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Archive for May, 2012

Richard Murphy | Towards a New Tax Consensus
The following excerpt is from the Executive summary of a paper on Tax Reform written by Tax Justice advocate Richard Murphy and published by a new UK leftwing think tank, Class: Centre of Labour and Social Studies, which was set up by Unite in the UK, the GMB and […]

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Spotted in St. Stephens Green this morning, next to the ducks.

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[Source: Central Bank of Ireland Annual and Quarterly Reports, 1988-1998]
Graph outlining the explosion in new Irish bank credit directed towards financial sector and personal lending (including mortgages) before and during the so-called ‘celtic tiger’ years.
Irish bank credit directed towards manufacture barely rises until the late 1990s - it actually drops during the early […]

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“It has taken me a long time to understand that there is a connection between colonial powers and corruption. “The United Kingdom has maintained its privileges by allowing British companies to operate from their own tax havens. The expansion in the use of these jurisdictions has a link to decolonisation. It is a modern form […]

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From an Irish Times report on Michael Noonan’s speech to the Bloomberg economic summit in Dublin yesterday.
Minister for Finance Michael Noonan today warned voting Yes in the upcoming EU fiscal treaty referendum on May 31st would be a “leap in the dark” and a “dangerous leap but that Irish citizens should take it”.
He […]

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This is the distribution and growth of bank credit in Ireland from 1988 to 1998. The figures are taken from the Central Bank of Ireland Quarterly Bulletins. The lion’s share of new credit went to financial intermediation (investment in financial products) and personal consumption (mortgages/personal lending). Manufacture is near the bottom in terms of growth […]

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Greece is NOT the reason why the Euro is failing. It is a symptom of the structural problems which have been there from the start.
The long quote below is from a speech Trichet made in Dublin in 2004. I came across it today in the National Library, filed with the annual reports of the Central […]

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