT CHINESE PENIS, BRUTAL GARDENERS, DON'T CARE BEARS and countless others) comes VAN GOGH'S EAR. Strap in.

13 July 2013


Here's what I said about the 1990 ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O demo 19 years after its release:
ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O were a fucking bulldozer of freaked out noise every time I saw them.  This demo is equal parts tortured hardcore and drug addled psychedelic fuzz, and it is still superb 19 years later.  The SONS were from Tulsa, and started clearing rooms in the mid/late seemed that a town that was (at the time) best known for NOTA and the Confederate Hammer Skinheads didn't take too kindly to a 6'4" rail thin weirdo spazzing out and screaming the words to "Freaked Out Hippie Queer." The weirdo was Dan Riffe, and his guitar work was from another planet (as were his vocals); just wave after wave of distorted bliss, with wailing awkward leads that would hit you in the face like a spitwad that was equal parts JIMI HENDRIX and East Bay Ray.  Their live shows were the closest thing to Land Speed Record that I will ever see, just a total assault on every thing you though you knew about punk...after getting crushed by a dozen 90 second bursts of sweat and frustration, ILLEGITIMATE SONS might deliver "Danse O' The Sun Faerie," a six minute (or longer) three note psych jam that seemed to exist for Dan to channel demons and materialize them in the form of chorus pedals and feedback while Chris and John plodded and pounded away on a dirty groove that could continue indefinitely...and I never wanted it to end.  Dan moved to Norman in '92 or so, and joined my mediocre band after we booted our self righteous singer. He was every bit as bizarre as he appeared to be and the union (and the band) didn't last long. He also fronted THE BRUTAL GARDENERS (which I was in as well) and released a brilliant solo tape as VAN GOGH'S EAR, all of which will make it onto Terminal Escape eventually. Through Dan, I discovered everything from WRETCHED and TERVEET KADET to NON...these are very important friends to have in Oklahoma, and I owe him a lot. ILLEGITIMATE SONS OF JACKIE O had a couple of vinyl releases as well, one on Dallas label Scratched Records and another one I've never been able to track down.  They look like shit, they are both amazing, but since you probably don't have them, I'll tide you over with this demo.

Today I heard that John died on the fourth of July, and I feel like I need to somehow express how important this band was. How huge it was for 19 year old me to see that weirdo John wailing away all blissed out while delivering a total avalanche of sound that fell bizarrely and inexplicably between psychedelia and hardcore. Beyond the obvious Oklahoma aspect of this band and the dudes in it, THE SONS weren't cool...but they were cool as fuck, and coming from someone well versed in the world of "not cool" this was fucking massive. I described Dan in depth in my post above, but John was the stoic being when they played, long hair obscuring any expression, half swaying and half flailing about. Maybe it's mostly due to when and where I saw the band, but their impact on me was immeasurable - and John's role as an incredibly chill dude dishing out a pulverizing low end without a shred of pretense is one to be emulated. I should not try to pretend that I was friends with John or that we had some crazy history together but, as a punk in my formative years, his presence was terribly important, especially in retrospect. Perhaps sometimes your presence is every bit as important as what you present....

This is the aforementioned 1991 Scratched Records EP. I came home tonight a reached for it immediately - flipping past IMPACT, ICONOCLAST, ICONS OF FILTH and others that were less important. I listened to it, then I listened to it again while recording it onto cassette, then I listened to it again while converting that cassette to mp3 form and scanning the artwork, and then I listened to it again while editing the tracks and preparing the material for download. This music is about being a weirdo, this music is about being outside. John Shannon was 44 years old.

15 June 2013


While it's impossible for me to listen to COMMON FEARS with unbiased ears, watching the crowd watch them play two weeks ago in Austin confirmed what I already knew. I admit that I was studying the band more than watching them, having spent nearly two decades in various bands with the guitarist. It was interesting picking his riffs out of the band's material and the bare honesty from the singer is a nearly absent quality from hardcore bands in the new millennium, an absence that I lament frequently. But while these are all personal observations and anecdotes, the six songs here absolutely stand on their own with no personal attachment or context. It's cerebral hardcore, filled with the desperation that helps set the bands who mean it apart from the ones who are going through the motions. Those riffs I was talking about range from infectious ("Burn Cures") to soul sucking ("Doomed" is painful in its simplicity), and even when COMMON FEARS approach the roads more frequently travelled, there's just enough weird in the presentation to keep them from merging into traffic. I want lyrics next time, something tells me the thought that goes into them might push this over the top...