- published: 24 Jun 2017
- views: 4341
NDC or ndc may refer to:
Worship is an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity. An act of worship may be performed individually, in an informal or formal group, or by a designated leader.
The word is derived from the Old English weorþscipe, meaning worship, honour shown to an object, which has been etymologised as "worthiness or worth-ship"—to give, at its simplest, worth to something.
Worship in Buddhism may take innumerable forms given the doctrine of skillful means. Worship is evident in Buddhism in such forms as: guru yoga, mandala, thanka, yantra yoga, the discipline of the fighting monks of Shaolin, panchamrita, mantra recitation, tea ceremony, ganacakra, amongst others. Buddhist Devotion is an important part of the practice of most Buddhists. According to a spokesman of the Sasana Council of Burma, devotion to Buddhist spiritual practices inspires devotion to the Triple Gem. Most Buddhists use ritual in pursuit of their spiritual aspirations. In Buddhism, puja (Sanskrit & Pali: pūjā) are expressions of "honour, worship and devotional attention." Acts of puja include bowing, making offerings and chanting. These devotional acts are generally performed daily at home (either in the morning or evening or both) as well as during communal festivals and Uposatha days at a temple.
God bless you (variants include God bless or bless you) is a common English expression, used to wish a person blessings in various situations, especially as a response to a sneeze, and also, when parting or writing a valediction.
The phrase has been used in the Hebrew Bible by Jews (cf. Numbers 6:24), and by Christians, since the time of the early Church as a benediction, as well as a means of bidding a person Godspeed. Many clergy, when blessing their congregants individually or corporately, use the phrase "God bless you".
National Geographic reports that during the plague of AD 590, "Pope Gregory I ordered unceasing prayer for divine intercession. Part of his command was that anyone sneezing be blessed immediately ("God bless you"), since sneezing was often the first sign that someone was falling ill with the plague." By AD 750, it became customary to say "God bless you" as a response to one sneezing.
The practice of blessing someone who sneezes, dating as far back as at least AD 77, however is far older than most specific explanations can account for. Some have offered an explanation suggesting that people once held the folk belief that a person's soul could be thrown from their body when they sneezed, that sneezing otherwise opened the body to invasion by the Devil or evil spirits, or that sneezing was the body's effort to force out an invading evil presence. In these cases, "God bless you" or "bless you" is used as a sort of shield against evil. The Irish Folk story "Master and Man" by Thomas Crofton Croker, collected by William Butler Yeats, describes this variation. Moreover, in the past some people may have thought that the heart stops beating during a sneeze, and that the phrase "God bless you" encourages the heart to continue beating.
Facebook is a social network service website launched on February 4, 2004. This is a list of software and technology features that can be found on the Facebook website.
On September 6, 2006, Ruchi Sanghvi announced a new home page feature called News Feed. Originally, when users logged into Facebook, they were presented with a customizable version of their own profile. The new layout, by contrast, created an alternative home page in which users saw a constantly updated list of their friends' Facebook activity. News Feed highlights information that includes profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays, among other updates. This has enabled spammers and other users to manipulate these features by creating illegitimate events or posting fake birthdays to attract attention to their profile or cause. News Feed also shows conversations taking place between the walls of a user's friends. An integral part of the News Feed interface is the Mini Feed, a news stream on the user's profile page that shows updates about that user. Unlike in the News Feed, the user can delete events from the Mini Feed after they appear so that they are no longer visible to profile visitors. In 2011 Facebook updated the News Feed to show top stories and most recent stories in one feed, and the option to highlight stories to make them top stories, as well as to un-highlight stories. In response to users' criticism, Facebook later updated the News Feed to allow users to view recent stories first.
Jawaban Hidupku (Album Faith/NDC Worship Live Recording)
Mujizat Dalam Bersyukur (Album Faith/NDC Worship)
NDC Worship - Tak Terbatas (Official Lyrics Video)
NDC Worship - KuasaMu Terlebih Besar
NDC Worship - Jawaban Hidupku
Tak Sedetikpun (NDC Worship)
PengorbananMu Sempurna (NDC Worship)
JJ Rawlings' full speech at NDC 25th Anniversary rally at Ashaiman
Jawaban Hidupku Composed by Ronald Pangemanan Meskipun tak kumengerti Apa yang kualami Namun ku yakin Tuhan punya Rancangan terbaik Pertolonganku datang dari Mu Yesus yang kupercaya Reff : Yang tak mungkin bagiku Semua mungkin bagiMu Hanya Engkaulah jawaban hidupku Yang tak pernah kulihat Dan tak pernah kupikirkan Itu yang Kau sediakan bagiku For more updates follow us on: Instagram/twitter: @ndc_worship Facebook: Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) YouTube Channel: NDC Worship Facebook page: NDC Worship Ministry Contact : 081585501999
Mujizat Dalam Bersyukur composed by Joseph S Djafar & Ronald Pangemanan Verse Tangan Tuhan tak kurang panjang Untuk s'lalu menolong hidupku TelingaNya tak kurang tajam Untuk mendengar seruan hatiku Chorus: Ada mujizat dalam bersyukur Engkau tempat perlindunganku Tuhan Imanku tetap teguh dalamMu Kumenang,kumenang bersamaMu Bridge: Haleluyah, Haleluyah Haleluyah, Haleluyah For more updates follow us on: Instagram/twitter:@ndc_worship Facebook:Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook page:NDC Worship www.ndcworship.com Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please share,repost and tag your friends,thank you & God bless you all.
Tak Terbatas Composed by Ronald Pangemanan & Joseph S Djafar Video Production by Venema Pictures Tak Terbatas Semusim berlalu Namun Kau slalu pliharaku Kasih dan setiaMu Tak pernah layu dihidupku Reff : Lebih luas dari samudra KebaikanMu Bapa takkan habis di hidupku Lebih tinggi dari cakrawala Tak terbatas kasihMu Sungguh kubersyukur Bridge : Tuhan penuhi kebutuhanku Menurut kekayaanNya Tuhan cukupi keperluanku Menurut kemuliaanNya For more updates follow us on Instagram/twitter:@ndc_worship Facebook:Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook page:NDC Worship Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please share,repost and tag your friends,thank you & God bless you all.
Datanglah dan Bertahta (Great Is Our God) Composed by Danny Rico, Joseph S Djafar, Michael Panjaitan,Ribka Monika, Kristin Margareta, Chandra Ginting. Verse: Pelukis cakrawala Merangkai jagad raya Pencipta alam semesta Pemilik kehidupan Yang sanggup meny'lamatkan Dialah jalan kebenaran Kami rindukan kuasa lawatanMu Kebangkitan pasti terjadi Wo.. o.. oh.. Chorus: Datanglah dan bertahta Kuat dan berkuasa Saat hati bersatu Menaikkan pujian Belenggu dipatahkan Mujizat dinyatakan Great is our God For more updates follow us on Instagram/twitter: @ndc_worship Facebook: Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook Fanpage: NDC Worship www.ndcworship.com Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please like share,comment,repost and tag your friends,thank yo...
KuasaMu Terlebih Besar NDC Worship Composed by: Joseph S Djafar,Teddy Dermawan,Titi Dermawan Music Director: Joseph S Djafar & Ucok Radjagukguk SMS Pemesanan : 0818 105 808 Untuk informasi, kirim demo lagu dan berhubungan dengan Impact Music, hubungi: info@impactmusicindonesia.com atau via http://www.tokorohani.com Produksi Impact Music Lirik: KuasaMu terlebih besar Tuhanku terlebih besar tak pernah terlambat janjimu ya Tuhan Menolong hidupku KuasaMu terlebih besar Tuhanku terlebih besar tak pernah terlambat janjimu ya Tuhan pulihkan hidupku Hanya Kau Tuhan penolongku yang s'lalu setia bersamaku Kasih-Mu yang sanggup mengubah kehidupanku Sungguh kuberserah, Sungguh kupercaya Ikuti Update Berita & Kegiatan Kami di: fb : impactmusicindonesia Dengarkan Siaran Radio Internet Gratis ...
"Jawaban Hidupku" composed by Ronald Pangemanan / Joseph.S. Djafar Video Production by Venema Pictures Jawaban Hidupku Meskipun tak kumengerti Apa yang kualami Namun ku yakin Tuhan punya Rancangan terbaik Pertolonganku datang dari Mu Yesus yang kupercaya Reff : Yang tak mungkin bagiku Semua mungkin bagiMu Hanya Engkaulah jawaban hidupku Yang tak pernah kulihat Dan tak pernah kupikirkan Itu yang Kau sediakan bagiku For more updates follow us on Instagram/twitter:@ndc_worship Facebook:Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook page:NDC Worship Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please share,repost and tag your friends,thank you & God bless you all. Thank you
NDC WORSHIP Live at Baywalk Live Recording w/ 45 pieces orchestra Music Director : Joseph S Djafar & Ucok Radjagukguk Vocal: Endang Mutiara Tobing & Michael Panjaitan Song composed by Ronald Pangemanan / Joseph S Djafar / Michael Panjaitan Piano: Joseph S Djafar Keyb I : Ucok Radjagukguk Keyb II : Tommy Widodo Drums : Amos Cahyadi Bass : Teddy Dermawan Guitar I : Danny Rico Novianto Guitar II : Henry Budidharma Guitar III : Reno Castello Acc Guitar : Ronald Pangemanan www.ndcworship.com IG : @ndc_worship
NDC WORSHIP Live at Baywalk Live Recording w/ 45 pieces orchestra PengorbananMu Sempurna Composed by: Teddy Dermawan & Titi Dermawan Music Director : Joseph S Djafar & Ucok Radjagukguk Vocal: Tito Joshua & Titi Dermawan Piano: Joseph S Djafar Keyb I : Ucok Radjagukguk Keyb II : Tommy Widodo Drums : Amos Cahyadi Bass : Teddy Dermawan Guitar I : Danny Rico Novianto Guitar II : Henry Budidharma Guitar III : Reno Castello Acc Guitar : Ronald Pangemanan www.ndcworship.com IG : @ndc_worship
GBI - NAFIRI DISCIPLESHIP CHURCH [NDC] LIVE IN BAYWALK (Live Recording Concert) GREEN VILLE MAISONETTE BLOK FA. No.4-7 , JAKBAR PRISMA SPORT CLUB - TAMAN KEDOYA PERMAI , JAKBAR NCH - CENTRAL PARK APL TOWER LT.8 , JAKBAR NLW - LIVING WORLD MALL LT.3 , ALAM SUTRA - TGR NBB - BAYWALK MALL LT.11 , PLUIT JAKUT For More Information http://www.ndcministry.org Live streaming http://www.nafiriallah.tv Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJeffry.... http://google.com/+JeffryChou http://jeffrychou.blogspot.com/
Jawaban Hidupku Composed by Ronald Pangemanan Meskipun tak kumengerti Apa yang kualami Namun ku yakin Tuhan punya Rancangan terbaik Pertolonganku datang dari Mu Yesus yang kupercaya Reff : Yang tak mungkin bagiku Semua mungkin bagiMu Hanya Engkaulah jawaban hidupku Yang tak pernah kulihat Dan tak pernah kupikirkan Itu yang Kau sediakan bagiku For more updates follow us on: Instagram/twitter: @ndc_worship Facebook: Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) YouTube Channel: NDC Worship Facebook page: NDC Worship Ministry Contact : 081585501999
Mujizat Dalam Bersyukur composed by Joseph S Djafar & Ronald Pangemanan Verse Tangan Tuhan tak kurang panjang Untuk s'lalu menolong hidupku TelingaNya tak kurang tajam Untuk mendengar seruan hatiku Chorus: Ada mujizat dalam bersyukur Engkau tempat perlindunganku Tuhan Imanku tetap teguh dalamMu Kumenang,kumenang bersamaMu Bridge: Haleluyah, Haleluyah Haleluyah, Haleluyah For more updates follow us on: Instagram/twitter:@ndc_worship Facebook:Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook page:NDC Worship www.ndcworship.com Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please share,repost and tag your friends,thank you & God bless you all.
Tak Terbatas Composed by Ronald Pangemanan & Joseph S Djafar Video Production by Venema Pictures Tak Terbatas Semusim berlalu Namun Kau slalu pliharaku Kasih dan setiaMu Tak pernah layu dihidupku Reff : Lebih luas dari samudra KebaikanMu Bapa takkan habis di hidupku Lebih tinggi dari cakrawala Tak terbatas kasihMu Sungguh kubersyukur Bridge : Tuhan penuhi kebutuhanku Menurut kekayaanNya Tuhan cukupi keperluanku Menurut kemuliaanNya For more updates follow us on Instagram/twitter:@ndc_worship Facebook:Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook page:NDC Worship Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please share,repost and tag your friends,thank you & God bless you all.
Datanglah dan Bertahta (Great Is Our God) Composed by Danny Rico, Joseph S Djafar, Michael Panjaitan,Ribka Monika, Kristin Margareta, Chandra Ginting. Verse: Pelukis cakrawala Merangkai jagad raya Pencipta alam semesta Pemilik kehidupan Yang sanggup meny'lamatkan Dialah jalan kebenaran Kami rindukan kuasa lawatanMu Kebangkitan pasti terjadi Wo.. o.. oh.. Chorus: Datanglah dan bertahta Kuat dan berkuasa Saat hati bersatu Menaikkan pujian Belenggu dipatahkan Mujizat dinyatakan Great is our God For more updates follow us on Instagram/twitter: @ndc_worship Facebook: Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook Fanpage: NDC Worship www.ndcworship.com Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please like share,comment,repost and tag your friends,thank yo...
KuasaMu Terlebih Besar NDC Worship Composed by: Joseph S Djafar,Teddy Dermawan,Titi Dermawan Music Director: Joseph S Djafar & Ucok Radjagukguk SMS Pemesanan : 0818 105 808 Untuk informasi, kirim demo lagu dan berhubungan dengan Impact Music, hubungi: info@impactmusicindonesia.com atau via http://www.tokorohani.com Produksi Impact Music Lirik: KuasaMu terlebih besar Tuhanku terlebih besar tak pernah terlambat janjimu ya Tuhan Menolong hidupku KuasaMu terlebih besar Tuhanku terlebih besar tak pernah terlambat janjimu ya Tuhan pulihkan hidupku Hanya Kau Tuhan penolongku yang s'lalu setia bersamaku Kasih-Mu yang sanggup mengubah kehidupanku Sungguh kuberserah, Sungguh kupercaya Ikuti Update Berita & Kegiatan Kami di: fb : impactmusicindonesia Dengarkan Siaran Radio Internet Gratis ...
"Jawaban Hidupku" composed by Ronald Pangemanan / Joseph.S. Djafar Video Production by Venema Pictures Jawaban Hidupku Meskipun tak kumengerti Apa yang kualami Namun ku yakin Tuhan punya Rancangan terbaik Pertolonganku datang dari Mu Yesus yang kupercaya Reff : Yang tak mungkin bagiku Semua mungkin bagiMu Hanya Engkaulah jawaban hidupku Yang tak pernah kulihat Dan tak pernah kupikirkan Itu yang Kau sediakan bagiku For more updates follow us on Instagram/twitter:@ndc_worship Facebook:Nafiri Discipleship Church (worship) You Tube Channel :NDC Worship Facebook page:NDC Worship Ministry Contact : 08161981906 / 081315230775 Please share,repost and tag your friends,thank you & God bless you all. Thank you
NDC WORSHIP Live at Baywalk Live Recording w/ 45 pieces orchestra Music Director : Joseph S Djafar & Ucok Radjagukguk Vocal: Endang Mutiara Tobing & Michael Panjaitan Song composed by Ronald Pangemanan / Joseph S Djafar / Michael Panjaitan Piano: Joseph S Djafar Keyb I : Ucok Radjagukguk Keyb II : Tommy Widodo Drums : Amos Cahyadi Bass : Teddy Dermawan Guitar I : Danny Rico Novianto Guitar II : Henry Budidharma Guitar III : Reno Castello Acc Guitar : Ronald Pangemanan www.ndcworship.com IG : @ndc_worship
NDC WORSHIP Live at Baywalk Live Recording w/ 45 pieces orchestra PengorbananMu Sempurna Composed by: Teddy Dermawan & Titi Dermawan Music Director : Joseph S Djafar & Ucok Radjagukguk Vocal: Tito Joshua & Titi Dermawan Piano: Joseph S Djafar Keyb I : Ucok Radjagukguk Keyb II : Tommy Widodo Drums : Amos Cahyadi Bass : Teddy Dermawan Guitar I : Danny Rico Novianto Guitar II : Henry Budidharma Guitar III : Reno Castello Acc Guitar : Ronald Pangemanan www.ndcworship.com IG : @ndc_worship
GBI - NAFIRI DISCIPLESHIP CHURCH [NDC] LIVE IN BAYWALK (Live Recording Concert) GREEN VILLE MAISONETTE BLOK FA. No.4-7 , JAKBAR PRISMA SPORT CLUB - TAMAN KEDOYA PERMAI , JAKBAR NCH - CENTRAL PARK APL TOWER LT.8 , JAKBAR NLW - LIVING WORLD MALL LT.3 , ALAM SUTRA - TGR NBB - BAYWALK MALL LT.11 , PLUIT JAKUT For More Information http://www.ndcministry.org Live streaming http://www.nafiriallah.tv Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJeffry.... http://google.com/+JeffryChou http://jeffrychou.blogspot.com/
This video is about NDC-Tsunami
This video is about NDC-Tsunami
(Holder & Lea:)
I beleive in woman, my oh my
I beleive in lovin', my oh my
Don' a women need a man
Try and catch one if you can
I beleive in woman, my oh my
We all need someone to talk to my oh my
We all need someone to talk to my oh my
Ya need a shoulder to cry on
Call me I'll be standing by
We all need someone to talk to my oh my
We all need a lot of lovin' my oh my
Yeah, a whole lot of lovin' my oh my
I can lend a helpin' hand if you ain't go nothing
We all need some lovin' my oh oh
[ the dude singin' above plus a chorus sings rest of
song ]
So lets all swing together my oh my
We can all swing together my oh my
You've got troubles on your own
No need to face them all alone
We can all swing together my oh my
So lets all pull together my oh my
So lets all pull together my oh my
We can ride the stormy weahter
If we all get out and try
So lets all pull together my oh my