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John Hewson: First rule of politics is to show you can govern yourselves

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I vividly recall the results of the quantitative and qualitative polling done by the Liberal secretariat soon after the Andrew Peacock coup, that ditched John Howard, in the run up to the 1990 election. Similar polling was also done by the ALP, but the takeout was quite different.

Bob Hawke seized on the issue of "disunity", recognising that it is "death" in politics, coining the campaign slogan, "If you can't govern yourselves, you can't govern the country".

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The Liberals chose to ignore the overwhelming message, preferring, initially at least, to run with "Andrew is the answer". Some of us inquired immediately: "If Andrew is the answer, then what the hell is the question?" It was soon dropped, but the lesson, and vulnerability, on disunity was ignored – and still is.

With the disunity exposed by "Pyne vs Abbott", and  "Abbott vs Turnbull", over the last few days, the lesson still has not been learned. They would all want us to believe that politics is a contest of ideas/ideologies/even principles, but their actions confirm it is simply a contest of egos – so too with "Rudd/Gillard/Rudd".

Tony Abbott was particularly struck by Christopher Pyne's admission of "disloyalty", that he had only ever voted for Malcolm Turnbull. He would emphasise, as suits his current argument, that he remained "loyal" to both Joe Hockey and Peta Credlin, even though it cost him his job. But, was that "loyalty", or bad "judgment", or a "tin ear"? My recollection of his "loyalty" is somewhat different, when he served as a direct "channel" to Howard, while working for me.

Also, say what he likes, Abbott is still quite bitter and twisted about Turnbull seizing his job, and getting worse with time. His IPA speech this week was a clear example of "disloyalty". Sure, he dressed it up as a speech of "principle" and "conviction" and true conservative "ideology", but it was blatantly a direct attack on Turnbull, and his more "centrist" strategy, designed to undermine, and constrain Turnbull.


It didn't matter that some of the positions/battlelines he advocated in that speech he had previously opposed, or failed to deliver himself, or that his messages were mixed, and his cost of living "commitments" undeliverable. Abbott just wanted to hit out at Turnbull, and negate any positives he may gain from the school funding victory, while attempting to tie his hands on the budget/Finkel/climate, with a nod and a wink to Pauline Hanson re immigration.

Abbott's role model, Howard, was fond of referring to the Liberal Party as a "broad church", while conspicuously governing to the "right" side of the pulpit. Although Abbott would have us believe otherwise, Howard didn't keep winning on the basis of "good policy" or "good government" or "ideology" – rather he capitalised on mostly favourable circumstances, and won more by default, in the sense that he never had a significant opponent (discounting that Kim Beazley came close in '98) from the ALP, or internally – despite his numerous attempts to impress otherwise, Costello never had much more than 12 votes, on a good day, in a strong breeze.

Both Abbott and Howard are fond of invoking memories of Menzies, as if he would today somehow support their positions, even though, more likely, Menzies, as an astute politician, would probably be more concerned that their "forgotten people" are now most voters, neglected while they play their silly, short-term, political games.

Howard, like Keating before him, lost through bad, detached, government. Rudd was the first, believable, alternative promising to "stand for something"(in education, climate and the internet), and deliver better government. None of what Abbott proposed in his speech, as a notional "true conservative", would actually win them government, but his disunity will go a long way to costing government.

The nicest descriptions of Pyne, as a "prancing poodle", and "the ultimate political butterfly", are too kind. He is all, and only, for Pyne. He has never really stood for anything else. He has had no genuine interest in any portfolio he has ever held. He is yet to graduate from playing university politics. Yes, he can be an effective parliamentary and media performer, and he can certainly extract almost obscene amounts of money to save his seat, but he soon grates. His self-indulgent speech in the Cherry Bar proves both his disloyalty, and his lack of policy substance, let alone poor judgment.

The Government's response to this circus has been underwhelming – basically to "deny", and to attempt to close ranks behind Turnbull, as if nothing really happened. This will not cut with the electorate. Voters do not see this as a media beat-up, even with the media feeding frenzy. They see a deep-seated, structural weakness in the disunity of the Liberal Party, compounded by its Coalition partners that have also been free to run amok.

Voters want to see Turnbull lead on this issue as well. Impose direction and discipline, and demonstrate that you can indeed govern yourselves.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public policy and a former leader of the Liberal Party.