BEO Speedwulf


I'm always jittery! It's my personality to be jittery! It's part of my charm!

bay, bay, bayou, & brooklyn
Unit: maig de 2008
Va néixer el 26 de juliol


Has blocat @crulge

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @crulge.

  1. Tuit fixat
    19 des. 2016
  2. fa 1 hora

    i got my gf 's cookbook and she read the entire thing like it was a particularly compelling novel

  3. fa 2 hores
    En resposta a

    i think "moral, necessary, and achievable" will be the thesis of my speaking engagements this month

  4. fa 2 hores
    En resposta a

    "safe, legal, and rare" my ass

  5. fa 2 hores

    universal healthcare is moral universal healthcare is necessary universal healthcare is achievable

  6. fa 2 hores

    cuomo could buy a lot of delay in needing to address MTA problems if he spent a million dollars to put photos of cool dogs in every train

  7. fa 2 hores
    En resposta a

    people online sure know a lot about the fuck habits of fictional teens

  8. fa 2 hores

    ♫ Baby Driver ♫ Coming out right now on the silver screen ♫ Scored a 9 on IIIII-MDB

  9. fa 3 hores

    Left unstated in Rowling's later work is that Slytherin was the cool teen premarital sex dorm

  10. fa 3 hores
  11. fa 3 hores

    Weedeater - Wizard Fight

  12. fa 3 hores
    En resposta a

    Anyway, you should donate to abortion funds, especially local ones. The National Network of Abortion Funds is good as hell

  13. fa 3 hores
    En resposta a

    If you were cynical, you could posit that Big Abortion is prioritizing revenue over womens' health, but I'm not I can argue that yet

  14. fa 3 hores
    En resposta a

    That, at least, I kind of understand--but I don't know why you can't support single-payer mvmt & file lawsuit about the amendment

  15. fa 3 hores
    En resposta a

    NARAL and PP opposed ColoradoCare--CO has a state amendment prohibiting state $ to be used on abortion.

  16. fa 3 hores
    En resposta a

    it's the argument against single-payer and it's... dumb. Reproductive justice is healthcare. Universal healthcare must include it. Duh

  17. fa 3 hores
    En resposta a

    there's this weird idea, proffered by centrists, that somehow reproductive justice and universal healthcare aren't nested within each other

  18. fa 3 hores

    planned parenthood's response to the shutdown of the California single-payer bill is... strange

  19. ha retuitat
    26 juny

    remembering Ezra and Matt's horseshit nitpicks of Bernie on single payer and grinding my teeth

  20. ha retuitat
    fa 9 hores

    Avik Roy and McMegan are really plumbing the very bottom of the smarmy-yet-evil barrel

  21. fa 6 hores

    the way things are going clinton is going to insist on tv that she's always been for single-payer by next month

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