Showing posts with label England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label England. Show all posts

21 December 2016


Take a break, my friends. Not like the "cool down" break while the sun is rising after a night of dancing on the beach, but a "clock out" break while the whole world goes to absolute shit. Take a break. Step into a new (old?) and different world where the bad things and the bad times don't just don't matter....they don't exist. -OTRON play other Jan Hammer reincarnate (even though Jan ain't dead), every track is a perfect montage. This is perfect prog/soundtrack/synth for a new generation - I just wonder if you are strong enough to submit.

17 August 2016


Eleven minutes of power electronics and punishment from LIMBS BIN. Eleven minutes of industrial shitcore and punishment from TWO MILLION TONS OF SHIT. You choose, you lose, you're welcome. 

20 May 2016


London's EFIALTIS struggle though seven filthy lurches on this demo. I'll take gritty and determined over calculated and proficient any day, and when the tempo picks up on "Oneirropagida" I am hopelessly hooked. I hear early Spanish punk creeping through the mix...but mostly I hear something that I like. 

10 July 2015


Another discount discovery, this mysterious double cassette seemed too interesting to pass up for a few dollars and, as usual, I made a good choice by purchasing a cheap mystery tape. Very mellow, sometimes to the point of being background music, but often disconcerting if you listen carefully (as you should, obviously), the sparseness of tracks like "Distant Drums Eating Henry" is as off putting as the piercing "Nest" and the terrifying "Swallowing Bees," and all of them will leave you on edge. Every aspect of Terminal Swan Songs seems calculated - sometimes the tracks are so casual that you can actually forget they are playing ("Sympathetic Orbits"), and sometimes they are so brilliant that you don't want them to stop ("The Man Who Invented Gold," as an example). There are more than two hours of sounds here, and I'm sure that many of you will move right along to the next hardcore gem, but (as usual) the adventurous will be rewarded with a truly interesting and eclectic collection of sounds...compositions that will both intrigue and engage. Also, in the last few years, this dude has cranked out a TON of shit, so if you like it then dig the fukk in.