
Jan 29 2014

It's been a bit quiet on the pinstand. Is it possible we've finally satiated the world's demand for classic new wave and punk buttons? I doubt it. Probably the LOL before the storm..

The pins on this site are laser repro'd laminated 1" pin back buttons. Any pin on the stand can be ordered, including those on the list that are still yet to be scanned in. The pins are much higher resolution than what you see here. Frequently Asked. "How do i order?" - just email with the list #'s of what you want.. and i'll get back to you. A dozen different pins is $10 plus $1 mail.Oh and, please mention if you live outside the USA. The other question is how long does it take? I do the email thing every day now so i should get back to you within 24 hrs.. How long after money arrives before pins go out? Well, it should not be more than a day or three after the 'done' msg, but occasionally I go out to lunch. Bulk and big packet orders for stores can take three weeks or so to make up. This is because I don't really hold much stock, just print out and make the pins as needed.

Recently bands have been asking how to get added.. Just send in a design, jpg or gif, and some info and I'll add you. No need to order, and then anyone can order. Submissions from fans will be favorably considered, the more obscure the band..

Those of you who are collectors or just badge-lovers, I recommend hitting up "The Old Punkrock-Badges Fanatics" fb group.

The next thing is the question of foreign payments. Reluctantly I have to refuse all foreign money orders, including Canada, even those in US $, as I get hit with a huge charge from the bank. Thus there are two options to pay if you are outside the US - 1) cash US $ or 2) paypal (which is now available in a lot of countries).

You can now pay for pins with pay by email but you've still got to email us for an order number first. Any pin on the list can be ordered online. All pins are laminated 1" lock-pin buttons, designs are digitized at 600dpi. We make them to order. All single pins go out with seperate laminated url tags.

I have digitized about 2/3rd's of the 2000 odd current designs, previously sold exclusively at NYC concerts since 1985, and before that by Better Badges of London.. If you order something obscure off the list there may be a couple of days delay while it get's scanned in..

The site has been updated somewhat moved from my homepage to, but you can still click on the WWWhatsup at the top of the page to visit, and go from there to good sites we sponsor such as punkcast.

Keep the suggestions for pins coming, new bands, unknown heroes, whatever..

Rates (Jun 2004) -

= 1 (pin + tag) 1 pin = $1 1 doz pins = 12 mixed pins = $10 (@ 84c) mail is $1 however many pins, $2 foreign packet = pkt = 12 same pins + display tags 1 pkt = $7 (=12 pins @ 59c ) (no tags) 1 doz pkts = mixed 12 pkts = $60 (=12 pkts @$5 =144 pins @ 42c) mail is $2 however many pkts, $4 foreign bulk = 100 minimum same pin - no tags 100 $35 + mail $3 500 $150 + mail $10 1000 $260 + mail $15 Also, for stores etc, I have some mixed selections that I will do at same bulk rate. Write and ask.

Ordering -

These are 1" lock-pin buttons.

The basic ordering system is that

  1. you e-mail your order to Preferred format, a column of numbers only.
  2. we e-mail you back with order number, pins/cash amount, should arrive within a day. you check that you didn't screw up on the numbers.
  3. you mail cash whatever with order number writ on back of envelope
  4. or you pay online using paypal with your order number as the item.
  5. you e-mail us back and confirm (include your ship address)
  6. we e-mail you back and confirm that address,
  7. money arrives. we e-mail you 'done'
  8. order is printed. pins are sent.
  9. pins arrive. you e-mail us back in ecstacy. (we hope)

Pins are $1 each + $1 Mail (US & Canada)
