Showing posts with label CJNG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CJNG. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Social Media Reports On Shootouts in Nochistlán, Zacatecas

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Dozens of citizens and neighbors of the municipality of Nochistlán de Mejía, located at 224 kilometers south of the capital of Zacatecas reported on a violent shootout through various social networks that lasted for several hours during the early hours of Wednesday without the authorities having so far issued an official communication in regards to the incident.

Various videos and messages of the citizenship recorded the events where strong machinegun bursts can be heard throughout various parts of the area where the presence of armed groups in the area has been denounced.

The “magical town” of Nochistlán has been a disputed area of alleged members of organized crime who are fighting for the drug trafficking corridor bordering both the north and northwest with the municipality of Jalapa, south with Yahualica in Jalisco, to the east with Apulco, to the west of the municipalities of Juchipila and Apozol, to the north and northeast with Teocaltiche in Jalisco and finally to the south bordering with the municipality of Mezticacán, also located in Jalisco.

Neighbors of the area alerted on the presence of trucks with armed men on board moving throughout highways and roads as well as in the urban area of Nochistlán.

Source: ZHN

“Video 2: Shootout some moments ago in Nochistlán, the following video shows the northern outskirts of the municipality as the two convoys of armed subjects attacked each other.”

Additional Videos:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Authorities Arrest El Menchito

Updated with additional info

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Authorities in Jalisco detained Rubén Oseguera González, “El Menchito”, son of the leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes “El Mencho”, known by authorities in Mexico and the United States as the most dangerous criminal organization in the country.  Journalist Carlos Loret de Mola from Primero Noticias reported the capture Tuesday morning.

Rubén Oseguera was captured in a residential zone in Zapopan, Jalisco

Oseguera was captured early Tuesday morning and was taken to Mexico City.

According to official sources, the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) carried out an operation in Prados Vallarta, located in Zapopan in order to capture the son of “El Mencho”.

In the residential complex, some torn surveillance cameras were able to be seen, while another had the lens aiming at the sky and another camera was sprayed with a red liquid to prevent any visibility.

The National Security Commissioner, Monte Alejandro Rubido, stated that at the time of his capture, Oseguera González did not have any security deployment due to his low profile.

Rubido  also stated that “El Menchito” showed signs of having undergone a recent nose job.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Attack and threats of the Narco's in BC

Translated by O.B.F-W for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana Article, with additional images from Zetatijuana.

The coastal zone of Baja California lived a violent day, meanwhile Authorities from the Coordination Group insist that all remains calm. They refer to the threats on the Narco Mantas as not making sense. But they recognise the presence of the Cartel Jalisco Nuevo Generacion in Baja California. In the middle of these reflexions, one person survived being shot while being kidnapped, and a criminal cell leader was executed on bench close to the Common Law Courts.

The difference of the passive attitude of the Baja Californian Authorities, during the week, where the coastal zone of Baja California lived a day of successive violence that is unrivalled since the war between the Cartel Arellano Felix of Fernando Arellano Felix ( El Inginerio), and the hit men of Teodoro Garcia Simental between 2008 and 2010.

Its a clear showing that the violence and criminal control continues latently, as evidenced in a week that concluded as below:

* the Sunday of 5th of April, there were 13 narco mantas displayed in four days, warning of violence, of internal confrontations in the Sinaloa Cartel, and confrontations between them and the CAF.

* Tuesday the 7th of April the Army found and secured a narco tunnel, in the Airport zone of Tijuana, where without leaving the place they found drugs.

* In the first minutes of Wednesday the 8th, around the Boulevard Las Americas in Tijuana, there was the reported kidnapping of a businessman, that ended up being the attempted murder of a youngster who was engaged in illicit activities.

* The afternoon of the same Wednesday, two Ministry Agents were attacked with gun fire in Tecate by a group of hit men who fled.

* On Thursday 9th of April in the morning, in the vicinity of the local Courts, Luis Toscano "El Mono" was attacked and killed by gunfire in the North Zone of Tijuana. ( Otis: see BB reporter Tijuano's coverage of the Story, see link and BB reporter J analysis of the killing see link).

Warning Graphic image on next page caution advised

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

United States warns of the potential of CJNG and Los Cunis

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

United States warns of the potential of Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion and Los Cunis.

Click on Image to enlarge

Zeta Redaction and Cortesia
This Wednesday the Government of the United States added to its list of narco trafficker Bosses the leaders of the CJNG, Nemesio Osegura Cervantes "El Mencho" amd Abigael Gonzalez Valencia, who heads the criminal organisation of "Los Cunis".

The Treasury department, through the Office of Control of Foreign Assets (OFAC) warned that both Mexican drug Cartels and their leaders play an important role in international drug trafficking.

Because of this, the US Authorities determined to freeze any assets held by the suspected drug traffickers in that country and banned its nationals to transact with the aforementioned.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Invasion of Los Templarios and the Violent War With CJNG

Borderland Beat
Neither the federal authorities nor the state authorities dare to report  what international  intelligence agencies, such as Stratfor,  have reported;   of exactly what the inhabitants of of Jalisco and Michoacan are suffering; that the killings of the last days of 2012 and the beginning of the present year is caused by the conflict  over  expanding  territories between  the Knights Templar and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, after  emerging as the main groups in their native entities.
Inhabitants of the region, who feel at mercy of the criminals, report  the dispute between Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and the Knights Templar that erupted before  Christmas and continued during the first weeks of January, is due to the conflict over  control of  the ‘Jalmich’ territory  (the border of Jalisco and Michoacan).
The clash between the groups in conflict has caused an increase in extortions of civilians and the imposition of a parallel government, since the criminal groups control the movement of the people and charge fees to merchants and agricultural producers.
The cities of Jalisco most  affected by this war are;  Jilotlán de los Dolores, Pihuamo, Tecalitlán, Quitupan, Mazamitla, San José de Gracia, Santa María del Oro, La Barca, Atotonilco, Ayotlán, Tizapán El Alto y Degollado, Tuxcueca, Jocotepec and Chapala.
In Michoacán, the conflict has erupted in;  Briseñas, Yurécuaro, Sahuayo, Marcos Castellanos, La Piedad, Zamora, Cotija de La Paz, Tepalcatepec, Los Reyes, Peribán and even Apatzingán, Tierra Caliente and hundreds of kilometers of mountain zones.
The residents of both states point out that the clashes  and the massacres in the zone was due to the advance of the Knight Templar into Jalisco territory, the bloody reaction of the CJNG and the incompetence of the authorities of both states to provide security.
“We are fearful that sooner or later this region will explode  into something more because of the conflict over the territory  is because of drug trafficking, also the location of production zones of marijuana or illegal substances".

"We don’t really know what is going on but we suppose that all these factors that are mentioned erupted in the wave of violence that ended  the peace in dozens of towns”, says a 65 year old farmer, who asked to maintain anonymous.
Government employees know they can’t travel into several municipalities to conduct work, even though their vehicles display state government license plates,  consequently road infrastructure and assistance for schools have gone incomplete or unaided due to lack of security and supervision.
The inhabitants of several municipalities are forced to pay  a  "war tax" to conduct their employment, either milkman, butcher or baker. Also those that utilize sand and gravel banks are charged.
“Sicarios demand even small business owners (in this case a milk man) pay the equivalent of three liters of milk for every ten liters they sell; farmers using the threshing  machines are charged 500 pesos for every thresh or 100 pesos for each  hectare”, says a witness.
“Employees of state  that give health services or support to communities of Jilotlan de los Dolores, Jilotlán de los Dolores, Tecalitlán, Quitupan and adjacent villages, have to enter from the south, travelling the perimeter of Michoacán territory to evade the criminals.
Citizens  have known for years, that the region is out of the control of the Jalisco government.. Explaining they came to the realization   when the attack occurred  on rural police in October of 2010.  In Jilotlan, at least 15 officers were killed, although the authorities only reported nine.
October 2010 deadly  attack on police; official tally was 9 officers killed, in reality it was 15
During the recent wave of violence, Erika Esparza Mora, of 22 years old, was killed. She was traveling Saturday  January 5th in a Frontier truck with her husband and her two year old daughter through the  Guadalajara – Morelia road, in the municipality of Tuxcueca, when they were attacked by  members of the CJNG, who apparently confused them with rivals of the Michoacán cartel (Knights Templar).                                                                               
[Below:Maria Santos former Mayor of Tiquicheo-Templarios took responsibility  for her killing]

The aggressors were in  a black Avalanche truck and in a white Mitsubishi. According to witnesses, Erika’s husband stopped after seeing they were pursuing them, but when he noticed that the aggressors were armed, he tried to escape. Then the hit men started shooting.
Later, the criminals realized their mistake and when they saw Esparza was seriously injured, they told her husband to go. It was known later that  the hit men’s Mitsubishi  had  overturned and  they escaped aboard a stolen red Tahoe truck.

However, municipal police of Jocotepec managed to capture them and confiscated two .45 caliber guns, a .9 mm gun and three AR-15. At the scene of the crime 37  shell casings were found.
The commando was formed of 10 individuals who said they were members of the CJNG, among them five minors. They declared that that Saturday, they were patrolling the road to Morelia and that in Tuxcueca, at the  junction to La Manzanilla, the gray recent model Nissan Frontier  and  no license plates caught their attention.
The detainees that were indicted to a criminal court by the Attorney General of Justice of Jalisco and later sent to the penitentiary of Puente Grande are: Manuel González Alonso, El Güero, 24 years old; Javier Ochoa Bautista, El Jaiba, of 30; Manuel Mercado Cruz, of 34; Francisco Ismael Grimaldo Mendoza, of 18; Pedro Magallón Orozco, also of 18, and five teenagers between 15 and 17 years old.
CJNG Thugs that Killed 22 year old mother Erika Esparza Mora;
 the 5 turned away are juveniles, Mexico 'protects' their privacy. 
Sunday 6th, at 8:45 am, the Rural Police was notified by Secretary of Public Safety of the State about the discovery of seven corpses in Jilotlan de los Dolores, at the height of Kilometer 17, over the road that takes to Tepalcatepec, Michoacán and near the ranch El Terrero.
The victims exhibited bullet wounds and were blindfolded, and gagged. The state and federal authorities reinforced the surveillance in the limits of the two states and the Public Ministry started the corresponding investigations.
At dawn of the same Sunday, four men were riddled with bullets in a house in Ciudad Del Sol, in Zapopan. One of the deceased was identified as David Alvarez Ayala, El R-4, brother of two leaders of the CJNG: Ramon and Rafael, who was captured September 9th of last year by the military  in Napoles Street of Terranova Development.
In Quitupan, the state authorities picked up the corpses of three men executed in the square of Montoso delegation. One of them was about 70 years old; another one was 50 and another one about 25. The three men were taken to Medical Forensic Service for the autopsy and to try to identify them.
Monday 7th, the director of Public Safety of San Miguel El Alto, Sara del Refugio Chavez Rangel, was gunned down by sicarios using   AK47s as she was exiting her home with her two bodyguards.

The body guards had no time to repel the attack.  Despite the immediate mobilization of the police, the aggressors managed to escape. 

The director sustained 7 bullet rounds resulting in her transfer to a Guadalajara hospital. One of her body guards was also transferred having sustained serious injuries.
Chávez Rangel  also had lead police corporations in Guanajuato and in Ojuelos, Jalisco....continues on net page