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Anonymous AuntieFa said...

Giving boneheads "paramilitary training" doesn't equate a crack force of stormtroopers, though I would imagine they fancy themselves freedom fighting commandos (the heroic, swashbuckling kind). Military units have discipline, respect and unity, something that's lacking in bonehead circles. All they will ever be are nutjobs with guns and a chip on their shoulders. All training them will accomplish is perhaps giving them the tools to induce further stupidity on their part.

12 April 2010 at 14:58

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My initial thought when reading this was that this was the intentions of the western canada for us scheme, but that pre dates the AG. Most likely it is the remenants of what was the concept of WCFU circulating in the AG except members would not cough up the dough neccessary for such a project,though Marleu's comments point out that this issue most likely fed splits in the AG, what with the comment on certain members not being able to handle "real activism" which is quite an ironic criticism of late.....

keep up the good work ARC!

13 April 2010 at 03:32

Anonymous SoupCan man said...

marleau couldnt even run a fat camp. maybe he is planning on raiding tim hortons.

13 April 2010 at 09:15

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or arent these soldiers for the white race looking quite malnourished. Sorry Marleau, but in order to be a strong successful unit you're probably going to have to start sharing with your fellow comrades istead of hording it for yourself. They are looking a little to skinny to be fight the so called RAHOWA

13 April 2010 at 20:38

Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Marleau stole mah cheeseburger. :(

14 April 2010 at 18:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any word on McKee?

19 April 2010 at 06:24

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*"Any word on McKee?"


McKee was appently seen downtown Calgary in Mid-April. He make bail?

20 April 2010 at 19:45

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