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WATCH THIS: London May Day march: Labour vs the communists (Proletarian TV, May 2017)
READ THIS: General election: Tories go for the kill (Lalkar, May 2017)
BUY THIS: 1917 October Revolution centenary t-shirt (£10 Proletarian bookshop)
EVENT: LONDON: British Revolutionary History: Kim Philby: Sunday 18 June, 2.00pm

A presentation to the Stalin Society by Ella Rula examining the role of Kim Philby and other British spies in defending the socialist USSR.    More details

Proletarian: June/July edition online soon

Proletarian, issue 78 TOP STORIES

Not so strong and stable after all: May loses Brexit gamble

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Class Analysis book coverPAMPHLET: A Class Analysis of Britain at the Start of the 21st Century

Bourgeois academics, media pundits and figureheads of the counter-revolutionary ‘left’ continue to sow confusing and superficial ideas about class. Their propaganda campaign has been so effective as to destroy not just class consciousness and solidarity amongst many workers in Britain, but also the very idea of class itself.

In order to build a united movement against the capitalist system, however, we must learn to identify who are the working class's enemies, as well as all those who could potentially be allies in the struggle for socialism. This small but incisive pamphlet aims to help bring back a scientific understanding of class to the British working-class movement.    More info

Proletarian TV: May Day 2017
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