- published: 09 Nov 2016
- views: 1715
Rita is an Italian short drama film released in 2009 and directed by Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio Piazza. It is a film realised from the point of view of a blind person. It has been presented in more than 100 international film festivals receiving several awards.
Rita is ten years old and blind since birth, lives in a seaside neighbourhood of Palermo in Sicily. She is stubborn, curious and feels thwarted by an overprotective dictatorial mother. The claustrophobic world of her home is suddenly breached by a mysterious presence. It's a boy on the run, wounded, terrified. The meeting between the two of them is highly enigmatic. Thanks to her mysterious new friend, or perhaps only thanks to her imagination and courage, Rita escapes from home and goes to the beach. She learns to swim and experiences a brief moment of freedom which ends when the miraculous encounter vanishes and she finds herself alone in the sea.
A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. The word "cinema", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to the industry of films and filmmaking or to the art of filmmaking itself. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences to communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.
Rita is a Saint of these days, http://francobuerto.blogspot.com/0393684 who lived in a very violent age and was so brave to break free from the vengeance chain, through a deep, sincere and christian forgiveness. She is a particular Saint, talking to everybody’s hearts, as she was everything.
Ten film powstał przy użyciu Edytora wideo YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor).
ŚW.RITA Z CASCIA Wie, że pokój i przebaczenie są największymi darami Boga. Dlaczego Rita została patronką spraw trudnych wręcz beznadziejnych dowiesz się, gdy obejrzysz film. Warto jednak mieć go w swojej bibliotece. http://www.e-lite.com.pl/swieta-rita-z-cascia-filmy-religijne-ludzie-boga.html PATRONKA OD SPRAW TRUDNYCH I BEZNADZIEJNYCH Poznaj Kolekcję LUDZIE BOGA.
PREMIERE 9. FEBRUAR KL. 20.00 PÅ TV 2 Rita er uforudsigelig, upassende, upædagogisk og politisk ukorrekt. Ikke det nemmeste i verden, når nu man er skolelærer. Rita arbejder på den lokale folkeskole, hvor hun med mildest talt uortodoks (mangel på) pædagogik kører et tough love regime. Konstant brydende alle regler, men samtidig uundværlig for skolen, fordi hun er den eneste der ved, hvad der virkelig foregår. Hun efterlader et tykt spor af klager og forargelse fra forældre, eksperter, 68'ere og alle der prøver at styre hende. Eleverne elsker hende, for de ved hun kæmper for dem - men undervejs i kampen glemmer Rita sine egne børn. Rita er en historie om en kvinde, som dybest set selv er et barn. Derfor er hun så god med andres børn, derfor er hun ude af stand til at være en rigti...
Trailer Chico and Rita Genre: animation Regie / directed by: Fernando Trueba , Javier Mariscal , Tono Errando Darsteller / cast: Synopsis (provided by TIFF) Oscar-winning director Fernando Trueba teams up with famed designer, Javier Mariscal to create an epic animated love story that occurs around the time of the Cuban Revolution.Highlighting a pivotal moment in the evolution of jazz and travelling from Havana to New York, Chico and Rita is a tribute to the music, culture and people of Cuba. The film is also rife with jazz history. Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie are seen playing the clubs and the story of Chano Pozo, one of the first Latin percussionists to grace a major American jazz band, is fluidly interwoven with the narrative. Kinostart Deutschland: 2011 Kinostart USA: 20...
promotional trailer 1983.
Bei Rita (Simone Thomalla) hapert's mit den Manieren. Das Hummeressen mit den Eltern ihres Liebhabers wird zum Fiasko. Kurzentschlossen bucht sie mit Freundin Jenny am Comer See einen Benimmkurs, bei dem sie gleich mit dem Seminarleiter Enrico (Michael Roll) aneinandergerät… Was komisch und unangepasst sein soll, wirkt so steif wie die Etikette. Und der Plot ist zum Gähnen.
Watch on iTunes ►https://goo.gl/D8rYj3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rita is dolgelukkig als Dennis, haar 26-jarige zwakbegaafde zoon vrijkomt. Hij heeft een gevangenisstraf uitgezeten voor aanranding van een minderjarig meisje. De buren denken wel anders over zijn terugkomst! Barbara, zus van het slachtoffer en moeder van een achtjarig meisje is de grootste tegenstander. Rita vecht echter als een leeuwin voor de toekomst van haar zoon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch more trailers ► https://goo.gl/411RDW Subscribe ► https://goo.gl/C6wwVM Follow us on Facebook ► https://goo.gl/kUClYy