06.27.2017 - 8:07 PM EDT

Before discussing the events of today in the Senate, I want to note a subsidiary issue, a matter of press coverage. But this is not a secondary issue in terms of importance. Let me also preface this by saying I’m going to focus on another journalist: CNN’s Dana Bash. I don’t know Dana. But I’ve relied on her reporting on CNN for years. So this isn’t meant as an attack on her. To me it is simply an illustration of a broader failure of coverage.

With that, here goes.

06.27.2017 - 6:30 PM EDT

I’m about to write up some thoughts about the collapse (for now) of the Senate Trumpcare effort. But we still need to make this June goal for membership sign ups. Long day. Good day. But we still need to meet this goal. Thinking about? Make this the day you stop thinking and just join our team. Click here. Thank you.

06.27.2017 - 6:08 PM EDT

What are investigators investigating about Jared Kushner? A lot. Here’s our run-down of the different categories of things they’re looking at and why he’s picked up one of the DC lawyers you hire when you’re probably going to trial or pulling out all the stops to avoid it.

06.27.2017 - 3:39 PM EDT

It’s worth taking a moment and watching this exchange a short time ago with Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders at today’s briefing. The amount of whining, pathological lying and entitlement are close to mind-boggling. After the jump.

06.27.2017 - 12:54 PM EDT

Yesterday we had the big CBO score of the Senate Trumpcare bill. Now The Center for American Progress has taken the CBO study and used Kaiser Family Foundation, Census and CMS data to break the 22 million topline number down for states and districts.

Here’s the breakdown for each state. 

06.27.2017 - 9:02 AM EDT

I wanted to start the morning with a brief update on the latest developments with the Republican Senate’s drive to pass Trumpcare.

For the last several days I’ve been saying that I thought it was much more likely than not that McConnell would succeed in passing the Trumpcare bill this week, even as I said over the weekend that McConnell was running into more turbulence than I’d expected. Yesterday evening the tide turned. The odds of passing the bill this week now seem stacked against McConnell. This is a critical breakthrough for the opponents of the bill and the 22-24 million people who stand to lose their health care coverage. But so far it’s only a limited and temporary victory if it even happens, which is no sure thing.

Let’s run through the key developments.

06.26.2017 - 7:07 PM EDT

Significant developments since the devastating CBO report was released just three hours ago: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has reiterated his opposition to what he called a “terrible” bill, and just now Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) announced that she too opposes the bill. Notably, both senators said they would vote against a motion to proceed to the bill. Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) launched a spirited attack on the bill last week, in his home state, at a press conference with his own governor. So at this stage, assuming no wobbliness from one of these three, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell lacks the votes to pass the bill. That’s not a small assumption: wobbliness can still happen. But as it stands now, McConnell has a lot of work to do.

06.26.2017 - 5:37 PM EDT

We now need just 263 241 new membership sign ups by Friday to reach our goal of 22,000 total subscribers by the end of June. It sounds like just a number. But these goals are critical to building the future TPM we’ve been talking about. If you’ve been considering joining us, make today the day. Just set aside a couple minutes right now and click here.

06.26.2017 - 5:08 PM EDT

There’s something emerging in the right-wing media, especially something from prominent voices in the right-wing media who talk regularly to talk to President Trump and his entourage. That is a new line of defense – public, if not legal – in the Russia probe which is basically this: “if Trump colluded with Russia, it wouldn’t be a crime. In fact, it might be awesome.”

06.26.2017 - 4:33 PM EDT

We’re getting the toplines out of the CBO score of the Senate Trumpcare bill. They’re bad. A slightly lower number of people losing their coverage over a ten year time horizon (22 million over 10 years). But the carnage comes dramatically faster. 15 million lose their coverage next year.

(We are just reviewing the details now. So this quick read may be subject to some revision. But this seems to be the gist.)

06.26.2017 - 12:25 PM EDT

What on earth is Trump talking about demanding Obama apologize to him for ‘colluding’ with Russia?

You really don’t have to go any further than this email from a New York real estate player, who’s crossed paths with Trump, and wrote in more than a year ago to explain the predatory attack strategies Donald learned from his dad Fred way back in the day.

06.26.2017 - 12:10 PM EDT

Our team is going to be going all out this week to bring you every latest detail on the fight over Trumpcare and Obamacare repeal in the Senate. What’s happening. What it means. What to watch for. But I wanted to to start the week by just giving you my own sense of where things stand, based on years of watching and thinking about high-profile legislative battles.

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