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Archive for June, 2012

Still trying to work out what this actually means, but such a spike in how Irish-based financial institutions fund themselves at a time when lending to the productive economy has flat-lined warrants a closer look.
Going by the Financial Times, It seems that in April 2012 European banks were once again faced with a funding […]

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A presentation I gave on Thursday, outlining aspects of the role of the IFSC in the Irish economy, as well as aspects of Ireland’s corporation tax system.
Again, probably won’t make any sense to people who weren’t there, but at least it’s up on the web for future classes.

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This is from a presentation I gave at a workshop on Wednesday. I doubt it’ll make sense to anyone who wasn’t there but I said I’d put it up on the web for access, so here it is.
I’m giving a lot of talks and workshops these days and I think I’ll start doing this more. […]

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“… these are the workers who produce and reproduce urban life. And if we stop thinking about the production of single commodities like cars and widgets and whatever, and we started to think about all of those to produce and reproduce urban life as being the proletariat not simply of our times but backwardly-looking actually […]

icon for podpress  Harvey - Rebel Cities: Play Now | Play in Popup

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The future development of the Irish housing market will play a significant role in determining the pattern of the long-term recovery of the Irish economy. While the housing market may never return to where it was in the boom years, some recovery will eventually take place. The timing of this recovery, including the timing of […]

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