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Archive for March, 2009

Before sitting down to write a quick review of Friday’s Animal Collective gig in Tripod, I made the schoolboy error of checking what everyone else had to say first.
This of course was a bad mistake, akin to going last at a brain-storming session in work - all the good ideas have been mentioned already […]

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Google has just digitized the streets of Zaragoza, and it’s the first time I’ve used Google Earth to look at a place where I’ve actually lived. And I’m not too sure I like it. They’ve been going around the streets of Dublin as well, but it’s not up yet. However, the photo above is the […]

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It may seem a bit strange that in a series universally praised for its dialogue and characterization, the one line that really jumped out at me in the Wire was the one below. It’s only a short conversation between two characters, who are discussing a third, and although it provides a bit of insight on […]

icon for podpress  The Glee Club: Play Now | Play in Popup

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Did everyone catch Michael Taft on Prime Time last night? It was a discussion about whether the Government should remain committed to the capital projects in the National Development Plan, but essentially it was a ‘cut-and-tax-our-way-out-of-the-recession’ argument against the ‘we-need-a-stimulus-to-aid-recovery’ argument. Its still available here if you want a look. Michael made many excellent points […]

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[ Images filched from RTÉ website article ]
I’ll own up then, I have been caught looking at the ‘Craic’ section on the RTÉ news website. In fact, I couldn’t resist looking further into this article : Cowen Nude Shocker! Some wag with not a little artistic talent has managed elude security and […]

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Just watched the series finale.

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Here’s a real gem of a site. From what I can gather it’s only two months old, but already it has posted a wealth of archival material from Irish punk/hardcore punk bands from the 1980s/90s, including the Grown-ups (the McCormack brothers pre-Jubilee Allstars), and legends in a tofu cup, Not Our World.
Do yourself a […]

icon for podpress  Grown-Ups - TV Love: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Not our World: Play Now | Play in Popup

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Thanks to a Jim Carroll review in the Ticket I’ve recently discovered Hauschka, or rather, the music of Volker Bertelmann.
I should put more effort into writing about this, but I think Carroll’s description, from his review of the 2009 album Snowflakes and Car Wrecks does a better job than I could:
With Hauschka we […]

icon for podpress  Freibad: Play Now | Play in Popup

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This leaflet came through my letter-box today. It was waiting for me when I got home this evening. It’s from some shower called Northern Cross who are trying to flog-off one-bed apartments on the “Malahide Road” for €200,000. And who have they got to show us that these apartments are a good buy? Well, none […]

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In the second of my two part series on conservative columnists in the Irish Times I would like to pay attention to Sarah Carey’s one today as its an oyster pearl of refined rhetorical hokum. While I should go through it with a fine tooth comb unraveling each carefully warped contradiction I think it better […]

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