Interview: The Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus

Having struggled to find a foothold since the end of 1967-74 military junta, Greek fascism saw a turning point with the spectacular rise of Aube Dorée (Golden Dawn) during the late 2000s financial crisis. The murder of Pavlos Fyssas by a Golden Dawn (GD) assault squad in 2013 saw the organisation lose momentum and support, but it has recently been… Continue reading

Case study: Charity chugging in the north-west

A Plan C member in Manchester writes as part of the group’s Worker Enquiry series of articles…

The job was simple. Working as a member of a major hospice and nursing charity street team my role would be to sign people up for regular monthly payments to the charity. These ranged from “as little as 4 pounds a month” to the tenner a month we were trained to open… Continue reading

SOAS occupiers win!

After 12 days of taking over the directorate at SOAS university in solidarity with cleaners facing redundancy, students have dismantled their occupation declaring a massive win.

After a long series of negotiations between contractor Elior, SOAS and university union UCU, the university has reversed its controversial plan to close catered social space the Refectory. All redundancies will be reversed and the outsourced catering staff are now set… Continue reading

Anti-austerity campaigns kick off week of action in Scotland

Anti-cuts groups linked to Scottish campaign Action Against Austerity has launched a week of action calling on the Scottish government to end its participation in damaging disability benefit re-assessment programmes.

The network argues that the process of switching claimants people over from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payments (PIP), which involves reassessing all claimants, even those with chronic conditions, has resulted in almost half of all… Continue reading

Anti-fracking fort evicted after eight months of resistance

After a 42-hour struggle against security firm Specialist Group International the occupation of Leith Hill by anti-fracking protectors is over, campaign group Reclaim The Power reports.

The Leith Hill occupation site lasted almost eight months in total and the firm, hired by fracker leaseholders Europa and supported by police, finally removed five protectors who had held the fort and tunnels under the site with some novel diversionary tactics. No… Continue reading

SOAS occupiers ramp up the noise as bosses squirm at cuts talks

Students who have occupied the directorate building at SOAS for the last 11 days against attacks on staff jobs at the university’s Refectory are following up a big rally held yesterday with a revolutionary fiesta tonight, keeping up pressure on administrators.

Yesterday’s event saw students and catering workers joined by the IWGB, which has itself been organising strongly with university cleaning staff who are often on similar outsourced… Continue reading

Book review: TVA Baby

by Terry Bisson ISBN: 978-1-60486-405-2 PP: 192 Publisher: PM Press, 2011 £13.99

Differentiating Bisson’s writing from his political work is hard. In his The Left Left Behind, Bisson states you can’t separate his politics from his writing (101). So maybe it’s normal that whenever I read Bisson, it’s always framed knowing he was involved with anti-imperialism and anti-racist work. I easily read and enjoy short stories like… Continue reading

Greece: anarchist refugee squats prepare for State onslaught

A new spate of recent evictions and interventions by the Greek State against refugee solidarity occupations run by the anarchist movement in Athens has prompted callouts for a major emergency gathering this Friday.

The callout and associated international day of action comes in the wake of a series of crackdowns and repression [1][2] against the solidarity movement, which has helped thousands of refugees self-organise to house… Continue reading

Sister Uncut: A look at Bristol

Sisters Uncut in Bristol have been carrying out protests against cuts and closures. The group occupied the Cheltenham Road library for 12 days this Spring protesting the closure of services and the housing crisis. The library site has been sold to developers and is going to become a development of private flats. Last December Bristol Sisters disrupted a council meeting calling for more rehousing to be made available for women… Continue reading

Grenfell: Because they were poor

A member of the Anarchist Federation writes on guilt and the ever-rising death count in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire.

“The people who died and lost their homes – this happened to them because they are poor” ~ Akala, rapper and poet, local resident.

“Regeneration is a euphemism for ethnic and class cleansing” ~Kensington resident and writer Ishmahil Blagrove.

Guilty: Boris Johnson. When Mayor of London Johnson… Continue reading