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Archive for October, 2007

Madam and the Courts

It was interesting to read Vincent Browne’s piece in the Irish Times today (sub req). When I noticed it this morning, I immediately imagined that one, he’d say that it was right that the information came into the public domain when it did and two that the protection of sources was paramount if investigative journalism […]

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Lobby Loitering

The Walt-Mearsheimer book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy is getting a lot of attention at the moment and it has inspired James Fallows to list those American minority lobby groups who have influence US foreign policy to the detriment, he believes, of the US:
• To the (large) extent that the Armenian-American lobby ginned […]

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Michael has a clean burial in the far north, by the grace of almighty God. Bartley will have a fine coffin out of the white boards, and a deep grave surely. What more can we want than that? No man at all can be living for ever, and we must be satisfied.” (Riders to […]

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In my post on The Irish Times Gives Award to Itself Dav of mediabite.org, kindly left a link to a very interesting and wide-ranging interview that mediabite had with Fintan O’Toole this year. In relation to the post on the Property Developers series in the Irish Times its very informative on the symbiotic relationship between […]

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Music Called Jazz

While posting a comment to JZA yesterday about Freaks and Geeks I remembered another scene that managed to click with me. It was one where they were discussing Jack Kerouac’s novel ‘On The Road’ in English class. The teacher asked Kim Kelly, Lindsay Weir’s friend, what she thought of the book, but poor thing, she […]

icon for podpress  Music Called Jazz - Luke Vibert: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  HiM 1: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  HiM 2: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Chicago Underground Trio - Re-occuring Dream: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Ist Der Kuchen Meine Frau: Play Now | Play in Popup

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You may find it curious that at the moment the Irish Times is doing extensive coverage of Irish developers, those brave and assiduous men, and they are all men, who are bringing this country the type of shopping centres and office blocks that we could only have dreamed of when we sat watching Dallas in […]

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According to the recently-released volume ten of the 2006 census, 87.6% of the Irish population is without a third level degree.
On 24 April 2006, there were 4,239,848 people in the Republic. Of these, 527,775 - or 12.4% - had completed a third level degree. In terms of those who hold Irish citizenship (3,559,384), […]

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I know very little about the Jubilee Allstars, except to know that they’re bloody excellent, and that they are no longer with us. Below is taken from IrishMusicCentral.
Jubliee Allstars, or Jubilee as they used to be known, were formed by Fergus and Niall McCormack, bass and guitar respectively in June ‘93. Lee Casey was […]

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The Unvarnished Truth

You may or may not know that Norman Finkelstein, the author of such books as Image and Reality of the Israel – Palestinian Conflict, (which I cited in my One Nation Under God post) as well as Beyond Chutzpah: On the misuse of anti-Semitism and the abuse of history, was denied tenure at DePaul University […]

icon for podpress  Introduction - Tariq Ali: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Dr. Noam Chomsky: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Dr. Akeel Bilgrami: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Dr. Tony Judt: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Dr. Norman Finkelstein: Play Now | Play in Popup

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While we should be delighted by the news last night that Anne Enright has won the 2007 Man Booker Prize for The Gathering we should not automatically use it as a jingoistic expression of national pride. One can remember those absurd stories of parents who previously had no interested in Cricket rushing out to […]

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