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              For Order Online  +1 (303) 755 6272 

   Lunch Timing Monday to Friday 11:00 am to 2:00 pm 

 Saturday & Sunday  12:00 am to 3:00 pm 

   Dinner Timing Every Thusrsday Evening special buffet 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm 

 Monday to Sunday 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm 

             Today's Special                  Reservation  Quickly book your table                          BOOK TABLE                   CONTACT US      FOR ANY COMMENTS, COMPLAINTS, OR SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT US AT +1 (303) 755 6272.        3140 S. Parker Road, Aurora, CO United States 80014      +1 (303) 755 6272                                          jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.dhvc-form-datepicker').datetimepicker(); });   var tpj=jQuery; tpj.noConflict(); var revapi3; tpj(document).ready(function() { if(tpj('#rev_slider').revolution == undefined){ revslider_showDoubleJqueryError('#rev_slider'); } else { revapi3 = tpj('#rev_slider').show().revolution( { dottedOverlay:"none", delay:8000, startwidth:1920, startheight:750, hideThumbs:200, thumbWidth:100, thumbHeight:50, thumbAmount:2, simplifyAll:"off", navigationType:"none", navigationArrows:"solo", navigationStyle:"preview1", touchenabled:"on", onHoverStop:"on", nextSlideOnWindowFocus:"off", swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, drag_block_vertical: false, panZoomDisableOnMobile:"on", keyboardNavigation:"off", navigationHAlign:"center", navigationVAlign:"bottom", navigationHOffset:0, navigationVOffset:20, soloArrowLeftHalign:"left", soloArrowLeftValign:"center", soloArrowLeftHOffset:20, soloArrowLeftVOffset:0, soloArrowRightHalign:"right", soloArrowRightValign:"center", soloArrowRightHOffset:20, soloArrowRightVOffset:0, shadow:0, fullWidth:"on", fullScreen:"off", spinner:"spinner0", stopLoop:"off", stopAfterLoops:-1, stopAtSlide:-1, shuffle:"off", autoHeight:"off", forceFullWidth:"off", hideTimerBar:"on", hideThumbsOnMobile:"on", hideBulletsOnMobile:"on", hideArrowsOnMobile:"on", hideThumbsUnderResolution:0, hideSliderAtLimit:0, hideCaptionAtLimit:0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit:0, startWithSlide:0 }); } }); /*ready*/