- published: 07 Oct 2017
- views: 2600
Omsk (Russian: Омск; IPA: [omsk]) is a city and the administrative center of Omsk Oblast, Russia, located in southwestern Siberia 2,236 kilometers (1,389 mi) from Moscow. With a population of 1,154,116, it is Russia's second-largest city east of the Ural Mountains after Novosibirsk, and seventh by size nationally.
During the Imperial era, Omsk was the seat of the Governor General of Western Siberia, and later of the Governor General of the Steppes. For a brief period during the Russian Civil War in 1918–1920, it served as the capital of the anti-Bolshevik Russian State and held the imperial gold reserves.
Omsk is the administrative center of the Siberian Cossack Host. It also serves as the see of the bishop of Omsk and Tara, as well as the administrative seat of the Imam of Siberia.
Omsk stretches along the banks of the north-flowing Irtysh at its confluence with the smaller Om River. The city has an elevation of 87 meters (285 ft) above mean sea level at its highest point.
Omsk is an important railroad hub, and is the junction point for the northern and southern branches of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The city also serves as a major hub for the regional highway network. River-port facilities handle both passengers and freight, giving the city access to navigating the extensive waterways of the Irtysh and Ob River. The waterways connect Omsk with the coal and mineral-mining towns further up the river in Kazakhstan, as well as with the oil, natural gas and lumber operations of northern Siberia. Omsk is served by the Tsentralny Airport, which offers access to domestic and international (primarily, German and Kazakh) destinations, making the city an important aviation hub for Siberia and the Russian Far East.
Coordinates: 60°N 90°E / 60°N 90°E / 60; 90
Russia (i/ˈrʌʃə/; Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya; IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), also officially known as the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya; IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a sovereign state in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area. Russia is the world's ninth most populous country with over 144 million people at the end of 2015.
Extending across the entirety of northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait.
Omsk. The third capital. 300-year anniversary. / Омск. Третья столица. 300-летний юбилей.
OMSK TRAIN STATION : My first experience with Russian Railways- RZD
My first train journey in Russia - Enroute Trans Siberian Railway - Omsk to Novosibirsk
Vor 20 Jahren: Im Zug von Omsk nach Berlin
Omsk Explore Russia
Auf Identitätssuche in Omsk
Omsk ( Омск ) - Siberian City
Аэросъёмка. Зимний Омск 2015. (Aerial video 4K. Winter Omsk (Russia, Siberia) 2015.)
VLOG • July • Omsk
MadC, Omsk & Caparso in Romania
Autostopem na Kołymę - Omsk (odc. 9)
Public Transport in Omsk 2013
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia
Girl in fountain (Omsk, Siberia, Russia)
Berliner Schüler zu Gast im sibirischen Omsk
Omsk, vivre au présent et au passé / Омск - жить сегодня и в прошлом [SUBRUS]
Omsk. Soviet Union. Город Омск и Омская область во времена СССР
Provincia de Omsk. Siberia (Parte 2)
Russian Roads... Siberia, Omsk.
How to get Russia visa - http://www.touristhelpline.com/how-i-got-russian-tourist-visa/ SUBSCRIBE - https://goo.gl/dEtSMJ (‘MountainTrekker’) Previous video - https://youtu.be/EX0JcqwMB98 How is a Siberian town or city? Watch this video to get the answer. In this video, you will get a glimpse of Omsk, a city in Siberia, Russia. Also, you will come to know how the people of Russia are! Despite language barrier how a tourist like me can travel to unknown and non-touristy places in Russia. If you have any other query feel free to ask at - www.facebook.com/groups/touristhelpline (It may not be possible for me to answer each and every query here, but other group members, travellers, and travel experts can help you) Other travel series - # THAILAND playlist - https://goo.gl/dOUJck ...
Omsk is one of the largest cities of Russia, the administrative center of Omsk oblast, located at the confluence of the Irtysh and the Om rivers, in southwestern Siberia, 2,236 kilometers (1,389 mi) from Moscow. Omsk is multi-million-strong city (1 079 178 people in 2016), the second largest population in Siberia and eighth in Russia. A major transport hub: from West to East passes through the city railway TRANS-Siberian railway, with its construction, Omsk became known as "the Gate of Siberia". The navigable Irtysh River runs from South to North, is the longest tributary in the world (a tributary of the Ob River). The territory of Omsk were of great importance since ancient times. Here were settlements and burial grounds of many developed Nations that lived from the VI Millennium BC to th...
SUBSCRIBE - https://goo.gl/dEtSMJ (‘MountainTrekker’) Previous video - https://youtu.be/ZD12D7VRN0o This is the first time I saw a Russian train station. In this video, you will see Omsk railway station, an important transit point on the Trans-Siberian railway. How does the station look from inside? How to buy a ticket at a Russian train station? How did I find the mobile charging points, waiting area & toilets? If you have any other query feel free to ask at - www.facebook.com/groups/touristhelpline (It may not be possible for me to answer each and every query here, but other group members, travellers, and travel experts can help you) Other travel series - # THAILAND playlist - https://goo.gl/dOUJck # EUROPE Playlist - https://goo.gl/Tlx9mJ # BANGLADESH playlist - https://goo.gl...
SUBSCRIBE - https://goo.gl/dEtSMJ (‘MountainTrekker’) Previous video - https://youtu.be/otPhTqdgCOU This video is about my first train journey in Russia. I traveled from Omsk to Novosibirsk in a train. Watch this video to know how do the Russian trains look from inside? How was my first experience of travelling on a Russian train! If you have any other query feel free to ask at - www.facebook.com/groups/touristhelpline (It may not be possible for me to answer each and every query here, but other group members, travellers, and travel experts can help you) Other travel series - # THAILAND playlist - https://goo.gl/dOUJck # EUROPE Playlist - https://goo.gl/Tlx9mJ # BANGLADESH playlist - https://goo.gl/uw1y1v # SPITI (India) playlist - https://goo.gl/xqvvQ6 # MALAYSIA playlist - http...
Im Herbst 1997 fuhr einmal in der Woche ein Zug vom sibirischen Omsk nach Berlin. Mehr als 100 Stunden zwischen einer alten kalten und einer neuen, manchmal nicht weniger kalten Heimat. Ein Aussiedler-Express, der deutschstämmige Russen nach Deutschland brachte.
Nach der Trennung ihrer Eltern wuchs Ksenia in Deutschland bei ihrer Mutter auf. Als junge Frau fragt sie sich nun: Wie viel Russland steckt eigentlich in mir? Unsere Filmemacherin begleitete Ksenia auf der Reise zu ihrem Vater, in ihre Geburtsstadt Omsk
Omsk is the Capital of the Omsk Oblast and the 2nd Biggest City of Western Siberia and an important hub for Central Asian Trade like Kazakhstan , it runs the Trans-Siberian Railway City Population ( 2010 ): 1,154,000 Ethnic Groups: Russians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Germans, Tatars
ВАЖНО: По вопросам съёмок и использования видео писать на 1@visg.ru Видео создано: http://vk.com/visg_ru Город в котором я вырос. Город интересный и со сложной судьбой. Постарался показать самые ключевые места города. Съёмки были в первой половине января, поэтому на улицах не так много людей и машин, но много холода и снега :) Сложность была в том, что система, передающая картинку на экран затухала полностью на удалении 30-40 метров, поэтому в большинстве случаев я не видел, что снимает камера и действовал практически наугад. Ситуацию облегчило то, что город не слишком большой и эти места я знаю очень хорошо. Сейчас же, у нас стоит исправный передатчик с хорошими антеннами и картинка не пропадает даже при удалении на 1 км. Ещё сложность была в том, что в январе световой день очень корот...
Subskrybuj: http://bit.ly/1OyT5Jf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/autostopemnakoniecswiata Fundacja: https://www.facebook.com/twojbrakujacyelement Montaż: TRS Studio https://www.facebook.com/StudioTRS Rosja to wspaniały kraj, którego nie należy się bać i łatwo się po nim podróżuje. Absurdalne sytuacje występują tu na każdym kroku. W tym odcinku opowiadam o tym jak funkcjonuje Poczta. Napisy są do dokończenia, a Juwenalia utrudniają dorwanie się do trzeźwego człowieka, który mógłby mi w tym pomóc. Życzliwych proszę o podesłanie choćby po jednym zdaniu tłumaczenia tam gdzie go brakuje.
Beach soccer in Omsk Russia. FC Mayak pleyed on annual beach soccer tournament. В 2009 ФК Маяк Омск играл на ежегодном турнире по пляжному футболу.
"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben" Alexander von Humboldt hat die Welt gesehen und auch die Schülerinnen und Schüler des Berlin KreativitätsGymnasiums haben die Möglichkeit sich während ihrer Schulzeit die Welt anzuschauen. Omsk, die südsibirische Großstadt mit ihren 1,3 Millionen Einwohnern war das Ziel. Eine Stadt, die beeindruckt. Der Jugendaustausch mit Schülerinnen und Schülern des Gymnasiums No. 19 fand zum dritten Mal statt. Im November kommen die Omsker nach Berlin.
Le Courrier de Russie s'est rendu à Omsk en Sibérie. Reportage vidéo sur la ville, ses gens et son "secteur privé", les quartiers d’Omsk composés de maisons individuelles en bois. На французском с русскими субтитрами. Réalisation : Vad Him www.lecourrierderussie.com
Торговый центр города Омска (город-сад). Уборка хлеба на полях Омской области. Деревенские улицы. Зона отдыха: дети на качелях, карусели. По улице проходят дети. Школьники убирают территорию пионерского лагеря. Комбайны убирают пшеницу. Лаборантка собирает пробы пшеницы в поле. Свадьба, молодожены. Соревнования по мотоболу. Прохожие на улицах Омска. Стадион, районный культурно-спортивный праздник. Детский сад. Улица двухэтажных новых домов. Дети играют, рисуют, занимаются рукоделием.
Take a tour of Omsk Dormition Cathedral in Omsk, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. A striking feature of the city of Omsk, in southern Russia, is the grand and colorful Dormition Cathedral. This structure boasts a gleaming white exterior and shiny blue and gold domes, typical of Russian architecture. These features add to the majesty of the cathedral as both a place of worship and historical monument. The original Dormition Cathedral was built in the late nineteenth century, designed in the Russian Revival Style. However, when the Soviets came to power, they destroyed this and many other Russian churches as part of their Communist agenda. Fortunately, the Omsk Dormition Cathedral was recently rebuilt, to forever regain i...
How to get Russia visa - http://www.touristhelpline.com/how-i-got-russian-tourist-visa/ SUBSCRIBE - https://goo.gl/dEtSMJ (‘MountainTrekker’) Previous video - https://youtu.be/EX0JcqwMB98 How is a Siberian town or city? Watch this video to get the answer. In this video, you will get a glimpse of Omsk, a city in Siberia, Russia. Also, you will come to know how the people of Russia are! Despite language barrier how a tourist like me can travel to unknown and non-touristy places in Russia. If you have any other query feel free to ask at - www.facebook.com/groups/touristhelpline (It may not be possible for me to answer each and every query here, but other group members, travellers, and travel experts can help you) Other travel series - # THAILAND playlist - https://goo.gl/dOUJck ...
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Tara gate. Krestovozdvizhensky cathedral. Lyubinsky avenue, "Moscow" merchant row. Nightlife around the Mayakovsky entertainment complex. Leningrad bridge over the Irtysh. St.Nicholas Cossacs Cathedral. Omsk Drama Theater. Fine arts museum is entitled in honour of Mikhail Vrubel. Military school.
Omsk is a city and the administrative center of Omsk Oblast, Russia, located in southwestern Siberia 2,236 kilometers (1,389 mi) from Moscow. During the Imperial era, Omsk was the seat of the Governor General of Western Siberia, and later of the Governor General of the Steppes. For a brief period during the Russian Civil War in 1918–1920, it served as the capital of the anti-Bolshevik Russian State and held the imperial gold reserves. Omsk is the administrative center of the Siberian Cossack Host. It also serves as the see of the bishop of Omsk and Tara, as well as the administrative seat of the Imam of Siberia.
SUBSCRIBE - https://goo.gl/dEtSMJ (‘MountainTrekker’) Gimbal - https://goo.gl/Frwci2 If you have any other query feel free to ask at - www.facebook.com/groups/touristhelpline (It may not be possible for me to answer each and every query here, but other group members, travelers, and travel experts can help you) Other travel series - # THAILAND playlist - https://goo.gl/dOUJck # EUROPE Playlist - https://goo.gl/Tlx9mJ # BANGLADESH playlist - https://goo.gl/uw1y1v # SPITI (India) playlist - https://goo.gl/xqvvQ6 # MALAYSIA playlist - https://goo.gl/2a3doK PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS AND LET OTHERS GET INFORMED ABOUT THIS CHANNEL My blog: www.touristhelpline.com FACEBOOK.com/page.mountaintrekker TWITTER.com/mttrekkerindia
Omsk is one of the largest cities of Russia, the administrative center of Omsk oblast, located at the confluence of the Irtysh and the Om rivers, in southwestern Siberia, 2,236 kilometers (1,389 mi) from Moscow. Omsk is multi-million-strong city (1 079 178 people in 2016), the second largest population in Siberia and eighth in Russia. A major transport hub: from West to East passes through the city railway TRANS-Siberian railway, with its construction, Omsk became known as "the Gate of Siberia". The navigable Irtysh River runs from South to North, is the longest tributary in the world (a tributary of the Ob River). The territory of Omsk were of great importance since ancient times. Here were settlements and burial grounds of many developed Nations that lived from the VI Millennium BC to th...
Schumann, Carnaval-Papillons
SUBSCRIBE - https://goo.gl/dEtSMJ (‘MountainTrekker’) Previous video - https://youtu.be/683a8fiUvHM This video is about my first day in Russia. If you have any other query feel free to ask at - www.facebook.com/groups/touristhelpline (It may not be possible for me to answer each and every query here, but other group members, travellers, and travel experts can help you) Other travel series - # THAILAND playlist - https://goo.gl/dOUJck # EUROPE Playlist - https://goo.gl/Tlx9mJ # BANGLADESH playlist - https://goo.gl/uw1y1v # SPITI (India) playlist - https://goo.gl/xqvvQ6 # MALAYSIA playlist - https://goo.gl/2a3doK # RUSSIA playlist - https://goo.gl/BB54T4 PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS AND LET OTHERS GET INFORMED ABOUT THIS CHANNEL My blog: www.touristhelpline.com INSTAGRAM.com/varunvag...
How to get Russia visa - http://www.touristhelpline.com/how-i-got-russian-tourist-visa/ SUBSCRIBE - https://goo.gl/dEtSMJ (‘MountainTrekker’) Previous video - https://youtu.be/8yD8ENUDe1A This is the first day of my Russian trip. I am in Omsk. In this video, you can see how to get a tourist sim in Russia. Also, you will come to know how to get Russian Ruble. Instead of using a money exchanger I used an ATM which had its services available in English. Surprisingly, I got an excellent exchange rate by using the ATM. I have shared the ATM's receipt and the SMS I got from my Indian bank in the video. I don't know this happened because of the Indian bank or it was a special feature of the Russian bank which owns the ATM. I can recommend this bank's ATM to every traveller as it gives a better ...
Omsk Russia Омск Россия Time Lapse Города России
Аэросъемка с высоты полета квадрокоптера. #омск. #dji #phantom #gopro #flight #quadrocopter #copter #fly #geocom #drone #drones #dronelife #dronefly #flydrone #copterfly #flycopter #copters #aerialcinema #aeria #phantom2 #hero3 #djiphantom #flycamaero #aerialvideo #своздуха #zenmuse #h33d #zenmuseh33d #dronegear #omsk #omskaya #surfari #surfariomsk #smlb #smokelab #new_a #новаяатлетика
On a September afternoon
in nineteenn sixty one
A baby girl's first cry rang out
a new life had begun
Her mother rocked her in her arms
and she kissed the tiny brow-and she said
"Darling I'm just as scared as you
But i promise you somehow"
I will take care of you
the very best that I can
With all of the love here in my heart
and all of the strength in my hands
Your every joy I'll share
for every tear I'll be there
my whole life through
I will take care of you
On a September afternoon
in nineteen neighty five
that little girl had grown into
a beautiful younng bride
She turned to the man who held her hand
in front of the waiting crowd
They smiled at each other as they spoke
and this was their wedding vow
I will take care of you
the very best that I can
With all of the love here in my heart
and all of the strength in my hands
Your every joy I'll share
for every tear i'll be there
my whole life through
I will take care of you
On a September afternoon
In nineteen eighty nine
The girl waited by a hospital bed
Never leaving her mother's side
And she said "Mama why don't you close your eyes
try to get some rest
It's my turn to take care of you and I learned from the best
I will take care of you"
On a September afternoon
In nineteen ninety one
A baby girl's first cry rang out
A new life has begun...
Words: Amy Sky