Edinburgh Mela Membership – 2017

The Edinburgh Mela would like to invite you and your organisation to become a member of the Edinburgh Mela.

The Edinburgh Mela is Scotland’s biggest celebration of world music and dance and in recent years we have established ourselves as an essential part of the arts landscape of the city and across the country.

We intend to build on this increased profile in the coming years with a programme of ambitious work aimed at presenting the best of culturally diverse performing arts alongside commissioning emerging artists from our own BAME communities and encouraging cross cultural collaborative projects through our engagement programme.

It is essential that the Mela is in touch with and reflects the needs and aspirations of the people and diverse cultural groups that make up this great city. It is important to us that our board and governance processes reflect the opinions of our members and by increasing our membership base we can ensure that the board is truly representative of those aspirations.

Mela Membership would entitle you or a representative of your organisation to attend general meetings and the annual general meeting of the Mela to add your voice to and vote on important issues affecting the organisation.

Being a Mela member means that you will receive regular news updates regarding the progress of the Mela. In addition to this, you will also be invited to the Annual General Meeting (the next one is scheduled for November/December this year), where you will:

– hear reports on the Mela 2016

– be eligible to vote on any relevant issues that arise

– be eligible to vote in board member elections

– have the opportunity to nominate a representative from your organisation to stand for election as a Mela board member

We hope you will be interested in being a member. Please download the membership form and post the completed from back to us. Membership only costs £10. Cheques will not be cashed until the application has been accepted.

Membership Form 2016 (Word)

Membership Form 2016 (PDF)

The Edinburgh Mela in Action

Check out our film of Edinburgh Mela 2015 highlights and see the latest pics and chat from the 2015 Edinburgh Mela on our Facebook & Twitter! Don’t forget to share and tag us in your favourite #EdMela15 moments.


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