Thursday, June 15, 2017

"El Riño" Detained in Sinaloa: Responsible for Military Convoy Attack Near Culiacan

Translated by Yaqui for BorderlandBeat from El Universal

"El Rino"
El Universal
Dennis Garcia 6/11/2017

SEDENA (Secretary of National Defense) and AIC (Agency of Investigation of Crime) succeeded in the arrest of Jesus Rene Rodriguez Duenas, "El Rino", a key player in the structure of the Sinaloa Cartel; the faction headed by Ivan Guzman Salazar, son of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera.

Ambush of Military Convoy Sept 30, 2016
It took intelligence work to determine that Rodriguez Duenas is one of several criminals along with Ivan Guzman, who coordinated and participated directly in the attack on the Military convoy on Sept 30, 2016, and confirms that they were behind the attack which left five soldiers dead.

Duenas, "El Rino", also known as "El 20", is responsible for criminal activity in Culiacan, Sinaloa,
serving at the behest of "Los Menores", as they are known; the sons of the founder of the Sinaloa Cartel,  Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who has been extradited to the US and is in New York awaiting trial which will inevitably lead to a Life imprisonment sentence.

The Guzman Family: Two Sons / One Father
"The Federal Government reports that within the framework of institutional collaboration, SEDENA, along with AIC ( Agency of Investigation of Crime) , and the PGR arrested Jesus Rene Rodriguez Duenas on June 9, 2017, allegedly responsible for criminal activities carried out by the criminal organization based in Culiacan, Sinaloa", says the PGR statement.

According to the investigation, "El Rino/ "El 20" is the one who commanded the confrontations against rival organizations/ cells and the divisions of the Sinaloa Cartel to maintain control of the plaza in Navolato, Culiacan, and Cosala, Sinaloa.

At the time of arrest the man was detained with a large firearm, as well as two kilos plus 15 doses of crystal; 20 doses of methamphetamine and 30 doses of cocaine, all of which was put at the disposal of the PGR.
A Badly Wounded ''El Kevin" being treated by Paramedics after the Ambush
and Before "Being Rescued "

On Sept 30, after a first confrontation, soldiers escorted an ambulance carrying a person identified as "El Kevin", who was wounded in the confrontation and is known to be a part of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Upon entering Culiacan, the Military units were received with high-power weapon fire and the wounded person, "El Kevin" was "rescued" from the Army by the armed commando: the very next day the Secretary of National Defense, General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, described the armed commandos as "sick, insane, beasts and criminals" for attacking the uniformed soldiers.

"El Kevin", later tortured and murdered 
With the recapture of "EL Chapo" Guzman and his later extradition to the US, the Sinaloa Cartel has become fragmented: on one side are the sons of the capo, Ivan and Alfredo Guzman, who have the support of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, founder of the organization.

The other group is led by Aureliano Guzman,"El Guano", brother of "El Chapo", whom the federal authorities identify as one of the most violent members of the Cartel.

Brother "El Guano" Guzman
"El Guano" always has operated under the shadow of Joaquin, his brother, carrying out operations mainly in the towns of La Tuna, La Palma, and El Nogalito, but since the extradition of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman he has decided to fight his nephews for power of the Sinaloa Cartel criminal DTO.


  1. Not saying it isn't factual,however If a person is tortured enough they will break and say anything.Also consider the source and the reality is the military is just as bad as the criminals that continue to commit atrocities around Mexico as they have been doing all along,and how often are they held accountable...

    1. Military commanders have already spoken out of the gov collusion with the criminals and the hordes of polinegros. A military coup is in order

  2. So chapo kids are fighting his uncle I doubt that

    1. Why? There's plenty of families who say stiff like, "my dad's brother is a piece of shit chapos are not exempt.not saying this is the case but anything is possible.

    2. Hahaha.... I dont know much about Guano but if he is as wild as they report him to be then los chapitos should consider him a threat!

    3. Guano is a violent meth addict that is hell bent on power. Believe it or not his nephew's do have a problem with him.

  3. So where are the CDzs nuthuggers saying Chapos kids where not involved in that military ambush that killed the soldiers?
    Where are Chapos kids also?
    Then fuckin Mexican government says it never favored CDS to begin with.

  4. Guano and the boys are not fighting
    Guano is in charge to take the heat of them

    1. Makes sense. Such a good uncle!

  5. How many people are responsible for this ambush they initially said that mochomos son was the person responsible then pancho chimal now this guy wtf!!!!

    1. 10:23 that is mexican government'new "Never Ever Ending Story"

  6. Plus they killed los h's cause they were there present at the ambush... plus el lic was arrested.. los guzmanes are taking alot of hits.. besides the sons of el mayo.. it seems no one else is arested or killed from el mayo structure at any level....

    1. Phoenix antrax got killed in December after military tried to capture mayos son flako

  7. Let's see what charges stick !
    Mexico is notorious for corruption.
    And this guy has the money to pay whoever.


  8. Everyone and their mama is being blamed for the culichi ambush. Menores, damaso,h2 & guano

    1. Don't forget Alfredito.

  9. If the chapitos ordered the ambush why are they not going after them?

  10. Yeah I think this is a lieeeee.

    1. 2:07 it is a f---- lie. They are always trying to blame los menders when in fact that is not their style. Like their father they prefer to work with money lol

  11. El kevin was Working with los menores. Military caught him. Both rescued him by ambushing the military killing 5 soldiers. Later el kevin was found. Tortured and killed.
    Why should they rescue him and kill him a few weeks later? Thats why i dont belive that los menores ordered the ambush. But maybe i missed something.

    1. How about they had to rescue him before the Policia tortured him ?
      How about he was getting to big for his britches ?
      How about some other rival killed him cause of what he knows ?
      It was just another coked out douchbag scuffle
      and on and on it goes.

    2. I am not talking about if he was or wasnt with el narco.
      If they rescued him to prevent interogation why killing him later.
      Maybe he got too greedy or internal conflict or the ambush was from an rival group.

    3. 10:06 Exactly the menders did not do this brazen act. they aren't that stupid and its not their style. The government knows this. it obviously was an enemy poor guy (El Kevin)

  12. I ate hamburgers with him


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