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National Union of Workers

1 day 1 hour ago

The country's top union official says the fact inequality is at a 70-year high proves the system is broken.

National Union of Workers

2 days 1 hour ago

DAIRY giant Murray Goulburn says two parties are interested in its soon-to-be-closed milk factory in Tasmania’s North-West but there is no firm timeline on when it might hit the market.

National Union of Workers

1 week 1 day ago

Stand up. Fight back.

Will we see you tomorrow?

National Union of Workers

1 week 2 days ago

Australia's largest privately owned cold storage company has been stopped from transferring workers to a new labour-hire company to avoid negotiating a new enterprise agreement.

National Union of Workers

1 week 4 days ago

A secure, permanent job in regional Australia means a lot. It means you can apply for a home loan, start a family, send the kids to university or just plan a holiday once in a while.

Murray Goulburn video report #4

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After the fourth meeting with the company, your delegates have recorded this report back so you know what is happening straight away.


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Lorraine and Snags report on meeting with CEO, Minister

Here's delegates from Rochester and Kiewa after today's meeting in Melbourne with CEO Ari Mervis and Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development. Stay tuned for next steps and meetings.

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Fonterra delegates EBA report back #3

After the third meeting with the company, your delegates have recorded this report back so you know what is happening straight away.

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Community sends an SOS to Asahi

Workers and the wider community in the Albury Wodonga area have been sending postcards to the CEO of Asahi in Japan Mr Naoki Izumiya, calling on the multi-national company to give 40 of their long-

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We won meeting with CEO and Minister!

After massive community and union support, MG CEO has listened.

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Murray Goulburn video report #3

NUW delegates from Victorian sites have recorded this video report back after meeting with managment today, Thursday 25 May.

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Fonterra delegates EBA report back #2

After the second meeting to negotiate your new EBA at Fonterra sites across Victoria, your delegates have recorded this video report back.

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Kiewa members run mass meeting, respond to MG

8 May 2017

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Murray Goulburn announce site closures

2 May 2017

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Sign the parlimentary petition

A Victorian Parliamentary Petition to protect the Queen Victoria Market has been established by Mary-Lou Howie, co-covener of Friend

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Public workshop: what makes a market great?

The NUW will host a workshop called 'What makes a market great?' on Wednesday 3 May.

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Slavery claims at Aldi supermarkets

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Fonterra delegates video report #1

After the first meeting with Fonterra management to negotiate your new workplace agreement, delegates recorded this video so that members can stay informed throughout the bargaining pro

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Fonterra logs of claim

After the first meeting between the company and your union delegates, logs of claims were exchanged. You can download them here:

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Take action on Workers Memorial Day

On Friday 28 April, workers around the world remember those that have died on the job.

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NUW calls for Fair Work Act change to stop sham collective bargaining

NUW calls for Fair Work Act change to stop sham collective bargaining

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Community rally called

On Friday 28 April from 11.30am - 1pm there will be a community rally to support stallholders at the Queens Victoria Market.

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Murray Goulburn video report #1

After the first meeting with Murray Goulburn management to negotiate your new workplace agreement, delegates recorded this video so that members can stay informed throughout.

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Murray Goulburn Logs of Claim

On Tuesday 4 April, NUW delegates and Murray Goulburn management had their first meeting. You can download your log of claims and the company's here.

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Union stickers coming soon!

Our new Food & Dairy stickers will be hitting sites soon. Let's paint our bumbers red!

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General Mill bargaining

Members at Allied Mills are bargaining for fair wages and coditions.

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Dairy Delegates begin to meet

Delegates from across sites at Murray Goulburn and Fonterra have met to begin working on representing their members in this year's baragining for new workplace agreements.

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QVM delegates meet with the Lord Mayor

On Monday 30 Jan, QVM delegates representing the different types of businesses and stalls at the Market met with Lord Mayor Robert Doyle along with his staff and newly elected Councillor and QVM St

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Stallholder delegates meet with Council

After the election of long-term QVM stallholder Michael Caiafa to Melbourne City Council in 2016, stallholders now have a voice on council to represent stallholders and the community who want to pr

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NUW Fair Food campaign

The NUW has been campaigning for living wages, decent and secure jobs, and an end to exploitation in the fresh food supply chain. Many hundreds of workers have joined the union!

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Fluro Fightback 2015

2015 was the fourth public rally we held to draw the link between poverty and insecure work.

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The "uberisation" of work

The Australian Institute of Employment rights have run a workshop on the uber-isation of work.

They report that:

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Fluro Fightback 2014

Our third rally for Anti-Poverty Week, to draw the link between the increase of working people living below the poverty line and the increase in casual and insecure work!

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Huge win for 'contract' poultry worker!

National racket exploiting casual workers exposed, employee to be reinstated and compensated.

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How fair are our unfair dismissal laws?

If tomorrow when you arrived at work your boss suddenly and unfairly sacked you, how strong do you think your legal protections would be?

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Fluro Fightback 2013

The NUW’s second Anti-Poverty Week rally at Southern Cross Station.

Watch the Fluro Fightback 2013 video.

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Harry talks about working for a contractor and being injured

Harry Singh worked in the poultry industry for a contractor.

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NUW’s first Fluro Fightback, with Billy Bragg!

NUW members and supporters hit the streets for Anti-Poverty Week, to draw the link between the increase of working people living below the poverty line and the increase in casual and insecure work!

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Baiada poultry workers strike and win

Thirteen days on a picket line is a long time, and even after the National Union of Workers was injuncted from the picket line at the bequest of Baiada, workers remained united and kept fighting.

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