Welcome to NDIS Rights

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) seeks to transform the provision of disability services in Australia. When it comes into effect, the scheme will provide a new way of individualised care and support for people with disabilities, where people will be linked to service providers based on their individual choices, needs and long term plans.

As the Scheme is implemented, clients and consumers may experience challenges or situations of uncertainty. These fact sheets seek to provide rights-based legal information to consumers about how to deal with various NDIS processes, agencies, and complaints mechanisms.

About This Project

The NDIS Rights Fact Sheets on this website have been developed by Fitzroy Legal Service, Hobart Community Legal Service and Redfern Legal Centre after receiving a grant through the Commonwealth Attorney-General Department’s Human Rights Framework – Education Grants.  The fact sheets have been developed to address community need for rights-based legal information when accessing the NDIS and the various agencies involved with the NDIS.

The Fact Sheets are intended to provide basic information about what rights a person has under the NDIS, and what they can do if they feel their rights are not being recognised. The Fact Sheets are meant to provide only general information. They are not meant to replace legal advice or advocacy.

The fact sheets have gone through an extensive consultation process through consumer and advocacy community groups in Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. At this stage, they are available for downloading in PDF format, in Easy English, and MP3.

For further information on this project, please contact Fitzroy Legal Service reception@fitzroy-legal.org.au or call (03) 9419 3744.

For legal advice on any issues relating to the NDIS, please contact your local Community Legal Centre. You can find the Community Legal Centre closes to you by visiting the National Association of Community Legal Centres website.


The three Community Legal Centres would like to thank the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department for funding this project. We also wish to thank the organisations and community members who participated in the consultation process and provided very valuable feedback. We would like to thank Ian Parsons for his work on the fact sheets, Thomson Geer commercial law firm for their assistance during the final review, Maddocks law firm for their advice and assistance, and Wasabi Creative for developing this website.


The material contained in these fact sheets is of the nature of general comment only and is not intended to be advice on any particular matter. Readers should not act on the basis of any material on this fact sheet without obtaining advice relevant to their own particular situations. The authors expressly disclaim any liability to a person in respect of any action taken or not taken in reliance on the contents of this publication.

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