- published: 08 Feb 2016
- views: 1564
The Crazy Castle series is an action-puzzle game series created by Kemco and released on the Famicom Disk System, NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance. It stars different popular cartoon characters, most notably the Warner Bros. cartoon character, Bugs Bunny, and the Walt Disney cartoon character, Mickey Mouse.
Kemco started the franchise after they bought the rights to produce a Famicom Disk System game based on the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit to make the first game's plot loosely based on the film. When Kemco was planning to release it outside Japan, there was already an NES game based on the same film developed by Rare and published by LJN. In order to release it outside Japan, Kemco bought the rights to Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes franchise to produce Looney Tunes-based video games, while the looks of some other Looney Tunes characters featured in the game as enemies have similarities to the Toon Patrol.
When the promotion of the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit in Japan ended, Kemco lost the rights in producing video games based on the film there, but gained the rights to produce Disney-based ones, due to the Who Framed Roger Rabbit film being produced by Touchstone Pictures, a studio owned by The Walt Disney Company. Kemco later produced their Mickey Mouse versions in the Crazy Castle series and released most of these versions exclusively in Japan, while continuing their Looney Tunes versions outside Japan; however, some were based on other licenses such as Jim Davis's Garfield comic strip and The Real Ghostbusters animated television series.
Cunt /ˈkʌnt/ is a vulgar term for female genitalia, and is also used as a term of disparagement. Reflecting different national usages, cunt is described as "an unpleasant or stupid person" in the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, whereas Merriam-Webster indicates that it is a "usually disparaging and obscene" term for a woman or an "offensive way to refer to a woman" in the United States. The Macquarie Dictionary of Australian English gives "a contemptible person". When used with a positive qualifier (good, funny, clever, etc.) in Britain, New Zealand, and Australia, it can convey a positive sense of the object or person referred to.
The earliest known use of the word, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, was as a placename for the London street Gropecunt Lane, c. 1230. Use of the word as a term of abuse is relatively recent, dating from the late nineteenth century. The word appears to have not been strongly taboo in the Middle Ages, but became taboo towards the end of the eighteenth century, and was then not generally admissible in print until the latter part of the twentieth century. The term has various derivative senses, including adjective and verb uses. Scholar Germaine Greer argues that cunt "is one of the few remaining words in the English language with a genuine power to shock."
Bugs Bunny is an animated cartoon character, created by the staff of Leon Schlesinger Productions (later Warner Bros. Cartoons) and voiced originally by the "Man of a Thousand Voices," Mel Blanc. Bugs is best known for his starring roles in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated short films, produced by Warner Bros. during the golden age of American animation. His popularity during this era led to his becoming an American cultural icon, as well as a corporate mascot of Warner Bros. Entertainment.
Bugs is an anthropomorphic gray hare or rabbit who is famous for his flippant, insouciant personality; a pronounced New York accent; his portrayal as a trickster; and his catch phrase "Eh... What's up, doc?", usually said while chewing a carrot. Though a similar rabbit character began appearing in the Warner Bros. cartoon shorts during the late 1930s, the definitive character of Bugs Bunny is widely credited to have made his debut in director Tex Avery's Oscar-nominated film A Wild Hare (1940).
A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device, but it now implies any type of display device that can produce two- or three-dimensional images. Video games are sometimes believed to be a form of art, but this designation is controversial.
The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platforms range from large mainframe computers to small handheld computing devices. Specialized video games such as arcade games, while common in the 1980s, have gradually declined in use due to the widespread availability of home video game devices (e.g., PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) and video games on desktop and laptop computers and smartphones.
The input device used for games, the game controller, varies across platforms. Common controllers include gamepads, mouses, keyboards, joysticks, the touchscreens of mobile devices and buttons. In addition to video and (in most cases) audio feedback, some games include haptic, vibration or force feedback peripherals.
Angry Video Game Nerd (abbreviated as AVGN, and formerly known as Angry Nintendo Nerd) is an American comedy retrogaming web series, created by and starring James Rolfe. The series centers on Rolfe's nameless character, referred to simply as "The Nerd", who is a short-tempered and foul-mouthed video game fanatic who delivers commentary and sketches on retro video games he considers to be of poor quality. The show would later encompass reviews of gaming consoles, peripherals, and short lectures about video game history and culture.
A starting independent filmmaker, Rolfe's earliest videos of the Nerd character was intended as a joke privately shown to his friends. With collaboration from his friend Mike Matei, Rolfe put the Angry Nintendo Nerd videos on his website, Cinemassacre.com, in 2004. In 2006, Matei persuaded Rolfe to put his work on YouTube, where it got popular. In 2007, the series became a program on ScrewAttack and GameTrailers, where it was renamed Angry Video Game Nerd to prevent trademark issues with Nintendo, and to allow Rolfe to also review games from non-Nintendo consoles.
Industrial Fucking Strength (CD1)
YOU ARE A **** | Hate Comments
GETTING ROASTED (Response to PewDiePie comments)
I WON!!!
Fuck It All - Frozen Parody
Shameless Season 9 Episode 3
UnderPants - Genocide Ending (Disbelief)
Big Brother: Over The Top - Jason's Fart
Schwarzenegger Games - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 107
Gary Nevil Climaxing
How one tweet can ruin your life | Jon Ronson
Oldschool Industrial Strength Records Compilation Mix by Dj Djero
Little T The Cringe God
Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 75
Year: 1995 01 –Mescalinium* We Have Arrived Written-By – The Mover 02 –Disintegrator Lock On Target Written-By – Selway*, Chesler* 03 –English Muffin Blood Of An English Muffin Written-By – DiDesiderio*, Dagostino* 04 –DJ Skinhead Fuckin' Hostile '96 Written-By – DiDesiderio* 05 –O.T.T. Raw (DJ Paul Mix) Remix – DJ Paul* Written-By – Kelly*, DiDesiderio* 06 –Strychnine Utopia Project Written-By – Mineo* 07 –Ralphie Dee Mad As Hell Written-By – Dagostino* 08 –Delta Nine* Never Stop Written-By – Rodgers* 09 –Rob Gee Gabber Up Your Ass Written-By – Gilmore* 10 –D.O.A.* Wanna Be A Gangsta Written-By – Mineo* 11 –D.O.A.* Ya Mutha Vocals – Carl Carinci Written-By – Mineo* 12 –Nasenbluten Cunt Face Written-By – Lubinski*, Melo*, Newlands* 13 –Nasenbluten Cock Sucker Written-By – Lubi...
If we could bottle all this negative energy we'd power the world for a whole year! ►Subscribe for more great content : http://bit.ly/11KwHAM ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/Jack_Septic_Eye ►Facebook : https://facebook.com/officialjacksepticeye ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/jacksepticeye ►Merchandise: http://jacksepticeye.fanfiber.com/ Edited by: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Music used: Background Track - Sinfonia Number 5 by Kevin MacLeod Outro animation created by Pixlpit: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Outro Song created by "Teknoaxe". It's called "I'm everywhere" and you can listen to it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPtNBwMIQ9Q
Thanks to brenda for voicing the intro â–º https://goo.gl/Qq2CsW Response to PewDiePie â–ºhttps://goo.gl/WxSNgC I didn't think the comments on youtube could get any worse, but this experience proved me totally wrong Twitter â–º https://twitter.com/pyrocynical PYRO SUBREDDIT â–º https://www.reddit.com/r/pyrocynical SOCIAL â–º Facebook ------------- https://www.facebook.com/pyrocynical â–º Steam Group ------- https://bit.ly/15E33o3 â–º Instagram ----------- http://instagram.com/pyrocynical â–º Twitch ----------------- http://www.twitch.tv/pyrocynical â–º Tumblr ----------------- http://pyrocynical.tumblr.com/ â–º Vine -------------------- https://vine.co/Pyrocynical â–º Steam Trade -------------------- https://goo.gl/5tqxIe DISCLAIMER: Please don't go out of your way...
Hey look it's that abridged thing I tried to do monthly but completely failed. Today you get all of Re:Zero in a shiny 8 minute little package. Cast: OyobiWSTH: Subaru Naomified: Rem Sydsnap: Emilia, Betty, Elsa MinaMinaVA: Ram, Priscilla, Felt RedAsATomato: Felix, Crusch Gigguk: Julius, Extra Voices Viewtiful Valentine: Extra Voices Sebastian Todd: Extra Voices TheGreatKaitsu: Extra Voices Edited by: Bakashift/Gigguk Patreon: http://www.Patreon.com/Gigguk -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/GiggukAZ Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GiggukAZ
Gang Beasts with Mark/jack/ken ★~(◡﹏◕✿) CHECK OUT MY GIVEAWAY /W G2A: https://gleam.io/ct2nj/pewdiepie-wow-giveaway Mark: https://www.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME Jack: https://www.youtube.com/user/jacksepticeye Ken: https://www.youtube.com/user/CinnamonToastKen MERCHANDISE: PewDiePie Clothing: http://bit.ly/ShopBro My Game: PewDiePie: Legend Of The Brofist Apple: http://apple.co/1Kxi8rQ Android: http://bit.ly/1Pxt8Xw My Book: This Book Loves You http://www.pewdiepie.com/go/book My App: Apple: http://bit.ly/AppleBro Android: http://bit.ly/AndroidBro SOCIALS: Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pewdiepie Facebook ► http://facebook.com/pewdiepie Instagram ► http://instagram.com/pewdiepie ........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ....
LOUD AND EPILEPTIC WARNING -PLEASE, YOU NEED TO WATCH FLAMESATGAMES AND SRPELO'S VIDEOS FOR MORE LAUGHS- --- CREDITS!!! SrPelo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt-GOpCw4dOBlIyqL9A1ztA?spfreload=5 FlamesAtGames: https://www.youtube.com/user/FlamesAtGames/videos --- SPARE PAPYRUS!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY7Ahim9rAw&feature;=youtu.be ???: --- WahBone!: https://soundcloud.com/user-542386168-261255767/wahbone-underpants-backbone --- Thank you all for being so patient, this was really fun to make and i hope you all are having a nice day!
Music:Totalbeats Scratch :Dj Direct Lyrics:Vinne Vega,Ozillah,Total Directed by MASCOT VIDEO https://www.facebook.com/mascotvideo PIRANHA'S LYRICS So many killaz in my click we like piranha, So many killaz in my click we like piranha, So many killaz in my click we swimming thick they getting bit get ripped to bits Because we swarming like piranha... Vinne Vega: As my pen leaks ink on this page days pass we lace tracks, Yall bump em loud enough to break glass, I used to rock the face mask and rob to make cash, But now im making heads bob and bitches shake they ass, If you just tuning in then Yo! You late for class, Im the master- rappers keep hopping in the grass, Battle me I guarentee im on that stage last, Vee quick to empty clips and put you in the past, I seen so many come and go ...
Jason farts on the Big Brother live feeds and has questions about the Bible.
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=JamesNintendoNerd Watch all Angry Video Game Nerd episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90 Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 107) Schwarzenegger Games 2012 marked the year Arnie fully returned to us doing what he does best... Forget the diversion into the political arena, he's back where he belongs: On the big screen - dispatching outrageous numbers of bad guys whilst uttering corny lines and a cigar hanging out his mouth.. If you grew up in the 80s and 90s, chances are you watched one of his classics on VHS whilst being grossly underage the R rating. Usually at a friends house or using stealth when it was past your bed time... You loved the unnecessary violence, worshipped the swearing and winced at...
For the longest time Jon Ronson reveled in the fact that Twitter gave a voice to the voiceless ... the social media platform gave us all a chance to speak up and hit back at perceived injustice. But somewhere along the way, things took a turn. In this passionate, eloquent talk, Ronson explains how too often we end up behaving like a baying mob — and that it's time to rethink how we interact with others online. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http...
Oldschool Industrial Strength Records Compilation Mix by Dj Djero. Legendary New York City based Hardcore label owned by Lenny Dee. Formed in 1991 this label helped to put New York City on the map and to define the emerging Hardcore Techno sound of the early 90's. In 2004 Lenny Dee (Industrial Strength Records) and Promo (The Third Movement) collaborated to form a new label appropriately called: Industrial Movement. Tracklist: 1. [IS0001] The Mover - Nightflight (Non-Stop To Kaos) 2. [IS0004] Caspar Pound - Militant Core (Loud Mix) 3. [IS0002] Turbulence - Whurlstorm (The Mover RMX) 4. [IS0003] A Homeboy, A Hippie & A Funki Dredd - Start The Panic (RMX) 5. [IS0006] English Muffin - Ride 6. [IS0011] English Muffin - The Blood Of An English Muffin 7. [IS0022] O.T.T. - Raw (Paul Elstak M...
I'm sorry for anyone who has had to witness this ��� Pointless Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2nIPUjtOtQ ��� Twitter �м https://twitter.com/pyrocynical PYRO SUBREDDIT �м https://www.reddit.com/r/pyrocynical Thumbnail by PigDotAvi �м https://goo.gl/5xItjC _��� STAY CONNECTED _��� �м Facebook ------------- https://www.facebook.com/pyrocynical �м Steam Group ------- https://bit.ly/15E33o3 �м Instagram ----------- http://instagram.com/pyrocynical �м Twitch ----------------- http://www.twitch.tv/pyrocynical �м Tumblr ----------------- http://pyrocynical.tumblr.com/ �м Vine -------------------- https://vine.co/Pyrocynical �м Steam Trade -------------------- https://goo.gl/5tqxIe DISCLAIMER: Please don't go out of your way to witch hunt or hate on anyone I talk about in my vide...
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=JamesNintendoNerd Watch all Angry Video Game Nerd episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90 Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 75) Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle Released in 1989 and created by Kemco for the NES, Crazy Castle was a game featuring the one and only Bugs Bunny. The Angry Video Game Nerd is not happy when Bugs Bunny shows up to kick the nerd's ass and to force the nerd into playing Crazy Castle. Bugs Bunny is still pissed off about the last encounter they had over Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout and wants revenge for getting his ass kicked by the nerd. Bugs Bunny was a great character, so Crazy Castle must be great, right? WRONG! This game is worse than a pile of muckspread turds! The objective of ...