Public road built on top of 5-story building in China

What to do in a highly populated city when you've got too many cars and not enough streets? Build a two-lane public road on top of a 5-story building, of course.

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Watch: Half-dressed gentleman at Rugby game takes it all off and streaks

This is great. A gentleman is watching a Rugby game – All Blacks vs Lions – in New Zealand with only a shirt on. His pants are nowhere to be seen. The couple videotaping him are having a delightful time – the woman can be heard laughing hysterically. The camera pans to the game for a few seconds, and when it pans back to the half-dressed man he finally seizes the moment and makes his way towards the players. He then takes it all off and streaks across the field. Makes me nostalgic for the 1970s.

For a longer, better, more detailed video that is uncensored (in other words, if you want to see his unblurred bum), check it out at The West Australian. Read the rest

Bully cop tickets black man for made-up law of not having ID while walking

I can feel my cortisol spiking as I watch this angry, aggressive Jacksonville, FL cop harassing a black man for jaywalking. He tickets him for that, and then when he finds out the man isn't carrying ID, tickets him for a bogus law – walking without ID.

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New Stars Wars trailer remade on a 1984 Apple computer

Here's the official Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer gone retro. Recreated on a 1984 Apple IIc computer, New York-based illustrator Wahyu Ichwandari used a KoalaPad from the 1980s and Dazzle Draw, a bitmap paint program from 1984, to illustrate this video.

According to Mashable:

In the '80s, the setup was deemed the "most complete computer graphics system," but it's clear from his process how far we've come.

For instance, in order to draw in layers for the animation, the illustrator had to draw each layer by hand, using plastic sheets held over the monitor, to trace each frame from the trailer, for reference.

Over the course of three weeks, he used 48 floppy disks (remember those?), each with 140KB of memory, and produced 288 image files which totalled a whopping 6MB in size.

Here is the official modern trailer for comparison. Read the rest

Watch: Hangry drivers have standoff and block everyone else in Taco Bell drive-thru

A couple of bull-headed drivers have blocked each other in a Taco Bell lot, but neither one is willing to back up for the other. One of the stubborn drivers threatens to call the police. The big problem is that they are blocking everyone else from entering the drive-through lane (but at least it's good entertainment). After much yelling and honking, the show ends as the police arrive. Read the rest

Watch: Teenage girl falls out of ride at Six Flags, drops into crowd

A teenage girl fell out of a slow-moving Great Escape gondola at Six Flags in Lake George, NY over the weekend, and was dangling and screaming for at least 90 seconds, maybe more, before she dropped into a gathering crowd, to lots of cheers and applause.

A man ready to photograph his own family riding in another gondola caught this video. You can hear him shouting, “They’ll catch you! They’ll catch you, honey, go ahead!”

According to The Washington Post:

It was then that the girl plummeted to the ground, hitting a tree branch before being caught by several people below. The video showed onlookers cheering after the girl was caught and then the girl being carried away, limp.

The girl who fell was a 14-year-old park guest visiting from Greenwood, Del., according to a statement from the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. She was treated by park emergency medical staff first, then taken to a local hospital and finally flown by helicopter to Albany Medical Center. She remains in stable condition with no serious injuries, police said.

A 47-year-old man visiting the park from Schenectady, N.Y., was also taken to a local hospital for a back injury he suffered as he tried to catch the girl, police said.

Accidents on rides at amusement parks in the United States are rare, with only one in 16 million. And luckily this one had a happy ending. Read the rest

A woman's act of kindness at McDonald's leads to 167 customers who pay it forward

Last Sunday, an older woman in the drive-thru line at McDonald's in Scottsburg, IN told the cashier she wanted to pay for the $36 order of the man behind her. She didn't know him, but he was in a van with four children. She told the cashier, Hunter Hostetler, to tell the man "Happy Father's Day!"

When the man received the free order of food including four Happy Meals, he told the cashier he wanted to pay for the two cars behind him. And so the day went, until by the end of the day, 167 customers had paid it forward, buying someone else's meal.

So who was the woman who started the good samaritan chain?

“I keep looking for her, hoping I see her and can tell her what happened,” Hostetler told ABC News. “I don’t know if she knows, but I hope to see her again so I can tell her.”

Image: Mike Mozart Read the rest

Cop on bike chases suspect through supermarket

This Dutch cop was so determined to catch a suspect that he drove his motorcycle right into a supermarket. And what was the crime that deserved putting shoppers' lives in danger? Driving a moped without a driver's license. Sheesh, maybe we should all move to The Netherlands.

Thanks Dutch News! Read the rest

Watch: Gorilla dances in pool and it's pretty spectacular

Zola is a gorilla who likes to splash and dance in a wading pool at the Dallas Zoo during his behind-the-scenes "enrichment sessions." He dances better than most people I know! Read the rest

Watch Trump saying he doesn't want a poor person working in his cabinet

During his rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa yesterday, Trump says he doesn't want a poor person working in his cabinet. "I love all people – rich or poor -- but in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person. Does that make sense? If you insist, I'll do it – but I like it better this way." I guess this explains why he has the richest cabinet in American history. Read the rest

Burglar who trashes house found sleeping in bed

When Jeff Hollbrook came home from work at 3:45am last Sunday, he found his house in complete disarray. So after calling the police, he began to record the damages – broken stained glass windows, furniture tossed around, a slept-in couch with a container of Kool-Aid next to it... he then goes upstairs and discovers the burglar in his bed. Thankfully the cops arrive shortly after and arrest the guy. When Hollbrook discovers the burglar it's like watching one of those faux-doc horror films, except this one is real. Read the rest

LA Times accidentally reports 6.8 earthquake in Santa Barbara that happened in 1925

Yesterday at 4:51pm The Los Angeles Times reported on a 6.8 earthquake in Santa Barbara. That's a shaker size that nobody would miss, and yet nobody felt it – because the earthquake happened 82 years ago.

Usually human error is to blame on an erroneous news story, but in this case, the reporter was Quakebot, a robot that has been reporting on earthquakes since 2014. Quakebot almost always gets it right, but this time it accidentally reported on the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake that killed 13 people and caused $8-million in damages.

According to Gizmodo:

The newspaper’s algorithm, called Quakebot, scrapes data from the US Geological Survey’s website. A USGS staffer at Caltech mistakenly sent out the alert when updating historical earthquake data to make it more precise.

Seismologists have reportedly complained about some of the historical data being off by as much as 6 miles, and this staffer was simply updating the location of the old quake from 1925. But it shows how quickly misinformation can spread with just a few clicks.

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Man can't wear shorts to work on hot day, so he abides by women's dress code instead

It was a scorching hot day in Buckinghamshire, UK when 20-year-old Joey Barge decided to wear a respectable navy pair of shorts to work. He knew he was pushing it, though, and tweeted this:

Shortly after the tweet he was sent home for going against the company's dress code, and was told to change before returning to work. Outraged, he went home and dressed in proper work attire – proper for women, that is.

Barge thought his company would bounce him back home again, but instead they questioned the color of his dress, and said he could change back into his shorts. Looks like his protest had a happy ending for every sweat-laden employee at the office. But on this particular day, Barge decided to remain in the dress.

Thanks Mashable! Read the rest

Watch: Valedictorian who had mic cut off finally gets to finish speech on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Last week, high school valedictorian and class president Peter Butera was giving a speech at his graduation when the school cut off his mic for speaking his mind. But last night, Butera was able to finish his speech to the much larger audience of Jimmy Kimmel Live! Read the rest

Human toe used in "sourtoe cocktail" stolen from Canadian bar

I don't know what's weirder – the fact that a bar uses an amputated human toe as a cocktail ingredient, or that the toe was stolen. But both happened at a saloon in Canada's Dawson City, Yukon.

The Sourtoe Cocktail Club started in 1973 at Dawson City's Downtown Hotel. To join the club, you need to down 1 oz of hard liquor – preferably Jack Daniels – with a severed toe bobbing in the glass. To earn a membership certificate, you need to make sure the toe touches your lips. But last week the toe was stolen.

"We are furious," said Terry Lee, the hotel's "Toe Captain" in a news release. "Toes are very hard to come by."

And where do these toes come from? The first one – the one that inspired the original Sourtoe Cocktail – was a toe from the prohibition era. To avoid gangrene the toe was chopped off and stored into a mason jar. Some 50 years later the toe was discovered and voila, the Sourtoe was born. Since that toe, however, others have been donated from people who have had to part for whatever reason with one of their digits.

According to CBCNews:

The theft of the toe is a big loss, said hotel manager Geri Coulbourne. She says the toe was donated by a man who had to have it surgically removed, then cured in salt for six months.

"This was our new toe, and it was a really good one. We just started using it this weekend," she said.

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US-Mexican beer mocks Trump with frowning Mariachi label

Amigous Cerveza is a craft beer that sports a glum Mariachi Trump sporting a swastika belt buckle, a sombrero that says "Luck You" on the brim, and a misspelled "Amigos." The back of the label declares that the orange guy belongs "in a mad house, not the White House."

The beer was created by the cross-border team Epic Brewing in the US and Mexico's Casa Cervecera Cru Cru brewery. "We don't agree on how the president of the United States talks about Mexico. We wanted to show him that we can create great products collaborating between The United States and Mexico," says Cru Cru's CEO Luis Enrique de la Reguera.

Launched in May, the first batch – 1,200 bottles and 400 liters on tap – sold out in one week. I don't think Trump's wall will be able to keep this beer away. Read the rest

Man cleans and sharpens old rusty knife to better than new in very satisfying video

A guy buys an old knife for three bucks that's so rusty it looks like it's been dipped in mud. He then cleans and polishes it until it's as sparkly as a brand new knife. And sharpens it until it's sharper than most knives, new or old. Soooo pleasing to watch. Read the rest

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