Showing posts with label idaho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label idaho. Show all posts

18 August 2015


One more hour of trance inducing synth drone from Boise, Idaho's MEMORY SMOKER. At some moments terrifying, and at others indescribably peaceful. I enjoy this outfit, and recommend them.

11 July 2014


Crushing mutant hardcore from Boise. A half hour of downtuned discordant devastation that nods at '90s powerviolence without ignoring the nuances that have come since. While touches of KARP (by way of grunge) and basement emo guitar work keep DEEP CREEPS firmly rooted in the past, this demo is more modern and aurally topical than any by-the-numbers hardcore act cranking out the rehashed flavor of the month - this shit is weird. Intent(ional) listening is not required, but the full effect cannot be realized without it.

06 June 2014


MUTANT VIDEO should be no stranger to Friends Of The Escape, and their latest effort is arguably even more...trying. The sound is uncomfortable, sparse and dark - and that is the point. This tape is shared with MEMORY SMOKER, fellow Escape veterans and (hopefully) familiar to fans of the weird, whose latest contribution is decidedly more subdued than their last - which somehow just makes it that much more difficult. I'm not sure if these are sounds or experiences, but I want to keep deciding over and over...preferably in the dark.

For all in the Bay Area, might I suggest that you attend the art and sound program presented tonight  by FEEDING. Of course today's post is in honor of this showing (one third of MUTANT VIDEO is also one half of FEEDING), and I have also breathed new life into two of the older PIG HEART TRANSPLANT posts in honor of the presentation (the Brain of PHT is the other half of FEEDING). EconoJam Records in Oakland. Attendance is highly recommended.

21 March 2013


For the next hour, if you are brave, then you will be rewarded. Remain calm, pay attention, breathe deeply and listen closely. This is the marriage of noise and psychedelia, and it is a wondrous union.

15 March 2013


- two tapes, two region specific compilations -

Children With Eyes That Hate You is more than a brilliant title, it is fifty minutes of unknown and under appreciated crust/punk/hardcore from Michigan. I think this tape came out in the early '00s, but a lot of the things that I think turn out to be wrong (just ask anyone who actually listens to me). Tracks from REPRISAL, VILENTLY ILL, HARDWARE HEALTH and loads more. This will be of special interest to those who like it raw, 19 bands in all.

I don't want to toot my own horn too much, but I've played shows in a lot of places. Some of them have been really cool and some have kinda sucked (though I place the blame for the latter more at my own feet than anything else). One place that sucked? Boise, Idaho. Only played there once (I think? Maybe twice, but it was certainly never good), and have never seen any reason to return....until now. By no means is everything on this tape to my liking, but most importantly none of it sucks. Even if TIM BLOOD AND THE GUTPANTHERS ain't my jam, at least they are solid as fuck, and there is more than enough magic on this tape to make me curious about the potential for good times in Boise: LITTLE MISS AND THE NO NAMES, killer old school USHC from SOCIAL ANTIDOTE, snotty punk from TOILET BABIES, raw hardcore from PIG NOOSE, even rawer hardcore from the unfortunately named CAT MASSACRE, amazing guitar driven madness from VIPE...the title speaks volumes here, because every single one of these bands is new to me. A secret perhaps, but one that is well worth spreading around.