Wednesday June 21, 2017
| Last update: Monday at 3:12 PM
United States - The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine denounced the repeated Zionist attacks against the city of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque and collective punishment that has escalated over the last...
Houston, TX - The most recent addition to the list of Black Lives Matter era films is director Benny Boom's All Eyez on Me, a movie that chronicles the life of rapper Tupac Shakur.
Chicago, IL - 500 people gathered in Chicago’s Washington Park June 18 to protest the acquittal of the cop that killed Philando Castile in Minnesota.
Saint Paul, MN - The world is watching Saint Paul, Minnesota this week, hoping that the family of Philando Castile will get justice for his death at the hands of Saint Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez.
New Hope, MN - rotesters packed the June 12 city council work session in New Hope, a suburb of Minneapolis, to demand that the city fire police officer Andy Lamers. Until recently, in addition to his job in New...

Minneapolis protest against Trump
The election of Donald Trump has unleashed a storm of righteous anger, as hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets in cities across the...
Frank Chapman
The strains of the civil rights anthem, Oh, Freedom, rang out in Trinity Episcopal Church on Chicago’s South Side, Feb. 12, sung by Evangeline...
Chrisley Carpio
Fight Back! interviewed Chrisley Carpio, a student activist and leader of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Student Commission.
Hundreds march in Milwaukee against attacks launched by Trump administration.
Millions of people flocked to Washington D.C. for billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump's inauguration – but not in support of the new...
