The Angel of The North.

Experts reveal the buck-list art masterpieces that will inspire you to travel

Great works of art should move you – and not only in a metaphoric sense. Sometimes they prompt us to travel, too, to seek out the very place that so inspired the artist. Traveller has asked Australian gallery and museum directors and curators about their favourite works of art that showcase a particular place.

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The Cuban flag fluttering on the Morro Castle, which guards the entrance to Havana Bay, alerted Ernest Hemingway to the ...

Hemingway's Havana

Ernest Hemingway's talents - and demons - linger in this colourful city.

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Working gold leaf for enamel at the Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts.

The ancient crafts of Kyoto

Kyoto is a historical centre for traditional crafts, but a dwindling band of experts worries about the survival of Japan's exquisite arts.

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