Support to Public Institutions under the LCRP 2016
Support to Public Institutions under the LCRP 2016

Current thinking argues strongly for national and local institutions to feature prominently in any humanitarian response. Efficiency and legitimacy considerations, as well as the tangible benefits such an approach brings to host communities and nations, provide a strong rationale for stabilization-oriented interventions. Strengthening public institutions has been a key component of the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) which estimates that 3.3 million individuals are in need either from an economic or social perspective. These people are best reached by strengthening existing systems and institutions. Indeed, the latter have gained critical local expertise as first responders to the crisis, providing innovative solutions to multi-faceted needs.

Signing Project Document of Sustainable Development Goals in Lebanon
Signing Project Document of Sustainable Development Goals in Lebanon

June 20, 2017 - In the presence of HE Prime Minister Hariri, the project document entitled “SDGs in Lebanon: Analyzing Gaps and Reporting Progress” was signed by Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, UNDP Resident Representative, and Mr. Nabil El Jisr, President of CDR. The project is expected to be executed in two consecutive components:

Certificates of Recognition for promoting a better environment
Certificates of Recognition for Promoting a Better Environment

The Ministry of Energy and Water and the United Nations Development Programme organized on the 13th of June, 2017, a certificates of recognition event during which 9 beneficiaries were recognized for their commitment in promoting supporting renewable energy in Lebanon. This event was organized within the Global Environment Facility funded project DREG or the Decentralised Renewable Energy Generation Project.

Launch of the UNDP Youth Leadership Programme 3
Launch of the UNDP Youth Leadership Programme 3

Recognizing the importance of the role youth are playing in the development agenda, UNDP Arab States launched a Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) in 2015. Building on the lessons learned and momentum generated during YLP1 (2015) and YLP2 (2016), YLP 3 is being launched to support young men and women from across the region to explore innovative approaches to addressing sustainable development challenges, with a specific focus on gender equality and women empowerment.

Ghobeiry Second Mixed Intermediate Public School: Resolute in its Fight against Violence
Ghobeiry Second Mixed Intermediate Public School: Resolute in its Fight against Violence

As a symbol of dedication, hard work and sustainability, the principal of the Ghobeiry Second Mixed Intermediate Public School, Mrs. Fatima Salameh, has enabled her school once again to regenerate the peace building taskforce of passionate teachers, students and school staff. This time, the taskforce planned two theatrical pieces promoting nonviolence and the culture of acceptance and they were performed on May 12, 2017 during the school’s end-of-year ceremony.

Youth Photo Competition on the SDGs - #LookAroundYou
Youth Photo Competition on the SDGs - #LookAroundYou

After organizing the “#LookAroundYou” photography competition for the youth living in Lebanon aged between 16 and 32 regardless of nationality to highlight the importance of the SDGs (Related to ending poverty, injustice and inequality and protecting the environment), the winners have finally been selected and they came to receive their prizes from Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon, Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, on the 1st of June, 2017.

OFID and UNDP join forces to address the environmental impact of the Syria crisis in Lebanon
OFID and UNDP join forces to address the environmental impact of the Syria crisis in Lebanon

he Syrian conflict is arguably the most tragic humanitarian crisis of our time. Since 2011, half of the country’s pre-war population — more than 11 million people — have been killed or have fled their homes. There are currently more than 4.96 million registered Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries. This situation puts the resilience of both the refugees and the host communities to test, pressuring natural resources, basic services, and the economies of affected countries.

Bekaa Reporters Meet the “Journalists’ Pact for Strengthening Civil Peace in Lebanon”
Bekaa Reporters Meet the “Journalists’ Pact for Strengthening Civil Peace in Lebanon”

Gathered in Anjar Municipality, Bekaa, local reporters and journalists coming from the Bekaa region discussed the clauses of the “Journalists’ Pact for Strengthening Civil Peace in Lebanon”. They also debated over the main challenges they face in their everyday missions in the field. The meeting was organized by Maharat Foundation in partnership with the UNDP “Peace Building in Lebanon” project on May 24th, 2017 with the generous funds of KfW.

Building Lebanon's resilience in response to disaster risk UNDP organized a Flood simulation on Assi River
Building Lebanon's resilience in response to disaster risk UNDP organized a Flood simulation on Assi River

"Disaster prevention and preparedness are considered an integral aspect of Lebanon's development policy. The recurrent crisis that Lebanon faces and the risks that continue to surround our country make that an absolute necessity", Dutch Ambassador to Lebanon Mr. Han-Maurits Schaapveld said during a field exercise simulating a flood scenario on the borders of Assi River in Hermel organized on Wednesday 10 May 2017 by the UNDP Disaster Risk Management Project at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.