Greek Punk Mixtape


A few months ago MRR Radio asked me to do a guest show for them focusing on Greek punk. Based on that, I figured i would do a mixtape with some of my personal favourite Greek punk tracks from 1983 to 2016. You can listen to that radio show below.

As for the tapes: Final wholesale orders went out today (12/4/17) and I will try and do another run of 100 or so tapes after the summer – maybe get a bunch made in the UK as well – I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, you can get copies, while they last, at the below distros.

For copies, visit:

Static Shock Musik in Berlin, Germany

Trapdoor in Münster, Germany

Kostas in Stockholm, Sweden (

Juan Carlos in Texas, USA (

Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 4.37.37 PM.png

If you like what you hear, consider checking out the bands online and buying their records or going to their shows. Greece is not the easiest place to get to (or leave!) and we always enjoy and appreciate the international connection! I am not in Athens at the moment, but am working on a post for punks who are traveling here with some ideas for things to do and places to see, so stray tuned for that too at some point.

Until the next episode of Storm Stereo, coming soon, go here to check out previous episodes, or go here to download MP3s of both Storm Stereo shows and the Greek Punk Mixtape. Please note the MP3s and the mixtape tracks are not exactly the same, and not in the exact same order, but it’s basically the same set of songs. Either way, MP3 tracklisting follows below.

If you have any questions about this tape, the radio show, Greek punk or anything in between, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at

Until next time, stay posi, stay strong! With love from outer space



METRO DECAY – Kimília / Remnants (1983)

EX-HUMANS – Enófeli Epivíosi / Pointless Survival (1984)

ΣΤΡΕΣΣ / STRESS – ‘Anghos / Stress (1985)

ΑΔΙΕΞΟΔΟ / ADIEXODO – Soundtrack yia Odomahíes / Soundtrack for Street Fighting (1985)

ΓΕΝΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΧΑΟΥΣ / CHAOS GENERATION – Kinoniká Ypoproiónta / Social Byproducts (1985)

ANTI… – ‘Anthropi Fytá / Human Plants (1986)

ΟΡΑ ΜΗΔΕΝ / ORA MIDEN – Thánato stus Piités / Death to Poets (1988)

ΟΡΑ ΜΗΔΕΝ / ORA MIDEN – Mona Liza (1989)

ΝΑΥΤΙΑ / ΝΑUSEA – Hrysí Neoléa / Golden Youth (1989)

GULAG – Apología / Apology (1989)

ΧΟΑΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΣΤΑΣΗ / CHAOTIC DIMENSION – Kommatiká Exartiméni / Political Party Dependant (1993)

ΠΙΣΣΑ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΥΠΟΥΛΑ / PISSA KE POUPOULA – Xypnáte, Pethéno! / Wake UP, I’m Dying! (1993)

PANX ROMANA – Synágermos / Alarm (1993)


ΟΡΕΞΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ / OREXI YA TIPOTA – Korítsi Viázi Agóri / Girl Rapes Boy (1997)

FREE YOURSELF – Ethismós / Addiction (GULAG cover, 199?)


ΟΡΕΞΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ / OREXI YA TIPOTA – Gnísios ‘Ellinas tu 2000 (1997)

VODKA JUNIORS – Athens (2001)

ΧΕΙΜΕΡΙΑ ΝΑΡΚΗ / HIBERNATION – Yálini Mitrópoli / Metropolis of Glass (2000)

GO FILTH GO – Future No! (2010)

LAST BREATH – ‘Ιsos Miá Méra  / Maybe One Day (2010)

ΠΑΝΔΗΜΙΑ / PANDIMIA  – Vasílio tis Parakmís / Kingdom of Decline (2010)

ANTIMOB – Dógma (2012)

ΟΔΟΣ 55 / ODOS 55 – Attiki Victoria (2012)

ERA OF FEAR – Mizéria (2013)

GUTTER – No Chances, No Choices (2013)

DIRTY WOMBS – Derail (2014)

YOUTH CRUSHER – Incurable (2016)

ΧΩΡΙΣ ΟΙΚΤΟ / HORIS IKTO – Argós Thánatos / Slow Death (2016)



A Brief History of Greek Punk for MRR Remote Radio

As promised, I prepared a special edition of Maximum Rocknroll Remote Radio, introducing you to a brief history of Greek punk from 1983 to the year 2000. Nowhere near enough time to play everything and talk about each band – let alone discuss context, history and perspectives – in just 60 minutes, but my plan is to do another Greek special again soon. Until then, you can read a bit more about Greek punk here. If you feel like exploring, go to where you’ll find an almost exhaustive list of Greek punk bands, past and present (info is in Greek, but it’s a fantastic resource none the less). For further reference, see also these labels: Wipe Out!, B-Other Side, Enigma, Creep.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:18 — 82.9MB)

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You can check out the MRR radio show page here and don’t forget to subscribe to MRR and, if you can, donate to support the world’s longest-running, all-volunteer run, hella rad punk zine, radio and archive.

In other news, an ULTRA interview will soon be in MRR – check it out, and listen to their music here. Until next time, stay posi (it’s hard, I know, but we gotta do our best) and take care of yourselves and those you love. Life is fucking short.

With love from outer space


Intro song:
ADIEXODO (Dead End) – Soundtrack for Street Fighting / ΑΔΙΕΞΟΔΟ – Σάουντρακ για Οδομαχίες

METRO DECAY – Remnants / Κειμήλια
EX-HUMANS – Pointless Survival / Ανώφελη Επιβίωση
STRESS – Anxiety / ΣΤΡΕΣΣ – Άγχος

GENIA TOU CHAOUS (Chaos Generation) – No Hope / ΓΕΝΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΧΑΟΥΣ – Καμιά Ελπίδα
ΑΝΤΙ… – Human Vegetables / ‘Ανθρωποι Φυτά
ORA MIDEN (Zero Hour) – Death to Poets / ΟΡΑ ΜΗΔΕΝ – Θάνατο Στους Ποιητές
GULAG – Big Talk / ΓΚΟΥΛΑΓΚ – Μόνο Λόγια

NAFTIA (Nausea) – Golden Youth / ΝΑΥΤΙΑ – Χρυσή Νεολαία
KINKING APOVLITA? (Social Waste?) – Death Youth / ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΑ ΑΠΟΒΛΗΤΑ; – Νεκρή Νεολαία
ANTIDRASI (Reaction) – State of Danger / ΑΝΤΙΔΡΑΣΗ – Κατάσταση Κινδύνου
PANIKOS (Panic) – Lias / ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ – Ψεύτες

CHAOTIKO TELOS (Chaotic End) – We Live in the Dark / ΧΑΟΤΙΚΟ ΤΕΛΟΣ – Ζούμε Στο Σκοτάδι
ARNITIKI STASI (Negative Stance) – Pandora’s Box / ΑΡΝΗΤΙΚΗ ΣΤΑΣΗ – Κουτί της Πανδώρας
HIBERNATION – Glass Metropolis / ΧΕΙΜΕΡΙΑ ΝΑΡΚΗ – Γυάλινη Μητρόπολη

CHAOTIKI DIASTASI (Chaotic Dimension) – Politically Dependent / ΧΑΟΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΣΤΑΣΗ – Κομματικά Εξαρτημένοι
OREXI GIA TIPOTA (In The Mood for Nothing)- Girl Rapes Boy / ΟΡΕΞΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ – Κορίτσι Βιάζει Αγόρι
FREE YOURSELF – Addiction / Εθισμός (GULAG cover)

Outro song:
PANX ROMANA – Alarm / Συναγερμός

MRR Coordinators interviewed by KALW Radio, SF

With fellow MRR Coordinators Eli Wald and Grace Ambrose

Interview by Colin Peden Jun 15, 2015

I’m inside what looks like it could be a college library or a research institute. People sit quietly working at desks and tables, surrounded by shelves full of periodicals and rows of storage boxes that are neatly indexed by color and symbol. Lydia Athanasopoulou shows me around. She’s the senior content coordinator here — kind of like the head librarian.

Continue reading MRR Coordinators interviewed by KALW Radio, SF