- published: 20 Sep 2017
- views: 85
City Harvest Church (Chinese: 城市丰收教会) or CHC is a pentecostal megachurch in Singapore.
Founded in 1989 by Kong Hee, the church officially bases its values on Charismatic and Pentecostal teachings, with emphases on such "doctrines" as "the Great Commandment", "the Great Commission" and "the Cultural Mandate".
City Harvest Church is a member of several interchurch organisations, including the National Council of Churches of Singapore, Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore, and Festival of Praise Fellowship. Services are held at its church building in Jurong West and rented hall space at Suntec International Convention Centre. CHC has affiliate churches in the region, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia and United States.
In 2015, six church leaders and fund or finance managers were sentenced to jail, after being found guilty of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts.
The church has been described by the Charisma magazine as "one of the largest congregations in Asia." It had a year-end service attendance of 17,364 attendees. The Congregation size (2013 figure) is listed as 18,192. 39% of the congregation are below the age of 25 years and the average age is 30. 46% of them are men, 35% are married, 61.7% are single. 52.8% of them are working adults, while most of the rest are children or students.
City Harvest may refer to:
I Am may refer to:
Reverend Ho Yeow Sun, better known as Sun Ho, is a Singaporean Christian pastor and co-founder of City Harvest Church. She is also a singer of Mandopop.
Ho studied at Anglican High School and Victoria Junior College. Born in Singapore, she started as a pastor when she was 20 years old with her husband, Kong Hee, founding City Harvest Church. Eight years later she moved to Taiwan, where she became a Mandopop singer.
As a singer, Ho worked with producers and performers such as Wyclef Jean, Diane Warren, The Underdogs, David Foster and Carole Bayer Sager. Ho is one of the co-founders of City Harvest Church and its community services and is married to Kong Hee. Ho also led City Harvest Church's Creative Department from 1992 until late 2000, when she resigned and relocated to Taiwan, where she would do most of her recordings, to pursue her singing career. At the beginning of her music career, she faced accusations that her dressing was inappropriate for her religious background, and rumours of her using her church's support to aid in album sales. After a series of successful concerts, she had the opportunity to further develop her career outside of Singapore, focusing on China, Taiwan and the US.
Jared Anderson may refer to:
Amazed (Jared Anderson) // Renata Triani & Sun Ho @CHC
Pure As Gold (CityWorship) // Annabel Soh @CHC
Reckless Love (Bethel Music) // Mark Kwan @CHC
Build My Life (Passion) // Sun Ho @CHC
Deeper In Love (Lebih Dalam Lagi) @CHC // Annabel Soh
Cyber Hacker Certified CHC - مقدمة في الاختراق الأخلاقي Introduction to Ethical Hacking
CityWorship: Jesus I Live To Sing // Sun Ho @ City Harvest Church
شرح تثبيت Kali كنظام تخيلي - دورة CHC
I Need You More (Jesus Culture) @CHC // Renata Triani
Presence Power Glory (Citipointe Live) @CHC // Annabel Soh
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) & I Exalt Thee @CHC // Annabel Soh
Amazed (Jared Anderson) & Greater Are You (CityWorship) @CHC // Alison Yap
I Need You More // Sun Ho @CHC
You Make Me Brave (Bethel Music) // Renata Triani @CHC
La cosa - CHC [Álbum Completo]
10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) @CHC // Calvin Ho
I Am Yours (CityWorship) @CHC // Sun Ho
Greater Are You (CityWorship) @CHC // Renata Triani
Never Let You Go @CHC // Teo Poh Heng
Cyber Hacker Certified CHC - مقدمة في اللينكس Introduction to Linux OS
City Harvest Church on 17 September 2017 "Amazed" / Jared Anderson Song Leader: Renata Triani Author: Jared Anderson You dance over me while I am unaware You sing all around But I never hear the sound Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me You paint the morning sky with miracles In mind My hope will always stand You hold me in Your hand Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me How wide, how deep How great is Your love for me How wide, how deep How great is Your love for me And Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me, Oooo Oh, Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me
City Harvest Church on 15 July 2017 "Pure As Gold" / CityWorship Song Leader: Annabel Soh Author: Lee Seow Ting Verse: I lift my voice to sing You praise No matter what life may bring my way I know that You are, the God of my life You are the One Who holds it all I lift my hands to worship You Nowhere to find a love so true I know that You are, the God of my life Jesus I am crying out Chorus: Come Holy Spirit More of Your presence Take me as I am, use me as You call I give my all for You alone Pour out Your Spirit Move in Your power Jesus You are all, all my soul longs for My heart is calling out to You (Jesus, my Lord) Bridge: Change and mould me To be more like You All my life I'll live to worship You Purify me Set my heart on fire Let me come through Pure as gold Tag: Pure as gol...
City Harvest Church on 19 August 2017 "Reckless Love" / Bethel Music Song Leader: Mark Kwan Authors: Cory Asbury, Caleb Culver, Ran Jackson Verse 1: Before I spoke a word You were singing over me You have been so, so Good to me Before I took a breath You Breathed Your life in me You have been so, so Kind to me Chorus: Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending Reckless love of God Oh, it chases me down Fights `til I'm found Leaves the ninety-nine I couldn't earn it, I don't deserve it Still you gave yourself away Oh, the overwhelming,never-ending Reckless love of God Verse 2: When I was your foe, still Your love fought for me You have been so, so Good to me When I felt no worth You paid it all for me You have been so, so Kind to me Chorus: Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending Reckless love o...
City Harvest Church on 13 August 2017 00:00 Prelude 03:24 "Build My Life" / Passion Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Pat Barrett, Matt Redman, Brett Younker, Kirby Kaple, Karl Martin Verse 1: Worthy of every song we could ever sing Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Verse 2: Jesus, the name above every other name Jesus, the only one who could ever save Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Chorus: Holy, there is no one like You There is none beside You Open up my eyes in wonder Show me who You are And fill me with Your heart And lead me in Your love to those around me Bridge: I will build my life upon Your love It is a firm foundation I will put my trust in You alone And I will not be shaken
City Harvest Church on 23 April 2017 "Deeper In Love (Lebih Dalam Lagi)" / Robert & Lea Sutanto Song Leader: Annabel Soh Authors: Robert & Lea Sutanto Verse: One thing that I desire in my life Lord To thirst and hunger after You alone With all my heart and soul With all my strength and love To worship as Your glory fills this place Chorus: Deeper in love with You Deeper in love with You I love You more than anything in life Deeper in love with You Deeper in love with You Oh how I love You Lord ==== SATU HAL YANG KURINDUKAN YA TUHAN SELALU BERADA DI DEKAT-MU DENGAN SEG’NAP HATI, DENGAN SEG’NAP JIWA ‘KU MENANTI DI HADIRAT-MU LEBIH DALAM LAGI ‘KU RINDU KAU TUHAN LEBIH DARI SEGALA YANG ADA LEBIH DALAM LAGI ‘KU CINTA KAU YESUS ‘KU MENGASIHI-MU
مقدمة في الاختراق الأخلاقي Introduction to Ethical Hacking مقدمة في عالم الأمن الإلكتروني والإختراق الأخلاقي، ماهو المخترق الأخلاقي، أنواعهم، طريقة المختبر الأمني بالخطوات، أهم الاختراقات العالمية وتحليلها، وكيف تكون مثقف أمنياً
The essence of our Christian walk is to praise and worship Him regardless of the situation we are in. To obey and set ourselves apart for Him constantly is a vital decision we need to make. Come, let us worship Him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more resources from CityWorship, visit www.chc.org.sg/cityworship CityWorship: Jesus I Live To Sing @ City Harvest Church Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Yong Te-Chong, Mark Kwan, Caroline Tjen © 2017 City Harvest Church ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US TODAY! Twitter | @chcsg Instagram | chcsg | CityWorshipSG Facebook | CityHarvestChurch Youtube | CityHarvestSg To know more about City Harvest Chu...
https://chc-course.com/ https://twitter.com/chc_course مرفق لكم في الرابط أدناه، درس عالي الدقة لتثبيت نظام اللينكس والأدوات الأمنية من شرح الدكتور ياسر العصيفير، يجيب فيه على استفساراتكم وأسئلتكم في كل ما يتعلق بعملية التجهيز والتثبيت بالإضافة إلى حلول للمشاكل التي قد تواجه كثير منكم أثناء عملية التنصيب. بعض المستخدمين تعرضوا لمشكلة في التثبيت وتظهر الشاشة التالية: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/45bcc562e4e59a05229592fde/images/d3a7a292-2df9-48b5-94d9-ea61a6c77208.png الحل https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wc3fjGtPHU نشكر حماسكم واهتمامكم ونتمنى لكم متابعة ممتعة
City Harvest Church on 31 December 2016 "I Need You More" / Kim Walker-Smith (Jesus Culture) Song Leader: Renata Triani Authors: Bruce Haynes, Lindell Cooley Chorus: I need You more, More than yesterday I need You more More than words can say I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord Verse: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat More than anything And Lord as time goes by I'll be by Your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life Bridge: We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise Tag: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than anything I need You more
City Harvest Church on 12 March 2017 "Presence Power Glory" / Citipointe Live Song Leader: Annabel Soh Authors: Joel Ramsey, Savannah Ramsey Verse: Strip me back Of all my pride My possesions Till all I want And all I seek Is Your presence Pre-chorus: Awake in me A fire and a zeal A fire full of love Heaven open up Chorus: Come and fill this place With Your mercy with Your grace Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit With power and with Love All consuming fire come Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Bridge: We want more of Your presence We want more of Your power We want more of Your glory We want to know You
City Harvest Church on 17 June 2017 "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) & I Exalt Thee " Song Leader: Annabel Soh 1:28 "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" / Hillsong United Authors: Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm 15:38 "I Exalt Thee" Author: Pete Sanchez, Jr.
City Harvest Church on 24 June 2017 "Amazed" & "Greater Are You" Song Leader: Alison Yap 0:00 "Amazed" / Jared Anderson Author: Jared Anderson 14:27 "Greater Are You" / CityWorship Author: Maximillian Low
City Harvest Church on 27 August 2017 "I Need You More" Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Bruce Haynes, Lindell Cooley Chorus: I need You more, More than yesterday I need You more More than words can say I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord Verse: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat More than anything And Lord as time goes by I'll be by Your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life Bridge: We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise Tag: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than anything I need You more
City Harvest Church on 13 August 2017 "You Make Me Brave" / Bethel Music Song Leader: Renata Triani Author: Amanda Cook VERSE 1: I stand before You now The greatness of Your renown I have heard of the majesty and wonder of You King of Heaven in humility I bow CHORUS: As Your love, in wave after wave Crashes over me, crashes over me For You are for us, You are not against us Champion of Heaven You made a way for all to enter in (to Your love) VERSE 2: I have heard You calling my name I have heard the song of love that You sing So I will let you draw me out beyond the shore Into Your grace BRIDGE 1: You make me brave, You make me brave You call me out beyond the shore into the waves You make me brave, You make me brave No fear can hinder now the Love that made a way BRIDGE 2: You make ...
City Harvest Church on 15 January 2017 "10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) / Matt Redman Song Leader: Calvin Ho Authors: Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman Chorus: Bless the Lord O my soul O my soul Worship His Holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship Your Holy name Verse 1: The sun comes up It's a new day dawning It's time to sing Your song again Whatever may pass And whatever lies before me Let me be singing When the evening comes Verse 2: You're rich in love And You're slow to anger Your name is great And Your heart is kind For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Ten thousand reasons For my heart to find Verse 3: And on that day When my strength is failing The end draws near And my time has come Still my soul will Sing Your praise unending Ten thousand years And then...
City Harvest Church 27th Anniversary 20 August 2016 "I Am Yours" / CityWorship Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Mark Kwan & Caroline Tjen Verse: Your love Reaches to me o'er the seas Wherever I go, there You'll be Never alone Nothing to fear I know You are with me Chorus: (And I sing) Hallelujah, Hallelujah Ha-lle-lujah Holy, Holy, Worthy, Worthy Ha-lle-lujah Bridge: For You said "Peace be still Know I am God I go before you I hold your heart Be strong, my child For I am yours I am yours”
City Harvest Church on 29 April 2017 "Never Let You Go" Song Leader: Teo Poh Heng Author: Karen Ong Verse: Lord, You're more than anything You're more than gold More than anything Lord, You're everything to me I will never let You go Never ever let You go Chorus: Your love is higher, higher than the heaven Your mercy's deeper, deeper than the earth Your grace is wider, wider than the ocean I will never let You go Never ever let You go
مقدمة في اللينكس Introduction to Linux OS التعريف بنظام Linux كنظام تشغيل حر مفتوح المصدر، يقوم الأشخاص من مختلف أنحاء العالم بتطويره ويستخدمه الملايين حول العالم، وهو نظام آمن يتطور بسرعة رهيبة وسوف يتم استعراض نسخ اللينكس الخاصة بالأمن الإلكتروني والأدوات المهم استخدامها في عالم الأمن مع فقرات التطبيق العملي.
this is our youth history...city harvest church kuching youth
More info at https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/tv-show/tv-specials/holy-land This hour-long special weaves together both the Israeli and the Palestinian narratives. In Israel, we go from the venerable ramparts of Jerusalem to the vibrant modern skyline of Tel Aviv. In Palestine, we harvest olives near Hebron, visit a home in Bethlehem, and pop into a university in Ramallah. We also learn about security walls, disputed settlements, and the persistent challenges facing the region.
Song sang during service at City Harvest Church You may watch previous broadcast at http://www.chc.org.sg/citytv/videos
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More info at https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/tv-show/tv-specials/holy-land We start in Jerusalem, alive with religious tradition and passion — Christian, Muslim, and Jewish. We then visit cosmopolitan Tel Aviv, with its in-love-with-life beaches; ponder the sad fortress of Masada; and join pilgrims at biblical sights around the Sea of Galilee. We'll also pay our respects at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, drop into an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood, and savor the local cuisine. | © 2014 Rick Steves' Europe At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
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City Harvest Church on 17 September 2017 "Amazed" / Jared Anderson Song Leader: Renata Triani Author: Jared Anderson You dance over me while I am unaware You sing all around But I never hear the sound Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me You paint the morning sky with miracles In mind My hope will always stand You hold me in Your hand Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me How wide, how deep How great is Your love for me How wide, how deep How great is Your love for me And Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me, Oooo Oh, Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me
City Harvest Church on 15 July 2017 "Pure As Gold" / CityWorship Song Leader: Annabel Soh Author: Lee Seow Ting Verse: I lift my voice to sing You praise No matter what life may bring my way I know that You are, the God of my life You are the One Who holds it all I lift my hands to worship You Nowhere to find a love so true I know that You are, the God of my life Jesus I am crying out Chorus: Come Holy Spirit More of Your presence Take me as I am, use me as You call I give my all for You alone Pour out Your Spirit Move in Your power Jesus You are all, all my soul longs for My heart is calling out to You (Jesus, my Lord) Bridge: Change and mould me To be more like You All my life I'll live to worship You Purify me Set my heart on fire Let me come through Pure as gold Tag: Pure as gol...
City Harvest Church on 19 August 2017 "Reckless Love" / Bethel Music Song Leader: Mark Kwan Authors: Cory Asbury, Caleb Culver, Ran Jackson Verse 1: Before I spoke a word You were singing over me You have been so, so Good to me Before I took a breath You Breathed Your life in me You have been so, so Kind to me Chorus: Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending Reckless love of God Oh, it chases me down Fights `til I'm found Leaves the ninety-nine I couldn't earn it, I don't deserve it Still you gave yourself away Oh, the overwhelming,never-ending Reckless love of God Verse 2: When I was your foe, still Your love fought for me You have been so, so Good to me When I felt no worth You paid it all for me You have been so, so Kind to me Chorus: Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending Reckless love o...
City Harvest Church on 13 August 2017 00:00 Prelude 03:24 "Build My Life" / Passion Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Pat Barrett, Matt Redman, Brett Younker, Kirby Kaple, Karl Martin Verse 1: Worthy of every song we could ever sing Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Verse 2: Jesus, the name above every other name Jesus, the only one who could ever save Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Chorus: Holy, there is no one like You There is none beside You Open up my eyes in wonder Show me who You are And fill me with Your heart And lead me in Your love to those around me Bridge: I will build my life upon Your love It is a firm foundation I will put my trust in You alone And I will not be shaken
City Harvest Church on 23 April 2017 "Deeper In Love (Lebih Dalam Lagi)" / Robert & Lea Sutanto Song Leader: Annabel Soh Authors: Robert & Lea Sutanto Verse: One thing that I desire in my life Lord To thirst and hunger after You alone With all my heart and soul With all my strength and love To worship as Your glory fills this place Chorus: Deeper in love with You Deeper in love with You I love You more than anything in life Deeper in love with You Deeper in love with You Oh how I love You Lord ==== SATU HAL YANG KURINDUKAN YA TUHAN SELALU BERADA DI DEKAT-MU DENGAN SEG’NAP HATI, DENGAN SEG’NAP JIWA ‘KU MENANTI DI HADIRAT-MU LEBIH DALAM LAGI ‘KU RINDU KAU TUHAN LEBIH DARI SEGALA YANG ADA LEBIH DALAM LAGI ‘KU CINTA KAU YESUS ‘KU MENGASIHI-MU
مقدمة في الاختراق الأخلاقي Introduction to Ethical Hacking مقدمة في عالم الأمن الإلكتروني والإختراق الأخلاقي، ماهو المخترق الأخلاقي، أنواعهم، طريقة المختبر الأمني بالخطوات، أهم الاختراقات العالمية وتحليلها، وكيف تكون مثقف أمنياً
The essence of our Christian walk is to praise and worship Him regardless of the situation we are in. To obey and set ourselves apart for Him constantly is a vital decision we need to make. Come, let us worship Him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more resources from CityWorship, visit www.chc.org.sg/cityworship CityWorship: Jesus I Live To Sing @ City Harvest Church Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Yong Te-Chong, Mark Kwan, Caroline Tjen © 2017 City Harvest Church ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US TODAY! Twitter | @chcsg Instagram | chcsg | CityWorshipSG Facebook | CityHarvestChurch Youtube | CityHarvestSg To know more about City Harvest Chu...
https://chc-course.com/ https://twitter.com/chc_course مرفق لكم في الرابط أدناه، درس عالي الدقة لتثبيت نظام اللينكس والأدوات الأمنية من شرح الدكتور ياسر العصيفير، يجيب فيه على استفساراتكم وأسئلتكم في كل ما يتعلق بعملية التجهيز والتثبيت بالإضافة إلى حلول للمشاكل التي قد تواجه كثير منكم أثناء عملية التنصيب. بعض المستخدمين تعرضوا لمشكلة في التثبيت وتظهر الشاشة التالية: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/45bcc562e4e59a05229592fde/images/d3a7a292-2df9-48b5-94d9-ea61a6c77208.png الحل https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wc3fjGtPHU نشكر حماسكم واهتمامكم ونتمنى لكم متابعة ممتعة
City Harvest Church on 31 December 2016 "I Need You More" / Kim Walker-Smith (Jesus Culture) Song Leader: Renata Triani Authors: Bruce Haynes, Lindell Cooley Chorus: I need You more, More than yesterday I need You more More than words can say I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord Verse: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat More than anything And Lord as time goes by I'll be by Your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life Bridge: We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise Tag: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than anything I need You more
City Harvest Church on 12 March 2017 "Presence Power Glory" / Citipointe Live Song Leader: Annabel Soh Authors: Joel Ramsey, Savannah Ramsey Verse: Strip me back Of all my pride My possesions Till all I want And all I seek Is Your presence Pre-chorus: Awake in me A fire and a zeal A fire full of love Heaven open up Chorus: Come and fill this place With Your mercy with Your grace Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit With power and with Love All consuming fire come Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Bridge: We want more of Your presence We want more of Your power We want more of Your glory We want to know You
City Harvest Church on 17 June 2017 "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) & I Exalt Thee " Song Leader: Annabel Soh 1:28 "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" / Hillsong United Authors: Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm 15:38 "I Exalt Thee" Author: Pete Sanchez, Jr.
City Harvest Church on 24 June 2017 "Amazed" & "Greater Are You" Song Leader: Alison Yap 0:00 "Amazed" / Jared Anderson Author: Jared Anderson 14:27 "Greater Are You" / CityWorship Author: Maximillian Low
City Harvest Church on 27 August 2017 "I Need You More" Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Bruce Haynes, Lindell Cooley Chorus: I need You more, More than yesterday I need You more More than words can say I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord Verse: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat More than anything And Lord as time goes by I'll be by Your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life Bridge: We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise We give you the highest praise Tag: More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than anything I need You more
City Harvest Church on 13 August 2017 "You Make Me Brave" / Bethel Music Song Leader: Renata Triani Author: Amanda Cook VERSE 1: I stand before You now The greatness of Your renown I have heard of the majesty and wonder of You King of Heaven in humility I bow CHORUS: As Your love, in wave after wave Crashes over me, crashes over me For You are for us, You are not against us Champion of Heaven You made a way for all to enter in (to Your love) VERSE 2: I have heard You calling my name I have heard the song of love that You sing So I will let you draw me out beyond the shore Into Your grace BRIDGE 1: You make me brave, You make me brave You call me out beyond the shore into the waves You make me brave, You make me brave No fear can hinder now the Love that made a way BRIDGE 2: You make ...
City Harvest Church on 15 January 2017 "10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) / Matt Redman Song Leader: Calvin Ho Authors: Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman Chorus: Bless the Lord O my soul O my soul Worship His Holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship Your Holy name Verse 1: The sun comes up It's a new day dawning It's time to sing Your song again Whatever may pass And whatever lies before me Let me be singing When the evening comes Verse 2: You're rich in love And You're slow to anger Your name is great And Your heart is kind For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Ten thousand reasons For my heart to find Verse 3: And on that day When my strength is failing The end draws near And my time has come Still my soul will Sing Your praise unending Ten thousand years And then...
City Harvest Church 27th Anniversary 20 August 2016 "I Am Yours" / CityWorship Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Mark Kwan & Caroline Tjen Verse: Your love Reaches to me o'er the seas Wherever I go, there You'll be Never alone Nothing to fear I know You are with me Chorus: (And I sing) Hallelujah, Hallelujah Ha-lle-lujah Holy, Holy, Worthy, Worthy Ha-lle-lujah Bridge: For You said "Peace be still Know I am God I go before you I hold your heart Be strong, my child For I am yours I am yours”
City Harvest Church on 29 April 2017 "Never Let You Go" Song Leader: Teo Poh Heng Author: Karen Ong Verse: Lord, You're more than anything You're more than gold More than anything Lord, You're everything to me I will never let You go Never ever let You go Chorus: Your love is higher, higher than the heaven Your mercy's deeper, deeper than the earth Your grace is wider, wider than the ocean I will never let You go Never ever let You go
مقدمة في اللينكس Introduction to Linux OS التعريف بنظام Linux كنظام تشغيل حر مفتوح المصدر، يقوم الأشخاص من مختلف أنحاء العالم بتطويره ويستخدمه الملايين حول العالم، وهو نظام آمن يتطور بسرعة رهيبة وسوف يتم استعراض نسخ اللينكس الخاصة بالأمن الإلكتروني والأدوات المهم استخدامها في عالم الأمن مع فقرات التطبيق العملي.
City Harvest Church on 17 September 2017 "Amazed" / Jared Anderson Song Leader: Renata Triani Author: Jared Anderson You dance over me while I am unaware You sing all around But I never hear the sound Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me You paint the morning sky with miracles In mind My hope will always stand You hold me in Your hand Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me How wide, how deep How great is Your love for me How wide, how deep How great is Your love for me And Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me, Oooo Oh, Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You Lord, I am amazed by You How You love me
City Harvest Church on 19 August 2017 "Reckless Love" / Bethel Music Song Leader: Mark Kwan Authors: Cory Asbury, Caleb Culver, Ran Jackson Verse 1: Before I spoke a word You were singing over me You have been so, so Good to me Before I took a breath You Breathed Your life in me You have been so, so Kind to me Chorus: Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending Reckless love of God Oh, it chases me down Fights `til I'm found Leaves the ninety-nine I couldn't earn it, I don't deserve it Still you gave yourself away Oh, the overwhelming,never-ending Reckless love of God Verse 2: When I was your foe, still Your love fought for me You have been so, so Good to me When I felt no worth You paid it all for me You have been so, so Kind to me Chorus: Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending Reckless love o...
City Harvest Church on 13 August 2017 00:00 Prelude 03:24 "Build My Life" / Passion Song Leader: Sun Ho Authors: Pat Barrett, Matt Redman, Brett Younker, Kirby Kaple, Karl Martin Verse 1: Worthy of every song we could ever sing Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Verse 2: Jesus, the name above every other name Jesus, the only one who could ever save Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Chorus: Holy, there is no one like You There is none beside You Open up my eyes in wonder Show me who You are And fill me with Your heart And lead me in Your love to those around me Bridge: I will build my life upon Your love It is a firm foundation I will put my trust in You alone And I will not be shaken
مقدمة في الاختراق الأخلاقي Introduction to Ethical Hacking مقدمة في عالم الأمن الإلكتروني والإختراق الأخلاقي، ماهو المخترق الأخلاقي، أنواعهم، طريقة المختبر الأمني بالخطوات، أهم الاختراقات العالمية وتحليلها، وكيف تكون مثقف أمنياً
City Harvest Church on 17 June 2017 "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) & I Exalt Thee " Song Leader: Annabel Soh 1:28 "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" / Hillsong United Authors: Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm 15:38 "I Exalt Thee" Author: Pete Sanchez, Jr.
City Harvest Church on 24 June 2017 "Amazed" & "Greater Are You" Song Leader: Alison Yap 0:00 "Amazed" / Jared Anderson Author: Jared Anderson 14:27 "Greater Are You" / CityWorship Author: Maximillian Low
مقدمة في اللينكس Introduction to Linux OS التعريف بنظام Linux كنظام تشغيل حر مفتوح المصدر، يقوم الأشخاص من مختلف أنحاء العالم بتطويره ويستخدمه الملايين حول العالم، وهو نظام آمن يتطور بسرعة رهيبة وسوف يتم استعراض نسخ اللينكس الخاصة بالأمن الإلكتروني والأدوات المهم استخدامها في عالم الأمن مع فقرات التطبيق العملي.
City Harvest Church on 29 October 2016 "What A Beautiful Name" / Hillsong Song Leader: Alison Yap Authors: Ben Fielding, Brooke Ligertwood Verse 1: You were the Word at the beginning One with God the Lord Most High Your hidden glory in creation Now revealed in You our Christ Chorus 1: What a beautiful Name it is What a beautiful Name it is The Name of Jesus Christ my King What a beautiful Name it is Nothing compares to this What a beautiful Name it is The Name of Jesus Verse 2: You didn’t want heaven without us So Jesus You brought heaven down My sin was great Your love was greater What could separate us now Chorus 2: What a wonderful Name it is What a wonderful Name it is The Name of Jesus Christ my King What a wonderful Name it is Nothing compares to this What a wonderful Name it is ...
Condensed Game: CHC@MIL 9/21/17 Check out http://MLB.com/video for more! About MLB.com: Former Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game over the Internet when the Texas Rangers and New York Yankees faced off at Yankee Stadium. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD t...
0:00 "I Came For You" (Planetshakers) 14:47 "Breathe" (Michael W. Smith) City Harvest Church on 26 February 2017 "I Came For You" / Planetshakers Song Leader: Mark Kwan Authors: Andy Harrison, Joth Hunt "Breathe" / Michael W. Smith Song Leader: Mark Kwan Authors: Liam Howe, Tahliah Barnett, Timmaz Zolleyn
جمع المعلومات Footprinting مرحلة Footprinting هام جداً في عالم الأختراق فهو يعد أول مراحل الاختراق وأكثرها أهمية والتي تمكّن المهاجم من جمع المعلومات والبيانات واختيار أفضل الطرق للهجوم، وسيتم توضيح الطرق التي يستخدمها المخترقين والمحتالين في جمع البيانات.
اختراق الأنظمة بشكل عام وبعض المصطلحات الهامة مثل الفيروسات وكيف يمكن للمخترق بالوصول الى الاجهزة عبر الشبكات. ويهدف هذا الجزء من الدورة لتعليم كيف ان المخترق الأخلاقي يجب ان يتعلم الحيل التي يستخدمها المخترقين في اختراق الأنظمة حتى يمنع أو يحافظ على النظام من الاختراق. https://chc-course.com/
إخفاء الآثار من الأمور الهامة التي يقوم بها أي مخترق فور اختراقه شبكة أو خادم معين، حيث يقوم بإزالة جميع الآثار التي خلّفها أثناء قيامه بعملية الإختراق. https://chc-course.com/
City Harvest Church on 22 October 2016 "Beautiful Saviour" / Planetshakers Song Leader: Annabel Soh Author: Henry Seeley Verse 1: Jesus, beautiful Saviour God of all majesty, risen King Verse 2: Lamb of God, holy and righteous Blessed redeemer, bright morning star Pre-Chorus: All the heavens shout Your praise All creation bow to worship You Chorus: How wonderful, how beautiful Name above every name, exalted high How wonderful, how beautiful Jesus Your Name Name above every name, Jesus Bridge: I will sing forever Jesus I love You, Jesus I love You I will sing forever Jesus I love You, Jesus I love You (ending) Jesus, beautiful Saviour Jesus, beautiful Saviour
سنشرح ونناقش بالتفصيل اختبار اختراق الجوالات وأنواعها ودرجة خطورتها وكيفية حماية التطبيقات من الاختراق و تسريب المعلومات. https://chc-course.com/
Condensed Game: STL@CHC 9/17/17 Check out http://MLB.com/video for more! About MLB.com: Former Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game over the Internet when the Texas Rangers and New York Yankees faced off at Yankee Stadium. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to...
Today's Bitcoin Live stream! I do a livestream talking about current crypto market status, share trading tips, and anything crypto you want to talk about LIVE. Today we talk about bitcoin and chaincoin making a big move this week. Remember, BUY LOW, STAY HIGH! Note: This is NOT a financial advice, you should always make your own investing decisions, I am simply sharing my ideas. New to cryptocurrency trading? See my article on basic & simple trading tip: https://steemit.com/bitcoi/@zedomax/simple-and-basic-strategy-of-trading-cryptocurrency My longterm portfolio:(I HODL these BAGS!) #ltc #vtc #doge #pivx #dgb #bcn #excl Join our Slack group here: http://hoalove.com/gethighc For e-mail alerts on my daily picks, subscribe to my e-mail list here: http://highoncoins.com/newsletter.ph...
a song sung at CHC from Chris Tomlin's Burning Light album
Your love it makes me melt away, it makes me melt away
Your touch is make me melt away, melt away
On the summer day
Your love it makes me melt away, baby light away
You make my body ..for you.
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Swept trip ..tune .. like an ice cream ..
Slow motion girl from top top yeah like that
keep it up like that girl, …
What it takes to make you stay, girl my love it makes you melt away.
Your love it makes me melt away, it makes me melt away
Your touch is make me melt away, melt away
On the summer day
Your love it makes me melt away, baby light away
You make my body ..for you.
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
…my love so hot to make your body melt like ice
Come over here lay down and let's turn off? the lights
Girl I do you I will take you straight to paradise
You make me hot hot hot hot hot hot
Hot hot hot hot … ohh[2 x Chorus:]
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame
Dame dame dame dame dame dame