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DL Byron (Byron)
Blogger, Designer, Inventor, and Publisher of Bike Hugger, Byron is also an author, Glass Explorer, contributor to Wired, and the editor of a micropublished magazine about bike culture.
Blogger, Designer, Inventor, and Publisher of Bike Hugger, Byron is also an author, Glass Explorer, contributor to Wired, and the editor of a micropublished magazine about bike culture.

DL's posts


There's a free port on that charger and then I was thinking I could charge it while it was charging with a bigger battery. 

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'Sweating bullets' - The inside story of the first iPhone

... if the incumbents laugh at you and the press laugh at you, you go, 'we’ve hit a nerve'.

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Create Good Work

What I’m saying in the piece is that chasing a career as a social media influencer might be a misplaced goal, but by creating good work, generating large followings and actively seeking relationships with clients, it’s possible to use the social media clout to make one’s work more visible and demonstrate the ability to deliver in a world of instant gratification.

It’s not the influence that matters, but your work. Create good work.

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Exclusive: How Elizabeth Holmes’s House of Cards Came Tumbling Down | Vanity Fair

(Silicon Valley is) one big confidence game in which entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and the tech media pretend to vet one another.

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NYTimes: A George Carlin Special Too Raw After Sept. 11 Resurfaces Now

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