- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 12728
Ivan Illich (/ɪˈvɑːn ˈɪlɪtʃ/; 4 September 1926 – 2 December 2002) was an Austrian philosopher, Roman Catholic priest, and "maverick social critic" of the institutions of contemporary Western culture and their effects on the provenance and practice of education, medicine, work, energy use, transportation, and economic development.
Illich was born in Vienna to a Croatian Catholic father, engineer Ivan Peter Illich, and a Sephardic Jewish mother, Ellen née Regenstreif-Ortlieb. His maternal grandmother was from Texas. Illich had Italian, Spanish, French, and German as native languages. He later learned Croatian, the language of his grandfathers, then Ancient Greek and Latin, in addition to Portuguese, Hindi, English, and other languages. He studied histology and crystallography at the University of Florence (Italy) as well as theology and philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (from 1942 to 1946), and medieval history in Salzburg.
He wrote a dissertation focusing on the historian Arnold J. Toynbee and would return to that subject in his later years. In 1951, he "signed up to become a parish priest in one of New York’s poorest neighborhoods—Washington Heights, on the northern tip of Manhattan, then a barrio of fresh-off-the-airplane Puerto Rican immigrants." In 1956, at the age of 30, he was appointed as the vice rector of the Catholic University of Puerto Rico, "a position he managed to keep for several years before getting thrown out—Illich was just a little too loud in his criticism of the Vatican’s pronouncements on birth control and comparatively demure silence about the bomb." It was in Puerto Rico that Illich met Everett Reimer and the two began to analyze their own functions as "educational" leaders. In 1959, he traveled throughout South America on foot and by bus.
Ivan Illich, mythologie occidentale et critique du "capitalisme des biens non tangibles". Entretien au français avec Jean Marie Domenach dans la série "Un certain regard" - 19/03/1972. --Disclaimer-- Je ne possède pas les droits de ce vidéo. La qualité de l,entretien et sa grande valeur éducative justifient son libre accès.
This video provides some background information on Ivan Illich for the Adelphi University Fall 2012 Foundations of Open Education course.
Para o educador Ivan Illich, o direito de aprender é simplesmente interrompido pela obrigação de frequentar a escola. Inscreva-se http://bit.ly/canaldoAndre Parte 2 - http://youtu.be/EN8pfOfgsVY Apoie o projeto "Pedagogia da autonomia, de Paulo Freire" http://catarse.me/pt/paulofreire Site: www.andreazevedodafonseca.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/azevedodafonseca Twitter: www.twitter.com/azevedofonseca Cadastre seu e-mail para receber informações sobre novos vídeos http://bit.ly/profAndre Ivan Illich foi um dos pensadores mais radicais no campo da Pedagogia. A grande provocação que ele deixou para a humanidade foi o seu livro chamado Sociedade sem Escolas, publicado em 1971. Esse livro aponta problemas muito incômodos sobre a indústria das escolas e sobre as intenções ocultas que sust...
Here is Ivan Illich, speaking in 1984 at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. His topic: the history of water and of the senses. The following year, the Institute published his book 'H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness.' It is still in print and a must for anyone interested in the senses, in water, in the history of sewers and smells, and in the "historicity of 'stuff'," as Illich puts it. This is an excerpt of an hour-long video of Illich's complete talk and the following Q&A;. That video is now available for downloading, in two parts, from the Internet Archive; it is well worth the effort: http://www.archive.org/details/1984WaterandDreams02 http://www.archive.org/details/1984WaterandDreams03 Also, see this link for an interview - in French, but translation is availa...
Part 1 of the 'Ideas' radio interview.
Breve descripción del contenido en la obra La Sociedad Desescolarizada que Ivan Illich escribió en 1971. Se exponen las principales características de la escuela y el curriculum oculto desde la perspectiva de este autor. Realizado por las alumnas Mendoza Vargas Ma. Antonia y Morales Cuevas Itzel, para la materia de Sociología de la Educación contemplada en la Maestría en Educación y Docencia en Investigación.
This is an extract from Canadian Broadcasting's 5-hour program, The Corruption of Christianity, which featured Ivan Illich in conversation with David Cayley. It was broadcast in 2000 and is now available in recorded form from CBC. Illich died in 2002, but Cayley later published a book based on this same set of interviews: The Rivers North of the Future, The Testament of Ivan Illich (House of Anansi). Both program and book are highly recommended for here, Illich reveals the full depth and breadth of his thinking about how Western Society, with its rampant industrialism, tremendous social inequality, debilitating tools (e.g. schools, medicine, the automobile), and ecologically questionable future, has come to be.
O programa relata a crítica do austríaco Ivan Illich ao papel excludente do sistema educacional feita no livro "Sociedade sem Escolas", muito influente na década de 1970.
http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/VIDEO/lecture.php?ID=847 ILLICH, Ivan Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health Ivan Illich gives a lecture to mark the launch of his book Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health in which he continues his critique of the medical profession and the 'delusions' of importance that exist in Western culture regarding that profession. Illich contrasts personal responsibility with individual impotence and questions the corporate indoctrination that reorganizes society within such excesses of professionalization.NB: Background noise occasionally makes Illich inaudible. Occasional sound and image breaks up are particularly bad towards end. After 120 mins tape cuts out in midspeech during extensive Q & A session.
This is another extract - with minor re-editing, to be clear - from Canadian Broadcasting's 5-hour program, The Corruption of Christianity, which featured Ivan Illich in conversation with David Cayley. That program was broadcast in 2000 and is now available in recorded form from CBC. Illich died in 2002, but Cayley later published a book providing access to full set of interviews on which the program was based: The Rivers North of the Future, The Testament of Ivan Illich (House of Anansi). Both program and book are highly recommended for here, Illich reveals the full depth and breadth of his thinking about how Western Society, with its rampant industrialism, tremendous social inequality, debilitating tools (e.g. schools, medicine, the automobile), and ecologically questionable future, has ...
*****يمكن تشغيل الترجمة العربية من خلال إعدادات الفيديو أعلاه.***** ترجمة: عبدالرحمن علي (@abdu_am) a.maasher@yahoo.com إيفان إيليتش (١٩٢٦-٢٠٠٢) هو فيلسوف وناقد اجتماعي نمساوي الأصل ألف العديد من المؤلفات في نقد المؤسسات والنظام الاجتماعي الحديث، مناقشًا قضايا تشمل التدين، التعليم، الصحة، التقنية، التطور الاقتصادي، التلوث البيئي وغيرها. هذه مقابلة نادرة معه لندرة ظهوره الإعلامي أجراها معه في باريس سنة ١٩٧٢ مفكر آخر هو جان ماري دوميناش، يتطرق فيها بسعة فكره المميزة إلى العديد من المواضيع متنقلًا من الميثولوجيا الإغريقية إلى نقد الرأسمالية، ومن الحديث عن الفقر وعلاقة الإنسان بالتقنية إلى نقد التعليم النظامي. ويتطرق أيضًا إلى جوانب عديدة من حياته ومسيرته وانتقاله من أوروبا إلى أمريكا ثم إلى أمريكا الجنوبية. يمكن اعتبار هذه المقابلة مدخلًا جيدًا إلى فكر وشخصية الرجل الذي وصفه أستاذ الفلس...
Get an idea about Ivan Illich's views on mandatory public education
Part 2 of the 'Ideas' radio interview.
Animation of Ivan Illich's radio show 'Ideas' interview.
La Questione Della ChemioTerapia !!!
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
Esta edição relata a crítica do austríaco Ivan Illich ao papel excludente do sistema educacional feita no livro "Sociedade sem Escolas", muito influente na década de 1970.
Edoardo Marraffa: Sax Tenore Elena Maestrini: Sax Soprano Vito Del Grosso: Sax Alto Nicola Simboli: Sax Alto Marianna Puscio: Pianoforte Luigi Pantusa: Chitarra Elettrica Daniele Ninivaggi: Basso Elettrico Raffaele Amura: Batteria Luigi Finelli: Violino, Batteria, Congas
Los perjuicios de la escuela en la sociedad
This is Part 2 of a video of a 2003 seminar retrospective honoring the critical theorist Ivan Illich, organized by Carlos Alberto Torres and the UCLA Paulo Freire Institute. Panelists: Carlos Alberto Torres, Douglas Kellner, and Peter McLaren. An informal attempt at a transcription is available at: http://ivan-illich.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/torres52-74.pdf.
Siglo XII el inicio del dominio de los letrados sobre los analfabetos, http://www.cicloliterario.com/ciclo61junio2007/delaluz.html Personalmente, casi mil años de invasión letradas de la iglesia... "Circulo de Lectura de Ivan Illich con Jean Robert" en Cuernavaca, que de los martes en la biblioteca de Tlaltenalgo por algunos meses se estan realizando en la Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos UAEM un lugar mas digno pero siempre con un publico mayor... donde estan los jovenes a estos maravilosos y gratuitos eventos
THE DEATH OF IVAN ILYITCH by Leo Tolstoy - FULL AudioBook | Greatest Audio Books - SUBSCRIBE to Greatest Audio Books: http://www.youtube.com/GreatestAudioBooks - Become a FRIEND: http://www.Facebook.com/GreatestAudioBooks - BUY T-SHIRTS & MORE: http://bit.ly/1akteBP - Visit our WEBSITE: http://www.GreatestAudioBooks.com - READ along by clicking (CC) for Closed Caption Transcript! - LISTEN to the entire audiobook for free! Chapter listing and length: #audiobook #audiobooks #freeaudiobooks #greatestaudiobooks #book #books #free #top #best This video: Copyright 2014. Greatest Audio Books. All Rights Reserved. Audio content is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer visit librivox.org.
Prima parte del primo incontro su Ivan Illich tenuto da Franco Insalaco presso Anemos libera Università di Neuroscienze a Reggio Emilia
Part of The Big Read National Endowment for the Arts program: http://www.neabigread.org/
Posiblemente sea crisis la palabra que mejor describe la actualidad (noviembre de 2012), una crisis sistémica, que afecta a todos los órdenes de la vida, incluso a lo más radical y genuino del ser humano: la libertad, la cultura y la sociedad. La escuela y, más extensamente, el sistema pedagógico vigente en occidente desde la modernidad hasta nuestros días no son ajenos a esto, están obsoletos y se encuentran en una encrucijada que urge dejar atrás. Conviene, por tanto, realizar un decidido, valiente y honesto ejercicio intelectual que ayude a dar razón de ser de la educación, con la finalidad de esclarecer los principios, los fines y los medios de ésta. Y el primer paso para lograrlo es rescatar a la persona, tomándola como principio y fin de toda acción pedagógica, como sujeto del arte d...
When the sky turns black
And we know it will from time to time
We've been through that
And we came out on top because
You're really easy to love
You're really easy to love
And I know you're good
You know I try most of the time
We've been through that
And we came out on top because
You're really easy to love
You're really easy to love
When I can't take it
My heart is achin'
You're really easy to love
The sky turns black
We know it will from time to time
And we've been through that
And we came out on top because
You're really easy to love
You're really easy to love
When I can't take it
My heart is achin'
You're really easy to love