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Archive for January, 2008

I am to lose my job this week as the company I work for pass into liquidation. For the last couple of months, they have been slowly suffocated by the French banking sector - including Société Générale. To be fair to the latter, they were the bank that backed them the longest and the company […]

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A Contradiction

What’s all this fuss about John Waters? He’s not important. Bloggers (or rather the phenomena of blogging perhaps) is far more important than he is. We see a lot of John in Ireland of course. As a single entity within Irish media he is a stalking giant compared to the Lilliputians of Irish blogging. Not […]

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Gaffe and Gaffer

[ ‘Bringing down a blimp - Serving suggestion for journalists’ ]
The last football-related post on this site was, I believe, in the wake of the draw that paired Ireland with Italy and a few other teams just about our level for the qualifiers for the next World Cup [ World Cup Draw ]. Since then, […]

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Thanks to Splintered Sunrise I discovered, to my dismay, that there are those on the American left who think that left wing anti-war campaigners should join forces with supporters of anti-abortion obstetrician and Republican Senator Ron Paul in the upcoming US Elections. As Sherry Wolf tells us in a December Counter Punch article - linked […]

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[ Quigley / A Tram ( not the Ringsend one, though…. ) ]
From my watery retreat, I have managed to notice in recent years that the names of bands are becoming stranger and stranger. This may or may not be linked with factors rendering the coppers taller - De Selby should be consulted on this […]

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The End of the World is Nigh

There are certain, universally-accepted signs of the end of the world. If you’ve ever read the Bible’s Book of Revelations, you will be in no doubt when the world is ending. If, for example, you look up and behold…
“…a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
And his […]

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Unlike WorldbyStorm I used to be a huge embarrassment of a Smiths fan. What’s worse, when I was a fan of the Smiths I was an archetypical bookish teenager without the slightest hope of ever having a girlfriend. But that was okay, because I had Morrissey’s lyrics with which to explain away the misery of […]

icon for podpress  Morrissey - Redondo Beach: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Morrissey - Subway Train Munich Air Disaster: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  New York Dolls Subway_Train: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Personality Crisis: Play Now | Play in Popup

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A writer for The Dubliner magazine, Robert O’Byrne, has written 3,442 words defending his definition of what it means to be Middle Class. The title of the article is In Defense of the Middle Class, but apart from dwelling on clichéd notions of class in the 19th Century he doesn’t seem to know what class […]

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I mentioned in my previous post that I had managed to unearth 2 pieces of good news to comfort me in this passage between a very shit year and another that promises to be even shitter. The first was Edwyn Collins proving himself to be the new Lazarus - but with a better voice […]

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Another update, reading proles. Last November I got all enthusiastic about Roger Doyle’s Lyric FM program Electrolight on the History of Electronic Music and provided links to a series of podcasts which were doing a similar thing, but in more depth – although I acknowledged at the time that they lacked the same level of […]

icon for podpress  History of Electronic Music - Part 6: Play Now | Play in Popup

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