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Archive for October, 2008

[ Photo / Text extract from ‘Marianne’ magazine ]
Dublin Opinion appears to be passing through a negative motivation system at present *. We’re all too devastated at the performance of our shares portfolios, I suspect. I have myself managed to just pull my head out of the mental sludge thanks to two factors. […]

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“”All I’m saying is that I want to take one step back to take two steps forward,” Batt O’Keefe on Education cuts.
I teach History and English in a medium sized secondary school in Wexford Town. My sister lectures Economics in an Institute of Education. We don’t talk about it much but a big part […]

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I was in George’s Arcade on Saturday, having a look through their Irish singles section, when I came across this from Blue in Heaven. I remember seeing them live a couple of times, the last time being the Lark in the Park in St. Annes’ sometime in the late 1980s. As far as I know […]

icon for podpress  Julie Cries: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  The Message [2:40m]: Play Now | Play in Popup

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This is another taping I made of the Vincent Browne Show - side B of the programme below. Again, it’s another fascinating discussion involving Browne and an informed panel of Dr. Kevin Whelan, Prof. Tom Bartlett, and Prof. Tom Dunne, with the topic this time the 1798 rebellion.
To download, right-click “audio MP3″ and save […]

icon for podpress  Vincent Browne Show, 1798 Rebellion: Play Now | Play in Popup

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I came across an old tape today, of a Vincent Browne Show special on Brendan Behan from 1998, on the occasion of what would have been the author’s 75th birthday. His guests that night included Carolyn Swift, Ulick O’Connor, and Brian Behan. It’s about forty minutes long, and the tape runs out before the end […]

icon for podpress  Vincent Browne, Brendan Behan Speical: Play Now | Play in Popup

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Irritatingly, I missed the excellent TG4 documentary Soviet na hÉireann last night on the soviets in Ireland. According to the TG4 listing:
Soviet na hÉireann explores that heady post World War 1 era when Ireland stood on the brink of a Soviet socialist revolution which would have utterly altered the course of its history.
Heady? The notion […]

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There is something about the present government and their inability when under pressure that makes satirizing them impossible.
How can you take the piss out of a government that announces this?
At a news conference this morning, the Taoiseach said people who are over 70 will not be automatically entitled to a medical card, but […]

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This article was originally published on Irish Left Review. I’m republishing it here because the points that Dr. Gerry Burke makes are worth repeating and because when our government say that they have no choice but to remove the univeral medical card for the over 70s as a result of our dire finances we can […]

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Klassekampen: To what can capital turn now? Will it generate another bubble in even “safer” areas, such as natural resources? Food? I must admit that western financial capital does not seem to be very geographically expansive at the moment, but could this change?
JBF: I don’t think capital has anywhere to turn in […]

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I only put it up because it was on Who Is IOZ, and Who Is IOZ is so hot right now.

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