Sunday, June 18, 2017

SEMAR Destroys NINE Narco Labs Near Culiacan

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from Zeta

By Carlos Alvarez
June 17, 2017

SEMAR located and destroyed nine clandestine laboratories, with different types of chemical substances, material and equipment for the production of synthetic drugs, near Culiacán, Sinaloa.

The agency indicated that the location and destruction of these narco laboratories was carried out in the sierra, 44 kilometers east of the capital of the state.

Semar indicated that it secured approximately 4,800 liters of chemical precursors for the manufacture of methamphetamines, as well as various chemical substances, distillers and tanks, among others.

The Secretariat of the Marines stressed that because of the difficulty of access to the land, the material and equipment was disabled and the chemicals were destroyed at the site by incineration.

El Siglo de Torreon also reports that in the Secretary of the Marina (SEMAR) statement the Naval
Agency developed this operation and proceeded with it strictly by the established procedures in The Manual of the Use of Force, The Common Application of the Three Armed Forces (of Mexico) and with "Absolute respect for Human Rights with a goal of bringing  back security to Mexican families.


  1. Is it true that hipolito mora and mireles have beef now?

    1. Divide y Vencerás
      Is the bread and butter that greases the El PRI politics.
      Hpolito Mora has lost a son,
      Dr Mireles lost some family members, and did some time,
      Others achieved great wealth on the spilled blood, let them be...

    2. I believe there is some tension

    3. Hipolito Mora sold out, that's why Dr mireles doesn't respect him

    4. Hipolito Mora never wanted to "extend and expand" his revolution, and did not have the means to go against the government and it's sicarios, barely could make the H3 and the viagras toe the line and still got arrested.
      Dr Mireles never was for taking over government operations, land grabs, extortion, personal benefit or political positions so, why don't you go and make your own triumphant revolution?
      I promise we will watch and support you all the way.

  2. It sure does SUCK seeing all the wrong in the world. Unfortunately that's just the way IT is. If only we could all get along. I'm looking at all you HATERS. - Sol Prendido

    1. It sure SUCKS watching other HATERS spewing their useless hateful and baseless 'hate', "chole", specially when you have been part of the problem as a paid mercenary of the troublemakers as a paraco or a milico, sol...
      --Fess up, chole, feel better, Obamacare may still cover you...

  3. Gave those 9 antiquated labs up so now they'll move on and we can get busy!

  4. Nasty looking, and people put what comes out of those chemicals in their bodies?

  5. Sure intelligence was given to those locations.
    But at what cost and what cartels assistance.
    It's always a cat and mouse game.

  6. Amazing that nobody is ever captured during busts like these! Of course CDS has to give the government permission to busts a few places so the government can save face and pretend that they are going hard after them. No Zambada or Chapos though. What a fuckin show!

    1. Just maybe those barrels are full of baking powder to stage it like a bust or it really was a bust but real stuff removed and replaced with baking soda.Hey anything for a bust or I mean buck$$.

    2. Permission? Lol!!! Not!!

    3. Wars used to be fueled by alcohol, but since WWII it became the norm to supply meth or amphetamines to the GIs, the Allies and most of all to the German soldiers, these days football soccer hooligans, skinheads and neo-nazis all over Europe and "ISIS HEROS" get their ideology from the same sources, speed, meth, amphetamine, but the dose during WWII was about 2.5 mg, today's dose is 40 to 50 mg.
      --ISIS drug Captagon, a failed 80s 90S ADHD drug,
      Aryan Nations discourage the use of drugs because of the racial purity, but their leadership sell the speed to make sure their followers stay and stay under control...

  7. It's a win for Mencho, his competition is getting weaker.

    1. Delusional mencho is a michaoacaca and theyll always be sinaloa's bitches

    2. In the large scale of things one lab isn't much bud.

    3. Mencho is the fall guy just like chapo the real leader stays in the shadow hes known as" el numero 1" ,"the number 1 " others known him as Caro Quintero R1.

      dont believe all the hype about jalisco they work for sinaloa

    4. Wow,,, another sucker that believes everything he reads in the newspaper,, and watches on CNN.... then to show how truly uninformed he is,, he throws in a quip about this being a win for mencho.... first u don't have a clue about what he thinks,, secondly mencho has a lot more going on than 9 old toxic dumps that the cd's handed to semar to appease the upper echelon who are really running the show behind the scenes,, lastly I guarantee mencho doesn't for a second let this piddlyass shit cross his mind for a minute,, little own un payaso como tu,, mi voy

    5. 1:19 lol the number one is just what he calls himself. Just like el here De ended is 6 feet deep. Why is he hiding and called mencho for help when he got out? The game has changed and michoacanos are no longer Sinaloa bitches. Mencho got smart and outsmarted the sinaloas and realized sinaloas were just using them like government uses Sinaloa Capos and snitching on them at the end. Say what you want but Mencho is liking the sh!t out of cds.

    6. This is what 9:22 really ment. Just like el barbas was el jefe de jefes (supposedly) but ended up getting smoked. Mencho is kicking the Sh!t out of cds.

    7. Don't ever compare Don Arturo to Mencho my boy. Ni a los talones le llega al tío. When your boy dies fighting 200 Marines then come speak other wise stay in your lane and mind your business. Mark

    8. 7:35 your right never compare YOUR BOY lol the difference is Mencho took down 2 navy choppers when they tried to capture him, while el so called Jefe de jefes was slipping having a party and getting coked out and got killed

  8. The strict adherence to the Manual for use of Force, etc, etc, bla bla bla poppycock is unbelievable, looks like pura pinchi propaganda.
    --how do the cooks get their precursor feedstocks to the unaccessible area?
    --Ora cuentenmen una de pepito.

  9. I giggle like a schoolgirl when I read articles like this.. obvio gimmies from the cartel to make the gov't happy,, send in el ejercito with a few members of the press for the photo and the story,, so it portrays the illusion that the corruptee's are actually doing something besides collecting their "carinos",, and actually busting a big time op,, or major siesure.. those 9 "labs" are old pos toxic waste dumps that have been used,,,bastante viejos como toxico... now please Bb I know ur too wise to fall for this mierda,, the cd's have major production plants,, it's their own backyard chingon,, but they've been playing the game the right way for decades... give them a few smaller ops so the big ones stay well protected,,, con dinero bilar el perro,,,,,,, daaaaaaaamn soy extrana para Mexico,, y la gente tambien,, muy extrana

    1. Delicado, are you a boy, or a girl?
      Of.course that is besides you being obviously a cynic that knows better than to believe the propaganda Comunista of the mexican government milicos and their televisa commercial teledramas.
      I am sure this was filmed as a part of some narco-telenovela and some priista ginius decided it was all fit to print and run.

    2. Delicado IS a school gjrl.

  10. The type of meth script they use is called Nazimeth.
    During ww2 the german Wehrmacht(army)would roll out huge vats and cook the meth on the battlefield to keep the soldiers fighting and marching for days. It's the easiest and quickest method.

    1. Amphetamines were not exactly "meth" during the nazi regime.
      Adderal and Ritalin are being prescribed to american children all over the country, with special consideration to medicaid and nedicare patients, the government pays, BY LAW, they are amphetamines...
      opiates like the Oxy Contins.also get.prescribed all the time, while pharmaceutical firms get sued for minimizing the side effects, then by the time "patients" get discharged they have a big hairy monkey on their backs.
      Thousands of meth labs have been found in american homes, with many minor children in them, these captured mexican "labs" are not even the tip of the iceberg...

    2. Nazimeth is are watching to much movies.

    3. Pervitin, the favourite amphetamine of the nazi soldiers that fueled their Blitzkrieg.
      Hitler was, famously, a fan of speed, it kept him awake and at work 24/7, his staff had to keep up with their "Dear Leader", they just did not have time to hire private lawyers like our modern American Politicians, aka "russian puppets", elected by russian and american oligarchs' trickery and billions of dollars...
      "The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump: The King of Diamonds"
      ZEMBLATV on youtube

  11. Big loss to cds, but the question is which faction? Chapitos? Mayo? Mini lic? One thing is for sure though, someone

    1. It's a loss alright, not a big one but a loss none the less.

    2. Ay, no mamen, it is an investment in good will and government propaganda, the US will prolly pay the mexican government 1 million dollar per "discovered 'lab'..."and kudos for the BS.

  12. A "Potemkin village" if ever there was one Oldest gag in the book Likely the narcos requested the guv to clean up their pile a shit

  13. Why no pics from after it was destroyed or when it was up in flames ...colombia recorded when they blew up tranquilandia......?????

    1. 3:25 they ran out of film honey, nobody is perfect.

    2. LOL at @8:45 you called that one right

  14. Their my labs i went to the 7 11 for a beer -el mantecas

  15. Looks more like the chapitos andan alineando a todos los q se querían ir solo. O trabajan para mí o no trabajan


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