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Glasgow Greens Urge SNP to Follow their Lead to Deal with “Public Health Emergency”

Sun 1 Oct, 2017

Green councillors in Glasgow have welcomed steps by the SNP administration to implement a key Green manifesto idea with the introduction of a Low Emission Zone to make the city’s air safer and improve the city centre.

Greens in the city chambers have championed the idea of a cleaner, safer city centre since 2012.

As set out in their election manifesto in May, plans include the implementation of local authority targets for carbon reduction, as well as the introduction of low emission zones, with a traffic-free city centre as a long-term aim.

Greens Win Cross Party Support to Fast Track City Rent Pressure Zones

Thu 14 Sep, 2017

Green councillors in Glasgow today called on the SNP administration to commit to looking deeper into potential ‘Rent Pressure Zones’ in the city.

The two parties will work together after an amendment, put forward by Councillor Christy Mearns which suggested that the findings of any such report be reported by June next year, was accepted by the SNP.

New powers granted by the Scottish Government could see Glasgow City Council apply to have these designated zones, which limit rent increases, across the city.

The Importance of Local Accountability in Education Planning

Tanya Wisely Wed 6 Sep, 2017

At the Glasgow City Council Executive Committee last week, Greens ensured proper local scrutiny of proposals for a region-level collaborative structure to support Education Improvement. These proposals had not arisen from within Glasgow City Council – the new Council has not established an education committee as yet. The proposals came from the City Region Cabinet, a collective made up of the leaders of eight local authorities that includes Glasgow. The City Region has an economic development remit around the City Deal.

Greens Defend Local Accountability in Education

Thu 31 Aug, 2017

Glasgow Greens have today ensured proper local scrutiny for SNP plans to introduce region- level governance for education, citing concerns over accountability.  

Glasgow deserves a new style of politics

Kim Long Sat 20 May, 2017

 I used to encounter a strange phenomenon during one of my university jobs. I would be guiding parents on open days for prospective students, and over and over again I saw professional, capable adults dissolve into flapping mini-tornadoes of anxiety, unable to read maps and asking what wardrobes were for. Something about being on campus brought the impending changes in their lives into sharp relief, and they lost their heads.

Greens vote to ensure progressive change in Glasgow

Jon Molyneux Fri 19 May, 2017

Green councillors yesterday voted to ensure Glasgow City Council has a proportionate executive committee, which reflects its new political make-up, overturning an SNP proposal that they should have an in-built majority, despite being a minority administration.

The move means that the SNP will require support from at least one other party in order to pass business at this key decision-making body.  This will allow us to support the SNP where they are pushing progressive reform and improve on their proposals where necessary.

Why Local is What Really Matters in May

Jon Molyneux Fri 14 Apr, 2017

The Scottish Greens are on course to elect a record number of councillors in Glasgow next month because people know we’ll make a big difference after decades of stagnant, one-party rule.

It’s clear that many people feel disconnected from power and that their voices simply aren’t listened to. That’s why, at the heart of our Glasgow manifesto is a promise to put power directly into the hands of local people, so they have a real say in the decisions that affect their communities.

We Need the Reinstatement of Land-Banked Green Spaces

Christy Mearns Tue 11 Apr, 2017

Glasgow is blighted with derelict sites that are being kept out of productive use, by developers, and at the community’s expense. Glasgow City Council needs to do more to weed out bad practice and ensure that, once planning permission is granted, building and completion happens within an appropriate timescale.

Why Vote Green in Govanhill?

Cass Macgregor Fri 7 Apr, 2017

Govanhill is the largest area in Glasgow’s four councillor Southside Central ward.  Those seats are currently held by two Labour and two SNP Councillors. Increased support for the Greens in recent polling could mean a larger green group than ever before, with the chance to hold the balance of power at Glasgow City council.

I’ve been out knocking on doors and listening to residents in Govanhill since November. There are many issues raised around poorly maintained housing; waste management, cleanliness and social cohesion. Often the issues are interlinked.

Air Pollution Over the Legal Limit Around Local Primary Schools

Christy Mearns Wed 5 Apr, 2017

It has come as no shock to me that air pollution levels around the M8 motorway and St Patrick’s Primary school in Anderston are above the EU legal limit, according to a Friends of the Earth ‘Clean Air Kit’ test result.