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Archive for December, 2009

I waited until the last day of the decade to post this just in case someone released the album of the decade at the last minute, but with no signs of that happening, I’m going to publish and be damned. The purpose of publishing lists like this is, of course, precisely that - to be […]

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I recently finished reading Max Brooks’ excellent World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, and in it Brooks makes it clear that zombies move slow - real, real, slow. Indeed, up until the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead, there were no fast or quick zombies outside of the Return of […]

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Background and interview here.

The Lost Revolution- book launch September 10th 2009 from Paula Geraghty on Vimeo.

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Have a look at this clip from The Wire, and then have a read of the newspaper articles linked below.

Irish Times, 26 November 2009
The Guardian, 14 December 2009

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A short ten-minute video from Cliff Bowman, Professor of Strategic Management at the Cranfield School of Management at Cranfield University, explaining Marx’s theory of economic crisis.

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I’m currently enjoying reading Perry Anderson’s new book on Europe, New-Old World (available since November from Verso , although the official launch date was May 2009). It’s a fascinating and very detailed meditation on the history of the European community, not in the sense of the ECSC, or the EEC or even the EU precisely, […]

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One striking thing about the coverage of last’s weeks budget was the amazing ability of mainstream commentators to apparently not notice the ‘elephant in the room’: that is, the correlation between cuts in wages and welfare and bank-bailouts and NAMA (the bailouts being ‘flood-up’ economics). The bottom line in all of this is that the […]

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Green Party TD Paul Gogarty in words with Labour Party TD Emmet Stagg.

Vol. 697 No. 5. Social Welfare and Pensions (No. 2) Bill 2009: Committee and Remaining Stages. Friday, 11 December 2009. P.15 of 19.
Deputy Emmet Stagg: The Deputy does not seem very sincere from what he has been saying.
Acting Chairman: Deputy Stagg will have […]

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Copy of the email I sent to Today with Pat Kenny when they helped perpetuated the myth about “social welfare tourism” in the border towns of Ireland. Photo courtesy of A Pint of Unspecific.
Dear Pat,
I understand that during your program today there was some discussion about social welfare where the example of the increases […]

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Sam Beckett Bridge

Although it has been in situ for a few months now, the Sam Beckett Bridge was officially opened today. According to the spokesman on the telly, it will allow access for southsiders heading to the new conference center on the north quays and equally allow access for the northsiders heading to the new opera house […]

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