13 February 2012


Just like the title suggests, seven ear piercing tracks of distortion drenched chaotic noise crust. The sounds that create the base of this recording are painful, and then ZATSUON heap piles of insanity on top with a vocal assault that makes me wince. Worshipping at the altars of GAI, GLOOM and D-CLONE, ZATSUON have a clear mission, and they are well on their way. Personnel from various NYC noise purveyors and the frontman from NERVESKADE. Yeah, it's good.


Rebecca Chung said...

I enjoy this.

Nice to see locals on here too.

A said...

Great demo, great blog. Swap links?


A said...

Is the discogs listing incorrect, or is this rip missing a track?


zatsuon said...

There are two tracks here with two songs on it. Track 4 is Life and My Life, My Own. Track 5 is Why and Liberate. Its all garbage anyways!!!

A said...

The best kind of garbage!

Anonymous said...

I dunno if you still run this blog, but re-up please? thanks!

the wizard said...
