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Archive for November, 2007

For once, words fail me.
Cheers to Sean for the link.

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Orchestrated Madness

Pursuing the Guardian’s click to download section this lunchtime I came across reference to C64 Orchestra, an ‘orchestra’ which performs music originally composed for games used by the Commodore 64 back in the 80s.
Sound horrible?
Using members from the Dutch Ricciotti ensemble and conducted by Bas Wiegers this unique orchestra…
“… focuses on the game […]

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Its about 12 months to the next US Presidential election. Of course, with candidates not yet decided we have all those debates to enjoy where the various party nominees try to woo their party and its members with a combination of charm, rhethoric and cold hard cash.
I have to admit, I haven’t paid much […]

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Genuine question: Is Fianna Fail’s Ned O’Keefe a man who acted with ‘conscience and some courage’ when he resigned his Party whip and from the FF parliamentary party Or is he just maintaining his electoral longevity as he knows his constituents feelings on the matter?
Of course the opposition would suggest that O’Keefe’s decision put the […]

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Ok. Below is the first house I checked in Daft.ie’s mid-range slot. The rent has dropped in the past four hours - and a full 36 hours after the Irish Times told us that rents are on the rise. Not only that, we should all start buying again.
Why would the property website owners, the Irish […]

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Thanks to the property pin for this one.
On Thursday 30 August 2007, Irish Times property editor Orla Mulcahy wrote a piece (sub required) about the “swish” Grange apartments in Stillorgan, Co Dublin. “It’s that time of year when student accommodation becomes a burning issue” said Orla, “with thousands of young people moving to the capital […]

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The Harmony of Electrons

In a moment of contemptible self-consciousness I re-read some of my most recent posts and realized that I’ve been giving out about the media quite a bit. Surely its not all bad, one would think – there must be some saving graces somewhere.
And so there is. For the last two weeks Richard Doyle has […]

icon for podpress  Part 1: Play Now | Play in Popup

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On the day when Daft.ie released its rental report, a staggering €3,000 was knocked off the monthly rental price of a house in Glenageary. The property, on Adelaide Road, was listed last week (20 November) with an asking price of €15,000 a month.

Today, 27 November 2007, at approximately 11.33am, the property was re-listed with […]

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I was quite surprised to see the news on Saturday that the TSB/ERSI house price index for October had ‘tumbled’ by 1.3 per cent, ‘the largest drop in a single month since the index began in 1996’, at the top of the news digest on the front page of Saturday’s Irish Times. Not that such […]

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I was actually looking for something else when I saw that I was close enough to June 1921 to have a look and see what was written. Anyway, it’s not much but here’s what the Irish Independent had to say about Coolacrease. It’s from page five, issue dated Saturday 2 July 1921.

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