Maude Barlow Social Justice Fund

Maude BarlowBuilding hope for future generations

Imagine a Canada where social justice not only lives, but flourishes; where human rights, equality and compassion triumph over greed; where we work collectively to protect and steward our shared environment, water and natural resources; where public health care meets the needs of all Canadians equally; and where our government’s trade policies reflect the values of its people. Imagine a better Canada.

The unwavering belief that this vision is possible, and the commitment to making it a reality, have driven the work of the Council of Canadians for more than 25 years.

It is also the impetus behind the launch of a major new initiative: The Maude Barlow Social Justice Fund.

The fight for social justice is not a new one. It has been waged tirelessly for generations and has brought transformative progress and change for people, communities and countries along the way. It is not a fight with a finite result, but rather one that requires enduring vigilance and engagement from us all. To quote one of Maude’s favourite expressions: “Social justice is not something you do once and then forget. Social justice is like taking a bath. You do it every day, or you start to stink!”

Throughout our history, the Council of Canadians has proudly carried this inter-generational fight forward, working alongside concerned people like you to uphold the principles of social justice in the face of regressive governments and profit-driven corporations that seek to undermine them.

It is important to celebrate the progress we’ve achieved together, but at the same time, we know our work is far from over. We need only look at the fragile state of Canadian democracy, our increasingly ravaged environment, and the growing divide between rich and poor to recognize that greed and injustice persist. While these critical issues demand our collective action today, we must also empower future generations with the means to carry the fight for social justice forward.

In commemoration of 25 years as National Chairperson and her life’s work spent in steadfast defence, promotion and pursuit of social justice, the Council of Canadians has proudly established The Maude Barlow Social Justice Fund.

The fund is an endowment created to serve three key goals: First, to provide the opportunity for Council supporters like you to celebrate your belief in social justice through an enduring contribution; secondly, to ensure the Council’s long-term stability and effectiveness in fighting for social justice here in Canada and beyond; and finally, to act as a permanent and ongoing tribute to Maude and her life’s work.

Unlike regular donations from generous supporters, which remain absolutely vital to keeping our timely and necessary campaigns running, contributions to the fund will be endowed. It will be allowed to grow over time to create a reserve that can be drawn upon to meet urgent calls to action and also ensure that the Council of Canadians remains on the front lines of social justice for generations to come.

The launch of The Maude Barlow Social Justice Fund is an exciting and important next step in the evolution of the Council of Canadians, and in building hope for future generations.

Please consider being amongst the fund’s first contributors and leaving a lasting legacy for a better Canada and a fairer world.

Ways you can give to The Maude Barlow Social Justice Fund

Contributions to the fund begin at $1,000 and can be made as an outright donation today, or planned as a legacy gift through your estate.

Here is a sample of bequest language that can be used in your will:

“I give to The Council of Canadians (300-251 Bank St., Ottawa ON K2P 1X3) $_____ to be directed towards The Maude Barlow Social Justice Fund.”

For more information, please fill out this form, or contact Hélène Bertrand at 1-800-387-7177, ext. 224, or

Maude Barlow Social Justice Fund