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Bike Hugger
The joy, fun, and challenges of life on a bike. Bike Hugger® Magazine is available on iTunes and the Web.
The joy, fun, and challenges of life on a bike. Bike Hugger® Magazine is available on iTunes and the Web.

Bike Hugger's posts

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This Man Rode a Bike From India to Sweden—for Love

Simon Worrall
This Man Rode a Bike From India to Sweden—for Love

Simon Worrall

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Photos from our annual trip to ride fatbikes in the snow. Read the story on our blog.
7 Photos - View album

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Stress free in Silicon Valley? That sounds good, maybe clearer heads will get them innnovating again.

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Non matching shoes. 

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NYTimes: In Beijing, Two Wheels Are Only a Smartphone Away

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Bicycle clubs flourished, then faded in Quincy - Herald-Whig -
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