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Archive for June, 2011

Thanks to Barra and Ciarán for asking me in and giving me the opportunity to talk about the book.

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All are welcome!

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Sins of the Father is now available in Easons, O’Connell St, Dublin and Hodges Figgis on Dawson Street, and hopefully throughout the country soon. This is the first review of the book to appear in print. Originally published in the June edition of Liberty, SIPTU’s newspaper. Thanks to Scott for allowing me to republish it […]

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[From Dr. Adrian Grant]

I am currently in the process of establishing a new online Irish history magazine called Scoláire Staire (History Scholar). The projected release date is October 2011 but we are currently looking for authors among the postgrad and recently graduated Phd community in Irish universities. If you have any ideas for short articles, […]

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The issue is available as a pdf here (June 2011 issue). The review is on page 23.

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[Special post by David Lacey]
The groups Nun Attax, Five Go Down To The Sea? and Beethoven were formed around the musical partnership of singer Finbarr Donnelly and guitarist Ricky Dineen. All three groups have received considerable coverage in the past decade with the radio documentary/podcast ‘Get That Monster Off The Stage’ and Mark McAvoy’s ‘Cork […]

icon for podpress  Five go Down To The Sea? - The Glee Club [2:50m]: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Five Go Down To The Sea? - Jumping Joley [2:37m]: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Five Go Down To The Sea? - Fishes for Compliments: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Five Go Down To The Sea? - There's a Fish on Top of Shandon (Swears he's Elvis): Play Now | Play in Popup

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Soooo Predictable

The continuing strife around the Eurozone, and the next stage austerity being imposed on Greece and the heroic resistance to it on the streets of Athens and elsewhere, as well as all the rest of the so called chaos and ‘crisis’ going on, one would think that all of it has come out of a […]

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As readers may no doubt already be aware Conor’s book Sins of the Father: Tracing the Decisions that Shaped the Irish Economy is available from the publisher The History Press, Ireland and various online book retail outfits. It’s due in bookshops tomorrow.
This is a significant event, certainly within the history of this blog, and […]

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