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Archive for April, 2012

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[Image taken from http://p.twimg.com/AntBX7KCAAMyRvR.jpg]

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Irish outstanding credit remains dominated by finance and real estate - a ratio of 4:1 between these sectors and the rest of private enterprise.
Credit advanced to Financial Vehicle Corporations accounts for 39 per cent of all outstanding credit, and 70 per cent of all financial intermediary credit.
A short introduction to Financial Vehicle Corporations in Ireland […]

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[With thanks to jackbethel]
Two weeks ago the Irish State via the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation paid out full value of €2.5 billion to investors in Armoin Residential Securities - a residential mortgage-backed special purpose vehicle set up by Irish Nationwide in 2009 and listed in the IFSC for tax avoidance purposes - these SPVs remain […]

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Irish bank investment strategies…
Figures from the Central Bank of Ireland, table A14.1

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History Discussion
Friday 27th April - The Mechanics Institute - 6:30pm
In the special setting of the Mechanics Institute, Middle Street, Galway, three Young Historians will present on their areas of expertise.
John Borgonovo lectures in History at University College Cork. He has published extensively on the Irish Revolution of 1916-1923, including the books, Spies, Informers, and the […]

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Taken on Monday, 17 April 2012

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Ah, it could be worse. I could have paid money to read this article:
“Böll was writing about the Ireland of half a century ago, but how much, in its mass psychology and deep culture, has the country really changed since? Were we not, in the boom years, still in the grip of a 19th-century land […]

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