Nils Nilsson Valkeapää in Karesuando, Kiruna, Sweden, 1884
Creative Commons
Roche, G.
Norsk bokmål: Nils Nilsson Valkeapää var oldefar til Nils-Aslak og Nils-Henrik Valkeapää. Karesuando 1884. (Roland Bonaparte sin samling. Inngår i Bonapartes sameportretter som nr. 9) Suomi: Nils Nilsson Valkeapää Karesuvannossa Kiirunassa Ruotsin Lapissa vuonna 1884. Hän oli Nils-Aslak ja Nils-Henrik Valkeapään isoisoisä. (Roland Bonaparten saamelaismuotokuvat nro 9) English: Nils Nilsson Valkeapää was the great-grandfather of Nils-Aslak Valkeapää (1943-2001) and Nils-Henrik Valkeapää. (Roland
Nils Cleve 1930
Creative Commons
Suomi: Filosofian maisteri Nils Cleve Helsingin Vanhan kaupungin kaivaustöissä 1930. English: Master Nils Cleve at the excavation of Helsinki's Vanhakaupunki (Old town), Finland in 1930. Svenska: Magister Nils Cleve på arkeologiska utgrävningar i Helsingfors Gammelstaden år 1930. English: Master Nils Cleve at the excavation of Helsinki's Vanhakaupunki (Old town), Finland in 1930. Svenska: Magister Nils Cleve på arkeologiska utgrävningar i Helsingfors Gammelstaden år 1930.
Nil Karaibrahimgil Erdek (1) Cropped
Creative Commons
English: Nil Karaibrahimgil at Erdek. Türkçe: Nil Karaibrahimgil Erdek'te. Türkçe: Nil Karaibrahimgil Erdek'te. This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: cropped/kesme. The original can be viewed here: Nil Karaibrahimgil - Erdek (1).jpg. Modifications made by WHYB.
Suomi: Ruotsinsaamelainen poronomistaja ja taiteilija Nils Nilsson Skum 65-vuotiaana. Šišká, Norrkaitumin lapinkylä. Svenska: Nils Nilsson Skum, renägare, nomad, tecknare. 65 år (f.1872) Sjisjkavare (Šišká) , Norrkaitums sameby, nuvarande Girjas sameby. English: Nils Nilsson Skum, Swedish nomadic reindeer herder and artist. Sámi village of Norrkaitum. Svenska: Nils Nilsson Skum, renägare, nomad, tecknare. 65 år (f.1872) Sjisjkavare (Šišká) , Norrkaitums sameby, nuvarande Girjas sameby. English:
Nils Nilsson Skum (1872 1951)
Creative Commons
Manker, Ernst
Suomi: Ruotsinsaamelainen poronomistaja ja taiteilija Nils Nilsson Skum piirtää uudessa ateljeekodassaan. Šišká, Norrkaitumin lapinkylä. Svenska: Nils Nilsson Skum i sin modernare kåta. Gardinen av kartong med en av Skum tecknad älgfigur. Sjiskavare (Šišká), Norrkaitums sameby, nuvarande Girjas sameby. English: Nils Nilsson Skum, Swedish nomadic reindeer herder and artist. Šišká, Sámi village of Norrkaitum. Svenska: Nils Nilsson Skum i sin modernare kåta. Gardinen av kartong med en av Skum teckn
Deutsch: Baggerschiffe auf dem Nil English: Dredge ships on the Nil English: Dredge ships on the Nil I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Suomi: Nils Torvalds Helsingin kirjamessuilla 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 English: Nils Torvalds at Helsinki Book Fair, 2017 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
English: Nils Fischer as Player from Arminia Bielefeld Deutsch: Nils Fischer als Spieler von Arminia Bielefeld Deutsch: Nils Fischer als Spieler von Arminia Bielefeld I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
English: Nils Döring as Player from RW Ahlen Deutsch: Nils Döring als Spieler von Rot-Weiß Ahlen Deutsch: Nils Döring als Spieler von Rot-Weiß Ahlen I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
English: Nils Döring as Player from RW Ahlen Deutsch: Nils Döring als Spieler von Rot-Weiß Ahlen Deutsch: Nils Döring als Spieler von Rot-Weiß Ahlen I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Svenska: Nils Dahl, musiker och artist. Fotograferad vid Göteborg Film Festival 2017. English: Swedish musician and artist Nils Dahl. Photographed at Göteborg Film Festival 2017. English: Swedish musician and artist Nils Dahl. Photographed at Göteborg Film Festival 2017. Sofie Sigrinn, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publishes it under the following license:
Lion at the Qasr al Nil Bridge, Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt
Español: León del Puente Qasr al-Nil, Plaza Tahrir, El Cairo, Egipto English: Lion at the Qasr al-Nil Bridge, Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt English: Lion at the Qasr al-Nil Bridge, Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt
Bahasa Indonesia: Kuda nil memiliki tubuh yang besar dan berat, serta kulit kelabu gelap. Mereka juga memiliki gading besar yang biasa mereka gunakan untuk mempertahankan diri dari predator. Kuda nil memiriki ciri khas tubuh yang besar, mulut dan gigi yang sangat besar, empat kaki yang pendek dan gemuk, serta badan yang hampir tidak berambut. Kuda nil dewasa memiliki berat 1.5 sampai 3 ton. Meskipun bertubuh besar dan berkaki pendek, kuda nil mampu berlari dengan cepat. Untuk jarak pendek, merek
Deutsch: Nils Petter Molvær mit Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) auf dem TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. Personality rights I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Deutsch: Nils Petter Molvær mit Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) auf dem TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. Personality rights I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Deutsch: Nils Petter Molvær mit Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) auf dem TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. Personality rights I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Deutsch: Nils Petter Molvær mit Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) auf dem TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. English: Nils Petter Molvær meets Sly (Dunbar) & Robbie (Shakespeare) at TFF Rudolstadt, 2015. Personality rights I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
English: Portrait of Nils Nordlander (1796-1874). Daguerreotype, photographer unknown. Item no. 131408. Reproduction photography: Mats Landin, Nordiska museet. Svenska: Porträtt av Nils Nordlander (1796-1874). Daguerreotyp, fotograf okänd. 131408. Reprofoto: Mats Landin, Nordiska museet. Svenska: Porträtt av Nils Nordlander (1796-1874). Daguerreotyp, fotograf okänd. 131408. Reprofoto: Mats Landin, Nordiska museet.
Nils Aslak Valkeapää (1943 2001) in Virdni, Enontekiö, Finland
Creative Commons
Martti Linkola (1964)
Suomi: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää hakkaa sateessa luhka (saam. luhkka) päällä pientä pajua kahvitulta varten Virdni-tunturilla. Käsivarren ylävässä tunturimaastossa on puutetta polttopuusta English: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää cuts willow to build a fire to make some coffee at the foot of Virdni fell in Enontekiö, Finnish Lapland. English: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää cuts willow to build a fire to make some coffee at the foot of Virdni fell in Enontekiö, Finnish Lapland.
Qasr el-Nil Street crossing the Nile on the Qasr al-Nil Bridge, it has two very tall stone lion statues flanking each entrance
Creative Commons
Daniel Mayer
Qasr el-Nil Street crossing the Nile on the Qasr al-Nil Bridge, it has two very tall stone lion statues flanking each entrance, they are late 19th century works by French sculptor and animalier Henri Alfred Jacquemart.
Nils Petersen + Fan (April 2016)
Creative Commons
James Steakley
Deutsch: SC Freiburg Stürmer Nils Petersen mit dem Fan Bernd Armbruster beim Fantag in Breuninger English: SC Freiburg striker Nils Petersen with fan Bernd Armbruster at the Fan Day in the Freiburg department store Breuninger English: SC Freiburg striker Nils Petersen with fan Bernd Armbruster at the Fan Day in the Freiburg department store Breuninger I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Nils Aslak Valkeapää (1943 2001) in Enontekiö, Finland
Creative Commons
Martti Linkola, August 1964
Suomi: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää hakkaa sateessa luhka (saam. luhkka) päällään pientä pajua kahvitulta varten Virdni-tunturilla. Käsivarren ylävässä tunturimaastossa on puutetta polttopuusta. Lähdeː Museovirastoː English: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää cuts willow to build a fire to make some coffee at the foot of Virdni fell in Enontekiö, Finnish Lapland. English: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää cuts willow to build a fire to make some coffee at the foot of Virdni fell in Enontekiö, Finnish Lapland.
Deutsch: Der deutsche Beachvolleyballspieler Nils Ehlers bei der Techniker Beach Tour in Münster 2018. English: The German beach volleyball player Nils Ehlers at at the Techniker Beach Tour tournament 2018 in Münster, Germany. English: The German beach volleyball player Nils Ehlers at at the Techniker Beach Tour tournament 2018 in Münster, Germany. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Nils Aslak Valkeapää (1943 2001)
Creative Commons
Martti Linkola, 10th of August, 1964
Suomi: Tuleva taiteilija Nils-Aslak Valkeapää Unkkajärven turvekodalla Kaijukan lapinkylässä Enontekiöllä 10. elokuuta 1964. English: Future artist Nils-Aslak Valkeapää in front of goahti (a sámi hut) in the Kaijukka sameby (Sámi reindeer-herding and economic district) in Enontekiö, Finland, August 1964. This hut is made of peat. English: Future artist Nils-Aslak Valkeapää in front of goahti (a sámi hut) in the Kaijukka sameby (Sámi reindeer-herding and economic district) in Enontekiö, Finland,
G Kolindsund, Karlby 2 055
Creative Commons
Photo taken by me, Sebastian Nils
English: Photo taken by me, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
G Kolindsund, Karlby 2 046
Creative Commons
Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils
English: Foto taken by me, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
G Kolindsund, Karlby 2 046
Creative Commons
Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils
English: Foto taken by me, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
G Kolindsund, Karlby 2 039
Creative Commons
Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils
English: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils Dansk: Foto taget af mig, Sebastian Nils I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
English: Samii painter Nils Nilsson Skum's atelier hut Svenska: Nils Nilsson Skums ateljékåta Svenska: Nils Nilsson Skums ateljékåta
The Nils Ericson Terminal. The Nils Ericson Terminal is a major bus terminus in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is placed in the city centre just next to Gothenburg Central Station (Centralstationen),
Public Domain
The Nils Ericson Terminal. The Nils Ericson Terminal is a major bus terminus in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is placed in the city centre just next to Gothenburg Central Station (Centralstationen), and across the street from the main Nordstan shopping centre. The main street and most hotels are within walking distance from the terminal.
English: Fountain. Nils Myrberg. Västanfors, Sweden Svenska: Fontän. Nils Myrberg. Vid Fagersta C, Västanfors Svenska: Fontän. Nils Myrberg. Vid Fagersta C, Västanfors I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Goteborg dworzec autobusowy 3
Creative Commons
Andrzej Otrębski
Polski: Göteborg - dworzec autobusowy Nils Ericson terminalen English: Gothenburg - Nils Ericson terminalen bus station English: Gothenburg - Nils Ericson terminalen bus station I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Goteborg dworzec autobusowy 2
Creative Commons
Andrzej Otrębski
Polski: Göteborg - dworzec autobusowy Nils Ericson terminalen English: Gothenburg - Nils Ericson terminalen bus station English: Gothenburg - Nils Ericson terminalen bus station I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
English: Nils Goerke, Ironman Germany, Frankfurt 2008 Deutsch: Nils Goerke beim Ironman Germany in Frankfurt, 2008 Deutsch: Nils Goerke beim Ironman Germany in Frankfurt, 2008 I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Cyperus papyrus 23zz
Creative Commons
Photo by David J. Stang
English: Location taken: Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica. Names: Cyperus papyrus L., Bulrushes, Cibora papirusowa, Cói giấy, Echter Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Plant, Egyptian Paper Reed, Egyptian Paper-Reed, Egyptian Papyrus, Giant Egyptian Papyrus, Guda Mothe, Jonc du Nil, Kagat Mothe, Kok I Yip (Bangkok), Mediterranean Sedge, Nhokwe,P´a P´i Ru Seu, Pa Pi Ru Su, Paper Reed, Papier Du Nil, Papiro, Papirus, Papiruscipero, Papirusinė viksvuolė, Papirusu, Papperssäv, Papü
Cyperus papyrus 26zz
Creative Commons
Photo by David J. Stang
English: Location taken: Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica. Names: Cyperus papyrus L., Bulrushes, Cibora papirusowa, Cói giấy, Echter Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Plant, Egyptian Paper Reed, Egyptian Paper-Reed, Egyptian Papyrus, Giant Egyptian Papyrus, Guda Mothe, Jonc du Nil, Kagat Mothe, Kok I Yip (Bangkok), Mediterranean Sedge, Nhokwe,P´a P´i Ru Seu, Pa Pi Ru Su, Paper Reed, Papier Du Nil, Papiro, Papirus, Papiruscipero, Papirusinė viksvuolė, Papirusu, Papperssäv, Papü
Cyperus papyrus 33zz
Creative Commons
Photo by David J. Stang
English: Location taken: Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica. Names: Cyperus papyrus L., Bulrushes, Cibora papirusowa, Cói giấy, Echter Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Plant, Egyptian Paper Reed, Egyptian Paper-Reed, Egyptian Papyrus, Giant Egyptian Papyrus, Guda Mothe, Jonc du Nil, Kagat Mothe, Kok I Yip (Bangkok), Mediterranean Sedge, Nhokwe,P´a P´i Ru Seu, Pa Pi Ru Su, Paper Reed, Papier Du Nil, Papiro, Papirus, Papiruscipero, Papirusinė viksvuolė, Papirusu, Papperssäv, Papü
Cyperus papyrus 24zz
Creative Commons
Photo by David J. Stang
English: Location taken: Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica. Names: Cyperus papyrus L., Bulrushes, Cibora papirusowa, Cói giấy, Echter Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Plant, Egyptian Paper Reed, Egyptian Paper-Reed, Egyptian Papyrus, Giant Egyptian Papyrus, Guda Mothe, Jonc du Nil, Kagat Mothe, Kok I Yip (Bangkok), Mediterranean Sedge, Nhokwe,P´a P´i Ru Seu, Pa Pi Ru Su, Paper Reed, Papier Du Nil, Papiro, Papirus, Papiruscipero, Papirusinė viksvuolė, Papirusu, Papperssäv, Papü
Cyperus papyrus 29zz
Creative Commons
Photo by David J. Stang
English: Location taken: Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica. Names: Cyperus papyrus L., Bulrushes, Cibora papirusowa, Cói giấy, Echter Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Plant, Egyptian Paper Reed, Egyptian Paper-Reed, Egyptian Papyrus, Giant Egyptian Papyrus, Guda Mothe, Jonc du Nil, Kagat Mothe, Kok I Yip (Bangkok), Mediterranean Sedge, Nhokwe,P´a P´i Ru Seu, Pa Pi Ru Su, Paper Reed, Papier Du Nil, Papiro, Papirus, Papiruscipero, Papirusinė viksvuolė, Papirusu, Papperssäv, Papü
Cyperus papyrus 25zz
Creative Commons
Photo by David J. Stang
English: Location taken: Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica. Names: Cyperus papyrus L., Bulrushes, Cibora papirusowa, Cói giấy, Echter Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Plant, Egyptian Paper Reed, Egyptian Paper-Reed, Egyptian Papyrus, Giant Egyptian Papyrus, Guda Mothe, Jonc du Nil, Kagat Mothe, Kok I Yip (Bangkok), Mediterranean Sedge, Nhokwe,P´a P´i Ru Seu, Pa Pi Ru Su, Paper Reed, Papier Du Nil, Papiro, Papirus, Papiruscipero, Papirusinė viksvuolė, Papirusu, Papperssäv, Papü
Cyperus papyrus 32zz
Creative Commons
Photo by David J. Stang
English: Location taken: Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica. Names: Cyperus papyrus L., Bulrushes, Cibora papirusowa, Cói giấy, Echter Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Plant, Egyptian Paper Reed, Egyptian Paper-Reed, Egyptian Papyrus, Giant Egyptian Papyrus, Guda Mothe, Jonc du Nil, Kagat Mothe, Kok I Yip (Bangkok), Mediterranean Sedge, Nhokwe,P´a P´i Ru Seu, Pa Pi Ru Su, Paper Reed, Papier Du Nil, Papiro, Papirus, Papiruscipero, Papirusinė viksvuolė, Papirusu, Papperssäv, Papü
OU athletic director Joe Castiglione credits Gov. Stitt for NIL order. Gov. Kevin Stitt issued an executive order earlier in January aimed at keeping Oklahoma's universities competitive in the evolving NIL space. OU football is still searching for its next defensive coordinator and linebackers coach ... "I think it's very close," Castiglione said ... OU reportedly offered Knowles an annual salary of up to $3 million ... OU’s defense ranked No ... 3....
At the end of last season, when asked about his plans for 2024-25, Waters quickly ruled out entering the transfer portal in search of a larger NIL payday, instead narrowing his options to turning pro or playing for the Aztecs ...NIL advances from power conference programs or, in the case of Miles Byrd and Magoon Gwath, the lure of the NBA Draft....
Southland 78, Schaeffer Academy 34. ADAMS — Southland extends its undefeated run to 19-0 after it had no issue taking down Schaeffer Academy on Thursday night in Southeast Conference action. The Rebels led 39-16 at the half before running away with a 78-34 win ...Luke Friese 6 P, 1 3-PT; Owen Kahn 3 P, 1 3-PT; Gideon Olson 3 P, 1 3-PT; Nils Dauer 3 P, 1 3-PT; Joe Grenz 1 P; Ethan VanSchepen 18 P ... ....
Let's just be honest—can the hype be any greater for Michigan quarterback Bryce Underwood? The five-star prospect hasn’t even touched the field for his first college game, yet he’s already earning grandiose recognition ... Ranked as the No. 1 overall prospect in the 2025 cycle, Underwood reportedly earned over $10 million in NIL deals ... He’s already being compared to some notable quarterbacks ... That’s not all ... ....
LOS ANGELES — In the thick of a sporadic Big Ten schedule, UCLA men’s basketball coach Mick Cronin said he feared for his team’s emotional gas tank. So, Tuesday, after the Bruins beat rival USC on the road the night before, he gave his players a mental rest day. No contact practice ... 16 Oregon ... It was the perfect time for a breakout performance as UCLA’s NIL collective Men of Westwood discounted tickets and the stands were filled ... UP NEXT....
ESPN's Jay Bilas, Jay Williams discuss Auburn basketball and the SEC... About seven months after the projects approval, Bruce Pearl said he'd rather the program focus on building up its NIL efforts than building a new practice gym, and last season, before a matchup with Mississippi State, Pearl followed up on the project. "We'll get to revamping Neville, remodeling Neville, the practice facility situation," Pearl said Jan. 26, 2024....
I've spent hundreds of hours in ConanExiles, and hundreds more in similar survival games like Ark, Don't Starve, Grounded, and Valheim, but playing Dune. Awakening made me realize that the formula I've grown so accustomed to over the years isn't necessary to make a genre gem ...Instead, I found sandworms ... Beginnings are such delicate times. (Image credit ... As producer Nils Ryborg tells me, "water is the most important thing on Arrakis." .. .......
As Funcom continues its work on Dune. Awakening, the survival-meets-MMO adaptation of sci-fi icon Frank Herbert's nearly 60-year-old universe, I sat down with producer Nils Ryborg to discuss the studio's unique game. With genre gems like ConanExiles already up its sleeve, I've never doubted the team's ability to develop survival bangers – but I've always wondered what stepping into the MMO sphere means for Funcom. Is Dune ... Dune....
NIL executive order ... The order allows Oklahoma’s colleges and universities to facilitate direct payments to student-athletes for the use of their NIL ... "We thank Governor Stitt for providing the executive order so schools in our state can use funds from our athletic program to support NIL efforts."....
While Shapiro is no longer in the limelight of the University of Miami with how NIL is today, he still doesn’t shy away from speaking his mind about the Hurricanes... A release by Front OfficeSports a few weeks ago reported that Beck has made $10 million over the last year from NIL deals, including his $4 million deal to join the Hurricanes ... ....
There was more buzz then than there is now. With the Razorbacks struggling to stay out of last place in the SEC standings, Saturday's matchup isn’t sexy at all ... Not just missing the tournament, missing it with one of the highest name, image and likeness (NIL) budgets in college basketball. The reported $5 million in NIL funds Calipari has at his disposal probably rivals a lot of major conference football programs ... 8 Tennessee on Tuesday....
Nils is a Scandinavian given name, a chiefly Norwegian and Swedish variant of Niels, cognate to Nicholas and Neil. As with Niels, its pet form is Nisse. Female variants are Nilsine, Nilsina, and Nilsa.