- published: 25 Mar 2017
- views: 125535
Saint Roch or Rocco lived c. 1348 – 15/16 August 1376/79 (traditionally c. 1295 – 16 August 1327) was a Catholic saint, a confessor whose death is commemorated on 16 August; he is specially invoked against the plague. He may also be called Rock in English, and has the designation of St Rollox in Glasgow, Scotland, said to be a corruption of St Roch's Loch. He is a patron saint of dogs and falsely accused people, among other things.
Saint Roch is given different names in various languages: (Arabic: روكز; Albanian: Shën Rroku; German and Latin: Rochus; Occitan: Ròc; Valencian: Roc; Italian: Rocco; French: Roch; Maltese: Rokku; Polish: Roch; Spanish, Filipino and Portuguese: Roque; Slovak: Roch or Rochus; Slovene: Rok; Croatian: Rok or Roko; Hungarian: Rókus; Greek: Ρόκκος; Lithuanian: Rokas).
According to his Acta and his vita in the Golden Legend, he was born at Montpellier, at that time "upon the border of France", as the Golden Legend has it, the son of the noble governor of that city. Even his birth was accounted a miracle, for his noble mother had been barren until she prayed to the Virgin Mary. Miraculously marked from birth with a red cross on his breast that grew as he did, he early began to manifest strict asceticism and great devoutness; on days when his "devout mother fasted twice in the week, and the blessed child Rocke abstained him twice also, when his mother fasted in the week, and would suck his mother but once that day".
Classified information is material that a government body claims is sensitive information that requires protection of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Access is restricted by law or regulation to particular groups of people, and mishandling can incur criminal penalties and loss of respect. A formal security clearance is often required to handle classified documents or access classified data. The clearance process usually requires a satisfactory background investigation. Documents and other information assets are typically marked with one of several (hierarchical) levels of sensitivity—e.g. restricted, confidential, secret and top secret. The choice of level is often based on an impact assessment; governments often have their own set of rules which include the levels, rules on determining the level for an information asset, and rules on how to protect information classified at each level. This often includes security clearances for personnel handling the information. Although "classified information" refers to the formal categorization and marking of material by level of sensitivity, it has also developed a sense synonymous with "censored" in US English. A distinction is often made between formal security classification and privacy markings such as "commercial in confidence". Classifications can be used with additional keywords that give more detailed instructions on how data should be used or protected.
EPISODE 5. RENDEZ-VOUS AVEC ROCH. Le triomphe des francs-maçons.
Rencontre avec Roch. Les contours de la Matrice. Rouen 2017.
EPISODE 2. RENDEZ-VOUS AVEC ROCH. Les satellites n'existent pas !
EPISODE 4. RENDEZ-VOUS AVEC ROCH. La boîte de Pandore : le mensonge de la préhistoire.
EPISODE 1. RENDEZ-VOUS AVEC ROCH. La Vérité cachée de la conquête spatiale
Roch Voisine I'll Always Be There (English Version)
EPISODE 3. RENDEZ-VOUS AVEC ROCH. La Conspiration de la Matrice : La boite de Pandore
ROCH - Chałupy (Oficjalny teledysk)
Le Monde selon Roch #01.1 Les Bâtisseurs de Miracles : New-Age, Libre Arbitre, ...
Actors: Martial Salomon (editor), Serge Bozon (actor), Vincent Tavier (producer), Philippe Kauffmann (producer), Aurélie Vallée (miscellaneous crew), Yann Le Quellec (writer), Yann Le Quellec (producer), Sonia Voss (producer), Yann Le Quellec (director), Edouard Audouin (actor), Véronique Hervouet (actress), Rosalba Torres Guerrero (actress), Marc Ory (actor), Mounir Fathi (actor), Colette Dumas (actress),
Genres: Comedy, Musical, Short,Actors: Gilles Renaud (actor), Rémy Girard (actor), Denis Bouchard (actor), Emmanuel Bilodeau (actor), Claude Legault (actor), Pierre-Luc Brillant (actor), Patrice Robitaille (actor), David Boutin (actor), Nicolas Canuel (actor), Suzanne Clément (actress), Eve Duranceau (actress), Brigitte Paquette (actress), Monique Gosselin (actress), Christian de la Cortina (actor), Mahée Paiement (actress),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Sam Grana (producer), Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge (actor), Luc Picard (actor), Christian Larouche (producer), Jean-François Bergeron (editor), Jane Lu (miscellaneous crew), Marcel Giroux (producer), Sylvie Boucher (actress), Sylvain Guy (writer), Sylvain Guy (director), Suzanne Champagne (actress), Isabelle Guérard (actress), Louison Danis (actress), Roberto Mei (actor), Shawn Doucette (actor),
Genres: Thriller,Actors: Isabel Richer (actress), Claude Legault (actor), Anh Minh Truong (director), Anh Minh Truong (editor), Samuel Laflamme (composer), Jean-Philippe Boudreau (writer), Marie Brissette (producer),
Genres: Romance, Short,Actors: Jean-Claude Lord (director), Paul Ahmarani (actor), Annette Garant (actress), Brigitte Paquette (actress), Frédérick De Grandpré (actor), Lise Bedard (costume designer), Maxime Denommée (actor), Catherine Proulx-Lemay (actress), Émile Mailhiot (actor),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Roger Frappier (producer), Louise Portal (actress), François Aubry (miscellaneous crew), Daniel Gadouas (actor), Ken Myhr (composer), Isabelle Pasco (actress), Raymond Ducasse (miscellaneous crew), Sofie Handfield (miscellaneous crew), Yves Chaput (editor), Hélène Grimard (miscellaneous crew), François Fauteux (miscellaneous crew), Robert Gray (miscellaneous crew), Maggy Belzile (miscellaneous crew), Patrice Godin (actor), Pierre Gang (director),
Genres: ,Actors: Raymond Cloutier (actor), Gilbert Sicotte (actor), Marc Messier (actor), Marie Tifo (actress), James Hyndman (actor), François Bouvier (director), Suzanne Garceau (actress), Bernadette Li (actress), Louise Deslières (actress), Gaétanne Lévesque (costume designer), Hank Hum (actor), Jean-Marie Da Silva (actor), Gilles Desjardins (writer), Jean-Marc Parent (actor), Michel Frenette (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: Michael Sarrazin (actor), Elias Koteas (actor), Robin Spry (producer), Yves Langlois (editor), Al Waxman (actor), Joanne T. Harwood (miscellaneous crew), Jamie Brown (producer), Walter Massey (actor), Daniel Pilon (actor), Frank Fontaine (actor), Sam Stone (actor), Susan Glover (actress), Bruce Ramsay (actor), Brian Dooley (actor), Bernard Lamy (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: Based on Victor Malarek's best-selling autobiography, this is the extraordinary true story of a streetwise kid who emerges from a violent and unjust background to become a top journalistic reporter. The gunning down of an unarmed juvenile by a trigger happy cop leads the young reporter, Victor Malarek, into an investigation of the local detention center and its record of suspicious deaths.
Keywords: canada, cover-up, independent-film, journalist, juvenile-delinquency, juvenile-delinquent, juvenile-detention, melodrama, montréal, scandalActors: Lucas Belvaux (actor), Philippe Morier-Genoud (actor), Fabienne Babe (actress), Martine Marignac (producer), Pascal Bonitzer (writer), Pascal Bonitzer (writer), Jacques Rivette (writer), Suzanne Schiffman (writer), Jacques Rivette (director), Nicole Lubtchansky (editor), Olivier Cruveiller (actor), Olivier Torres (actor), Emily Brontë (writer), Lydie Mahias (miscellaneous crew), Alice de Poncheville (actress),
Genres: Drama, Mystery, Romance,Actors: Leonard Andrzejewski (actor), Aleksander Fogiel (actor), Wirgiliusz Gryn (actor), Stanislaw Milski (actor), Lech Ordon (actor), Boguslaw Sochnacki (actor), Barbara Rachwalska (actress), Józef Nowak (actor), Janusz Paluszkiewicz (actor), Krystyna Kolodziejczyk (actress), Stefan Szmidt (actor), Stanislaw Niwinski (actor), Wanda Luczycka (actress), Irena Karel (actress), Witold Dederko (actor),
Genres: Drama,Voici enfin le 5e épisode de la série des Rendez-vous avec Roch. Allons encore plus loin dans l'étude et la découverte de cette conspiration globale qui frappe l'humanité depuis ses origines, oriente ses connaissances, l'illusionne sur son passé, et l'enfume sur son avenir, dirigeant finalement ses pas vers un destin prévu à l'avance. Avec ce nouveau volet, le puzzle se reconstitue peu à peu, laissant apparaître une humanité enfermée dans une prison qui ne le limite pas seulement dans l'espace, mais aussi dans le temps, dans une boucle spatio-temporelle. Prenons aujourd'hui conscience du Triomphe des geôliers de cette cage dont les deux principaux piliers sont l’illusion et le mensonge. Vous pouvez poser vos questions à Roch sur faq.miasmetv@gmail.com et il y répondra dans une émission q...
Rencontre avec Roch Saüquere lors des Dîners ovni de Rouen, le 20 mai 2017. A travers le jeu des questions réponses, se dessine avec encore une peu plus de précision les étranges contours de la matrice d'illusion dans laquelle nous vivons. SOMMAIRE 00:03:37 TROUVER SA VOIE ( travail , don , passion ) 00:10:14 TOP SECRET numero 100 … a ne pas rater ! 00:27:50 FUTUR & HOLOGRAMME ( réalité augmentée ) 1:24:15 LES HEURES MIROIRS ( Théorie de Roch ) 1:33:35 La MATRICE & La SOURCE ( prochain n° de top secret ) 1:34:26 Prochain LIVRE de Roch 1:40:04 REVES LUCIDES ( Risques & article dans le Top Secret de sept 2017 ) 1:51:00 TERRE PLATE & RONDE ... 1:52:48 MR X 1:57:39 EGO - VÉRITÉ - AMOUR INCONDITIONNEL & POUVOIR 2:00:00 ALLAN DUKE Voir aussi sur le site de Mar...
Deuxième épisode : Comprendre la Matrice présenté par Roch Saüquere. ATTENTION : Youtube a bloqué cette vidéo sur les smartphones et tablettes. Pour palier au problème : n'utilisez pas l'appli youtube sur mobile, téléchargez et utilisez une autre appli comme Floating Tube par exemple. Miracle, ça marchera et vous pourrez alors savourer cette vidéo. Enjoy ! Le site Internet du magazine Top Secret: http://www.topsecret.fr/ La boutique du magazine Top Secret http://boutique.topsecret.fr/index.php
Avec ce quatrième volet, déchirons encore un peu plus le voile de l'illusion, du mensonge, et des croyances. Continuons ensemble ce travail de démantèlement de la matrice artificielle, à travers la déprogrammation des consciences.
présenté par Roch Saüquere. Le site Internet du magazine Top Secret: http://www.topsecret.fr/ La boutique du magazine Top Secret http://boutique.topsecret.fr/index.php Sigue la conexión española de « Top Secret » en www.eltiempodelarevelacion.com musique générique de fin : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/game-thrones-theme-western/id938916261?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Roch Voisine I'll Always Be There English Version Audio Only
Le troisième volet des Rendez-vous avec Roch. Pour tous ceux qui n'ont pas froid aux yeux et qui n'ont pas peur de ne plus jamais voir le monde comme avant. C'est le moment de jeter un œil de l'autre côté du miroir.
Od ponad 10 lat częścią przyjemnej strony mojego świata są Chałupy i ludzie których tam spotykam. Bardzo długo nosiłem się z zamiarem napisania piosenki o tym miejscu. Wreszcie przy wsparciu moich kolegów z półwyspu i sprawnej akcji z hula hoop mamy to! Utwór dostępny również na SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/rochmuzyka/chalupy Składamy się na kolejny teledysk! Nasz adres zbiórki Bitcoin: https://blockchain.info/address/1FGngbBGKscWmrzcYooXVUvKr1WyhgF5v5 Jak zdobyć Bitcoiny? Kup na http://j.mp/gielda-bitcoin Polub na http://rochmuzyka.pl Płytę "WIDZĘ TO TAK" znajdziecie pod adresami: itunes https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/widze-to-tak/id954814722 google play https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Roch_Widz%C4%99_to_Tak?id=Bz3s2haqepxnxyx6mwj5uzjd3qu play the music http://w...
Le Monde selon Roch # Episode 1 - 1ère partie : "les Bâtisseurs de Miracle" Animé par Antoine Station & Silvano Trotta Roch Saüquere se soumet au jeu des questions / réponses envoyées par les internautes sur faq.miasmetv@gmail.com. Dans cette première partie, il évoquera entre autre le libre arbitre, l'amour new-age, et le manque d'implication des scientifiques dans la recherche de vérité. Retrouvez la seconde partie sur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y11kTIxy9k
CLIP OFFICIEL JEAN-ROCH "MY LOVE IS OVER" NEW ALBUM "MUSIC SAVED MY LIFE" / AVAILABLE HERE ! http://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/music-saved-my-life/id521217410 FACEBOOK OFFICIAL FAN PAGE https://www.facebook.com/JeanRochOfficial OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jeanroch/ OFFICIAL TWITTER https://twitter.com/#!/jeanroch
Pack up all those phantoms
Shoulder that invisible load
Keep on riding North and West
Haunting that wilderness road
Like a ghost rider
Carry all those phantoms
Through bitter wind and stormy skies
From the desert to the mountain
From the lowest low to the highest high
Like a ghost rider
Keep on riding North and West
Then circle South and East
Show me beauty but there is no peace
For the ghost rider
Shadows on the road behind
Shadows on the road ahead
Nothing can stop you now
There's a shadow on the road behind
There's a shadow on the road ahead
Nothing can stop you now
Sunrise in the mirror
Lightens that invisible load
Riding on a nameless quest
Haunting that wilderness road
Like a ghost rider
Just an escape artist
Racing against the night
A wandering hermit
Racing toward the light
From the white sands
To the canyon lands
To the redwood stands
To the barren lands
Sunrise on the road behind
Sunset on the road ahead
There's nothing to stop you now