Rob Whitfield makes the leap to non-executive director circuit

Rob Whitfield is joining the non-executive director circuit.
Rob Whitfield is joining the non-executive director circuit. Dominic Lorrimer

Rob Whitfield, the former Westpac banker who took a $4 million pay cut to become NSW Treasury Secretary, is set to make a splash on the non-executive director circuit with appointments to at least two top 20 ASX-listed companies.

Chanticleer understands Whitfield has been approached to join a large resources company and a major bank.

It would not be surprising if the resources company is BHP. The board of the global resources group is going through a process of board renewal including replacing its chairman, Jac Nasser, with former Amcor CEO Ken MacKenzie.

Trying to work out the major bank appointment is difficult simply because several chairmen of major banks are in the hunt for new directors.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank and Westpac Banking Corp are all believed to be looking for new directors to fill vacancies. However, NAB chairman Ken Henry told the bank's annual meeting late last year that he was looking to appoint a new female director in 2017.

Westpac chairman Lindsay Maxsted, who is also a director of BHP, told the bank's annual meeting he would appoint two new non-executive directors in the first half of this year.

Former leading bankers have long featured on the boards of directors of major banks. Also, there is no compunction about appointing former executives from rival banks to the board of a bank that was once a fierce competitor.

For example Phil Chronican, a brilliant Westpac banker who is sometimes referred to as the best CEO Westpac never had, is on the board of NAB. Chronican spent about 27 years at Westpac before joining ANZ as CEO Australia in 2009. He joined the NAB board last year.

Westpac's board of directors includes two former leading bankers from ANZ, Peter Marriot and Peter Hawkins. Marriot was chief financial officer at ANZ, and Hawkins ran several divisions at ANZ including group strategic development.

There are two former bankers on the board of CBA, Shirish Apte, who worked for Citi, and Harrison Young, who worked for Morgan Stanley.

Whitfield's experience at Westpac as treasurer and head of institutional banking would be highly sought after on a board of directors.

He is leaving NSW Treasury at the end of July after two years as a public servant. He was appointed by former Premier Mike Baird, who now runs the institutional bank at NAB.

Whitfield oversaw a complex and sweeping transformation program at the NSW Treasury while also overseeing a globally significant privatisation agenda.

During his tenure, NSW completed three electricity network transactions, the sale of superannuation administration group Pillar, and the sale of the 35-year concession to operate Land and Property Information's titling and registration business.

NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet described the recent NSW budget as the best in the Western world.

Chanticleer understands that Perrottet and a group of NSW Treasury officials will be going to Washington in December to discuss the NSW asset recycling strategy with White House officials. The trip has been organised by Australia's Ambassador to the US, Joe Hockey.